October 25, 2000
In Review
published books by alumni and faculty
First Line of Defense:
Ambassadors, Embassies and American Interests Abroad - edited
by Robert V. Keeley '51. American Academy of Diplomacy, $9.95. A
collection of personal accounts by senior American ambassadors,
who discuss the role of diplomacy in international relations. Keeley
lives in Washington, D.C.
American Beliefs:
What Keeps a Big Country and a Diverse People United - John
Harmon McElroy '56. Ivan R. Dee, $25. The author argues that Americans
share a set of core beliefs about society and the ends and means
of government. McElroy is a professor, emeritus, of English at the
University of Arizona.
May It Please the
Court! From Auto Accidents to Agent Orange: Building a Storefront
Law Practice into America's Largest Suburban Law Firm - Leonard
Rivkin with Jeffrey Silberfeld '69. Carolina Academic Press, $30.
An account of Rivkin's legal career and the law firm he founded
in Freeport, New York. Silberfeld teaches at Hofstra University
School of Law.
Lord of the Banquet:
The Literary and Theological Significance of the Lukan Travel Narrative
- David P. Moessner '71. Trinity, $22. The author addresses the
enigma of form and content in the central section of Luke's Gospel,
Jesus's journey from Galilee to Jerusalem. Moessner is also the
editor, with David L. Tiede, of Luke the Interpreter of Israel (Trinity,
$40), which presents a consensus that Luke composed a narrative
in two parts to claim Jesus of Nazareth as Israel's heritage and
legacy. Moessner is a professor of biblical theology at the University
of Dubuque Theological Seminary.
American Ghost/Americki
duh - John Gery '75. Cross-Cultural Communications, $30 cloth/$15
paper. A bilingual English -- Serbo-Croatian collection of poems.
Gery is also a cotranslator of For the House of Torkom, by Hmayyag
Shems (Cross-Cultural Publications, $15 cloth/$7.50 paper), a collection
of prose poems treating the Armenian diaspora. Gery is a professor
of English and creative writing at the University of New Orleans.
Religion and the State:
The Muslim Approach to Politics - L. Carl Brown. Columbia, $27.50.
An overview of religious and political ideas and practice in the
Muslim majority world from the early Islamic centuries to the present,
showing the continuities with premodern times and the distinctive
dimensions of modern Muslim experiences. Brown is a professor of
Near Eastern studies and Garrett professor in foreign affairs, emeritus.
Empire on the Hudson:
Political Power and Progress at the Port of New York Authority
- Jameson W. Doig. Columbia, $65. The history of one of the oldest
and largest of the world's specialized regional governments, from
its creation in 1921 to its emergence as an interstate agency with
responsibilities in the fields of air, land, and marine transportation.
Doig is a professor of politics and public affairs and chair of
the politics department.
Man and Wife in America:
A History - Hendrik Hartog. Harvard, $29.95. The author challenges
conventional notions about the history and evolution of marriage,
shattering the myth of the stable American 19th-century marriage.
Hartog is Class of 1921 bicentennial professor of history of American
law and liberty.
Virtue and Vice: The
Personifications in the Index of Christian Art - edited by Colum
Hourihane. Princeton, $70 cloth/$35 paper. This catalogue documents
227 personifications of virtue and vice in nearly a thousand works
of art produced between the fifth and 15th centuries. Hourihane
is the director of the Index of Christian Art at Princeton.
The Masks of Keats:
The Endeavour of a Poet - Thomas McFarland. Oxford, $49.95.
Arguing that Keats's true poetry is uttered through three artificial
masks, the author offers a criticism of and rebuke to the deconstructive
approach. McFarland is Murray professor of English literature, emeritus.
Blonde - Joyce
Carol Oates. HarperCollins, $27.50. Drawing on biographical and
historical sources, the author imagines the inner, poetic, and spiritual
life of Norma Jean Baker as child, woman, and ill-fated celebrity.
Oates is Roger S. Berlind distinguished professor of the humanities.
The Justice of Islam:
Comparative Perspectives on Islamic Law - Lawrence Rosen. Oxford,
$19.95. The author argues that Islamic law is a kind of common-law
system, where justice is sought through a careful assessment of
persons, more than facts, and justice resides not in equality but
in a quest for equivalence. Rosen is chair of the anthropology department.
Antiochos III and
the Cities of Western Asia Minor - John Ma. Oxford, $98. Ma
examines a test case for the relationship between the polis and
the Hellenistic empires, considering narrative history, structural
analyses of imperial power, and the functions played by language
and stereotypes. The author is an assistant professor in the classics
Shakespeare's Dramatic
Genres - Lawrence Danson. Oxford, $39.95 cloth/$18.95 paper.
Provides an account of genre theory in Shakespeare's day, an overview
of the genres on the Elizabethan stage, and a look at the full range
of Shakespeare's comedies, histories, and tragedies. Danson is a
professor of English.
