September 13, 2000
Set Action
by Meg Jameson
Thursday, August 8, just before 3:00 p.m., Sam Caine (looking through
camera) of Northampton, Massachusetts, was setting up a shot for
his film The Wedding at the pedestrian crossing of Washington Road,
across from the Woodrow Wilson School. Caine, a filmmaking student
at the New York Film Academy's summer session at Princeton, explained
that the film was "Chaplin-esque," shot at 18 frames per
second just as legendary director Charlie Chaplin's films were.
The plot, Caine said, revolves around a man who is late for his
own wedding and the obstacles he encounters on his way to the service.
The punchline is also reminiscent of Chaplin: When the groom finally
arrives, he discovers it's the wrong day. This summer marked the
sixth year the New York Film Academy has held one of its programs
on Princeton's campus.