Thursday March 13, 2025
H1N1/Swine Flu Information
To: Outdoor Action Program participants
From: Outdoor Action Program, University Health Services, and Environmental Health and Safety
Date: Â Outdoor Action Frosh Trip, 2009
Re: Guidelines for Outdoor Action Program participants with flu-like symptoms
In light of continuing cases of H1N1 (swine) flu in New Jersey, the United States and around the world, the University wants to ensure that individuals planning to come to campus for the Outdoor Action program are aware of steps to be taken should you develop flu-like symptoms. Please read the general guidelines for students with flu-like symptoms outlined below. We expect to send further communications with more detailed H1N1 policies for Outdoor Action program participants as the summer progresses.
The guidelines outlined below follow the recommendations from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) for reducing the spread of illness and treating influenza infection.
Students who develop flu-like symptoms within a week before their expected arrival on campus should instead stay at home and will not be able to participate in program activities while they may be contagious. Flu-like symptoms are defined as a fever greater than 100 degrees with cough and/or sore throat.
If a student develops flu-like symptoms while participating in Outdoor Action Program, they must immediately notify the Outdoor Action Program by contacting Outdoor Action at (609) 258-6230 and also contact University Health Services. Please see the “Health Resources” section listed below for information about seeking medical attention at University Health Services while living on campus as part of a University pre-orientation or orientation program.
If it is determined a student has a fever, the student would not be permitted to participate in program activities and would be required to make arrangements to immediately leave campus until they are no longer contagious.
If there are circumstances that would prevent students with fever from leaving campus, or would require them to travel via means that could increase the risk of infection to others (i.e. public transportation), the University will try to accommodate the sick student temporarily on campus. A student with a fever would be housed in isolation and required to wear a mask in order to prevent the spread of illness to others. A staff member from Outdoor Action on campus would be designated to check-in on the isolated resident and make arrangements for food to be delivered to their room, because students with fever will not be permitted in University dining facilities.
A student with fever could resume campus activities only after staying at home or in isolation for seven days after the onset of illness, or at least 24 hours after symptoms have resolved, whichever is longer.
Students living on campus for pre-orientation or orientation programs should follow these instructions if they develop flu-like symptoms:
- Princeton University students living on campus before Sept. 10 who develop flu-like symptoms should immediately call University Health Services at (609) 258-3141 during summer business hours. UHS is open during the summer for student medical care from 8:30 a.m. to 4:15 p.m. Monday, Wednesday, Thursday and Friday, and from 10:15 a.m. to 4:15 p.m. Tuesdays. (UHS will resume normal business hours and 24-hour inpatient services on Thursday, Sept. 10.)
- During the hours when UHS is closed in the summer, students who develop flu-like symptoms should visit the University's H1N1 website at for information about managing flu-like symptoms and reducing the spread of illness until students can be evaluated by a medical professional. Students should then immediately call UHS at (609) 258-3141 when the office reopens.
- If a student is feeling severely ill when UHS is closed, they should call Public Safety for assistance at (609) 258-1000.
- For more details about UHS hours during the summer and the academic year, visit:
Up-to-date information and guidance about influenza-like illness and H1N1 flu also is available on these websites:
- Princeton University H1N1 Web page:
- Centers for Disease Control and Prevention:
- New Jersey Department of Health and Senior Services:
- World Health Organization:
- Centers for Disease Control and Prevention guidelines for caring for a household member with flu-like symptoms:
We also want to remind students of the CDC's guidelines for reducing the spread of illness, particularly in large group settings:
- Do not share water bottles or utensils.
- Cover your mouth and nose with a tissue when you cough or sneeze.
- Wash your hands frequently with soap and water for at least 20 seconds, especially after you sneeze. (Frequent use of alcohol-based hand sanitizers also is recommended.)
- Avoid touching your eyes, nose or mouth.