September 13, 2000
On the Campus
pardon our mess
Orange Key
guides improvise on hard-hat campus tours
By Andrew Shtulman '01
Summer is the busiest
time of year for the Orange Key Guide Service. From June through
August, 16,000 high school students and parents - as many as in
the other nine months combined - flock to Princeton to view the
campus and its contents. Unfortunately, summer is also the busiest
time of year for the planning office. With most students away, the
university has nearly 16 weeks of sustained vacancies - a perfect
time to renovate old buildings and construct new ones.
Together, these conditions
make for a sticky situation: Princeton presented to large numbers
of visitors just when it's most unpresentable. A tour guide myself,
I warn my groups at the start that we will be seeing a lot of construction.
I tell them the reason is not that the university is falling apart
at the seams, but that the development office just finished a billion-dollar
anniversary campaign, much of which was earmarked for specific building
projects. "This is an exciting time to be a student on campus,"
I explain, "because so many new facilities are opening for
our use."
I use the word "time"
loosely, as in "decade," not "summer." Sure,
we're all excited about these newly constructed/ newly renovated
buildings, but no one's thrilled about the disruptions the construction
brings. Those of us actually living on campus during this jackhammer
fiesta watch helplessly as our beautiful gothic buildings, once
covered in ivy, are now hidden by chicken wire, plastic sheeting,
and metal scaffolding.
An outside observer might
think the university was just being erected, for the construction
is all-encompassing. Walking from University Place to Washington
Road, a visitor would see signs of repair and renovation surrounding
the U-Store, Blair and Little halls, the Frist Campus Center, the
Chapel, and the Woodrow Wilson School (not to mention three projects
beyond Washington). From Faculty Road to Nassau Street, the sights
- and sites - include a
new parking garage, Butler College, Murray-Dodge, and the Joseph
Henry House.
While visitors to campus
surely marvel at
such an expansive, and expensive, undertaking, they can't appreciate
the extent of the work the way we students -who have experienced
Princeton in a
relatively construction-free
state - can. I remember when the new stadium was the only major
project on campus. How I long for those days when I could sit down
outside and not see a backhoe! Alas, Princeton has taken on so many
projects that students now make more small talk about construction
than about the weather (according to the results of my own informal,
unscientific survey).
Yet even in the midst
of bulldozers and cranes, tradition takes place as usual. Summer-camp
participants stay in Brown and Holder, two dormitories not being
renovated. Molecular biology majors, the majority of whom are on
campus doing thesis research, just walk around the construction
to get to their labs. And the Chapel continues to hold wedding after
wedding after wedding - around 74 for the entire year. Though half
the stained glass has been removed and half the walls have been
covered in scaffolding, Princeton brides and grooms are still sticking
to their plans to get married in the confines of their alma mater.
At night, when the buzz
of saws and the pounding of hammers have subsided, you almost forget
that construction noise will wake you up again the next morning.
This forgetfulness takes hold particularly if you're lounging by
the Freedom Fountain outside the Woodrow Wilson School. The floodlights
surrounding the building have been covered with gels, dyeing its
columns red, yellow, orange, and blue. On any given night, you'll
find a number of couples sitting on the steps there, eating ice
cream from Thomas Sweet's, completely oblivious to the fact that
the building behind them is undergoing asbestos removal. I guess
even under construction, Princeton's charms still manage to shine
Andrew Shtulman (shtulman@princeton.edu)
lived next door to the Dial Lodge construction site this summer.