November 22, 2000
Moments, Forever Young
It was a great pleasure
for Vivian and me to see so many alumni, parents and friends of
the University at the End of Campaign celebration the weekend of
October 19-22. As we dedicated extraordinary new facilities for
academic programs in the social sciences (Wallace Hall), for residential
life (Buyers Hall), and for community life (Frist Campus Center),
we paid tribute to some of the tangible legacies of the Campaign.
At the round-table discussions about the future of science, technology,
politics, the economy, and higher education, we were reminded of
the many challenges that lie before us.
For me, one of the many
highlights of the weekend was a program in Richardson Auditorium
entitled, "The Heroic Moment." The springboards for the
program were Homer's great epic poems, the Iliad and the Odyssey,
and Beethoven's monumental Fifth Symphony--heroic
works by two of the most towering figures of Western civilization.
The program was introduced by Toni Morrison, Robert F. Goheen Professor
in the Humanities. Scott Burnham, professor and chair of the music
department, set the stage by drawing parallels between the lives
and works of Homer and Beethoven. Arthur W. Marks '19 Professor
of Comparative Literature Robert Fagles, widely acknowledged to
be this generation's leading translator of Homer, then read from
his translation of "The Shield of Achilles" and "The
Death of Hector" from the Iliad, and "The Reunion of Odysseus
and Penelope" from the Odyssey. The readings were followed
by a performance of Beethoven's Fifth by the University Orchestra
conducted by Michael Pratt.
The pairing of Beethoven
and Homer was an inspired juxtaposition. As Professor Fagles noted
after the performance, the chords of the symphony struck tones that
matched the emotional intensity and range of the epics, and Homer's
poetry echoed the theme of the hero expressed by Beethoven's composition.
The words and music,
as Professor Fagles said, "spoke to each other." There
is, across centuries and across the disciplines, a kinship that
was given voice in the performance.
The orchestra was a resounding
success, with many alumni commenting on the extraordinary virtuosity
of the students. Michael Pratt, who leads the 90 to 100 undergraduate
and graduate students in the orchestra, describes them as a serious
and ambitious ensemble, who clearly were honored to appear with
Professor Fagles and who responded to the passion of the text as
he read. They performed, as always when in Richardson Auditorium,
under the steady gaze of Homer himself-the Tiffany glass mosaics
behind the stage depict Homer flanked by his heroes and heroines
of the Iliad and the Odyssey-and the students seemed to catch the
spirit of the heroic moment.
This was apparent from
the remarks of orchestra members after the concert, including the
reactions of the concertmaster, Lillian Pierce '02. Lillian, a mathematics
major, has performed as a soloist with professional ensembles on
both coasts and, in her spare time, has organized a new student
group, the Nassau String Quartet. With so many opportunities to
play her instrument, and to play as a soloist, she nevertheless
makes time to participate in the orchestra for the opportunity this
affords to be part of a musical community and for the chance to
play pieces from the orchestral repertoire. But she explains her
real reason for playing in an orchestra in this way: "Everyone
wants to be bigger than life. As a member of the orchestra, the
sound that I play comes out bigger than life-the sound of my one
violin comes out as the sound of 30 violins." The entire orchestra
made the most of this particular opportunity to be bigger than life.
In his opening remarks
about the two "mythmakers," Beethoven and Homer, Professor
Burnham referred also to the orchestra: "Lookto the orchestra
behind me. Funny thing-they sit on this stage year after year and
yet they never age. Nor does the music they bring to new life at
each and every performance. These students remind us that the heart
of a great university is forever young." Michael Pratt, reflecting
on the concert, picked up on this theme. He noted that for many
of the students this was their first performance of the symphony,
and they gave this war-horse of the repertoire a vitality he likened
to the passion of a first love. Moreover, their vitality was contagious.
It influenced his own conception and interpretation of the piece,
and, judging by applause and comments afterwards, was felt by the
audience as well.
It is occasions such
as this performance that remind me most vividly of the reasons Princeton
exists and continues to strive for excellence. I think all of us,
faculty and staff, who live and work in this community are influenced
by the vitality our students bring to so much of what they do each
day. Whether conducting research experiments in the laboratory,
or competing on the playing field, or writing a senior thesis, or
performing Shakespeare in East Pyne Courtyard, or serving disadvantaged
citizens in the community, students invigorate us by their achievements,
their idealism, and their determination to make a difference. While
the heart of our enterprise is to educate our students, we also
learn from them. A central responsibility of universities is to
refresh our cultural heritage. Students help to assure that this
heritage, like the University itself, remains forever young.