Thursday March 13, 2025

Top Ten Reasons to go on Frosh Trip

10. Learn your way around the Appalachian Trail...after that finding your classes on campus won't be so hard.

9. Because everyone needs a vacation just before starting school.

8. Where else can you meet some of the coolest people on campus (your OA Leaders).

7. Learn Princeton slang before you get on campus.

6. Teach your upperclass leaders how to say "Class of 2015" ("Twenty-fifteen?" "Oh-fifteen?")

5. We can promise you at least ten new Facebook friends, three new Facebook groups...

4. Be a part of the largest outdoor pre-orientation program in the U.S.

3. Learn lots of other stuff about Princeton from your leaders.

2. Because we know that 16,300 Princetonians can't be wrong.

And the number one reason to go on Frosh Trip...

1. Feel really comfortable starting Princeton.


How to Apply: Applications Will be open on June 1, 2011