November 22, 2000
From the
In 1984, PAW launched
its first electronic version, called - well ahead of its time -
E-PAW. Described as a bulletin board for the Princeton community,
an ad explained that it featured "message bases for Bulletins,
Precept Discussions, Class Notes, Young Alumni and Regional Activities,
plus electronic mail." The ad also gave the protocols necessary
for accessing the site: 300/1200/2400 baud; eight data bits, one
stop bit, no parity.
Then-editor Chuck Creesy
'65, whose talent for technology made E-PAW possible, wrote two
years after the initiative was launched, "When the Alumni Weekly
started the Electronic PAW...some observers questioned whether this
new form of communication would prove to be a wave of the future
or just a passing technological fad. Two years and some 14,000 calls
later, the jury is still out."
Sixteen years after the
first appearance of E-PAW, the verdict has emphatically come in.
In a recent survey performed by the university, close to 90 percent
of alumni reported that they had Internet access. E-PAW has changed
dramatically over those years too. Today it's PAW Online, and for
about five years it has been the Web home of the print magazine,
the place to go for access to any recent issue of PAW.
This fall, however, we
started something new. In addition to posting the printed version
of the magazine on the Web - and providing an online place for you
to change your address, submit class notes, or write us a letter
- we've added Web-only content that is updated with every new issue
of PAW. We've started small, by running a couple of bonus stories
- generally interviews with faculty and alumni, often about a timely
issue or something we've covered in shorter form in print - in addition
to a wide range of regular columns that provide humorous and opinionated
views of campus life from a variety of observers: a freshman, a
young alumnus, a Dinky-riding resident, PAW's own sports editor,
and our On the Campus writers. In addition, we're making an effort
to list and to link print content with online content wherever possible;
you probably have noticed the new section on the table of contents
page, as well as relevant links at the bottom of many stories.
Creesy worried because
after initial alumni interest in E-PAW, discussions tended to lapse
into the overly technical, and most people dropped out.
("The size of their
long-distance phone bills may be a factor," he postulated.)
We're hoping to keep PAW Online fresh and interesting enough to
attract alumni back issue after issue, though there isn't much we
can do about those
phone bills. 
