December 6, 2000:
Breaking New Ground
part of the 250th Anniversary Celebration, I was honored to be asked
to participate in a conference sponsored by Professor George Philander,
chair of the Department of Geosciences, and his colleagues on "The
Habitability of the Earth." The conference demonstrated the
many ways in which the field of geosciences is providing new insight
into the nature and sustainability of our planet and its environment.
Princeton's Department of Geosciences aims to be at the forefront
of these efforts, building on a tradition of seminal contributions
to solid earth science. As the recent change in the department's
name from Geological and Geophysical Sciences to Geo-sciences suggests,
the earth today is being studied as a system, and advances will
require the integration of previously independent sub-fields, greater
collaboration with other sciences and other disciplines, and the
introduction of new research tools.
In the 1960s Princeton's
geoscientists conducted trail-blazing research that contributed
significantly to the theory of plate tectonics, a unifying idea
that explains diverse phenomena such as the complementary shapes
of continents, and the preferred locations of earthquakes, volcanoes,
and mountain ranges. Today our faculty members and students continue
to explore these and related topics, traveling to destinations as
diverse as Scotland, New Mexico, the Galapagos Islands, and the
Himalayas to conduct field work. Research also takes place at home
in laboratories in Guyot Hall where, for example, Professor Thomas
Duffy subjects minute samples of materials to conditions similar
to those deep within the earth - meaning pressures approaching one
million atmospheres and temperatures reaching several thousand degrees
Celsius. Increasingly the power of computer technology is being
harnessed to answer questions, for example, about motion in the
hot interior of our planet. Professor Hans-Peter Bunge is using
a cluster of desktop computers (as powerful as a supercomputer,
and aptly nicknamed Geowulf) to reconstruct the continual changes
the solid earth has experienced over hundreds of millions of years.
One of the major goals
of geosciences today is not only to determine where the continents
were located at different times, and when different mountain belts
were formed, but also to explain how those changes contributed to
dramatic changes in climate, from swelteringly hot conditions a
hundred million years ago when dinosaurs roamed across the continents,
to recurrent Ice Ages over the past three million years. These studies,
which include Professor Gerta Keller's research on the cretaceous
period, and Professor Michael Bender's analyses of air bubbles trapped
in the ice of Antarctica up to 400,000 years ago, are of far more
than academic interest; they provide critical tests for, and thus
bolster confidence in, the models being developed to predict the
impact humans are having on the processes that make this a habitable
Of particular interest
is the fate of the carbon dioxide we inject into the atmosphere
by burning fossil fuels. How much of that gas remains in the atmosphere?
How much do the oceans and the plants on land absorb? Can we safely
sequester the carbon dioxide deep below the earth's surface or on
the ocean floor, rather than inject it into the atmosphere? To provide
answers, British Petroleum and the Ford Motor Company recently made
a significant grant to the University to support the Carbon Mitigation
Initiative. Project participants include several geosciences faculty
members - Professors Michael Bender, Francois Morel, Satish Myneni,
Jorge Sarmiento, Daniel Sigman and Bess Ward - plus colleagues in
the Princeton Environmental Institute, the Department of Ecology
and Evolutionary Biology, the Department of Civil and Environmental
Engineering, the Program in Atmospheric and Oceanic Sciences, and
the Geophysical Fluid Dynamics Laboratory, a government agency located
at Princeton whose focus is the prediction of weather and climate.
Changes in the study
of the earth require changes in how geosciences are taught. Members
of the department are restructuring course offerings for undergraduates,
redesigning traditional introductory courses and creating new ones.
For example, a course on the history of our planet gives a new perspective
by describing how that history depends on biogeochemical cycles
- the continual exchange of matter such as water, carbon and nitrogen
between the solid earth, atmosphere, oceans and biosphere. New courses
are devoted to the atmospheric and oceanic sciences, and also to
policy issues that arise because of our impact on the environment.
For example, Professor Gregory Van der Vink's course, "Dealing
with Natural Disasters," challenges students to develop economically-realistic
as well as scientifically-sound recommendations and asks them to
consider policy as well as environmental implications of natural
disasters. Changes in geosciences also have a significant impact
on facility requirements, and major renovation and expansion of
the home of geosciences, Guyot Hall, are slated to begin next year.
The expansion includes new space for exhibits from the Guyot Hall
natural history museum. The exhibition space will provide an educational
experience that pays homage to the past achievements of faculty
and introduces visitors to recent cutting-edge work undertaken by
members of the department.
In short, geosciences
are breaking new ground, and Princeton geoscientists are helping
us understand the powerful forces that influence the planet on which
we live. The answers they provide may determine its continued habitability.