February 21, 2001:
Recently published
books by alumni and faculty
Goldwater: A Tribute
to a Twentieth-Century Political Icon -- Bill Rentschler
'49. Contemporary Books $18.95. A collection of reminiscences,
anecdotes, and candid comments by the Arizona senator and his friends
and colleagues. Rentschler lives in Lake Forest, Illinois.
McCarthy, Ironwood -- Jeffrey Baldwin (aka Joseph F. Page
III '64). Writers Club Press $13.95. The protagonist of this
novel defends a former Air Force Special Forces sergeant against
charges that he murdered his business partner, and encounters Vietnamese
terrorists, agents from the FBI's Terrorist Interdiction Force,
and corrupt police. Page is an attorney and lives in Bloomfield
Hills, Michigan.
Between Spaces
-- Henry Smith-Miller '64 et al. Princeton Architectural
Press $40. An examination of six recently constructed architectural
projects designed by the author's firm; illustrated with plans,
models, and photography. Smith-Miller is an architect and principal
in the office of Smith-Miller + Hawkinson in New York City.
Race Woman: The Lives
of Shirley Graham Du Bois -- Gerald Horne '70. New
York University $34.95. A biography of the writer, musician, political
activist, and adviser to Kwame Nkrumah's government in Ghana,
who was also the spouse of W. E. B. Du Bois.
Class Struggle in
Hollywood, 1930--1950: Moguls, Mobsters, Stars, Reds &
Trade Unionists (University of Texas Press $19.95). An account of
labor unrest in the film industry with a sharp focus on the massive
strike of 1945 and lockout of 1946. Horne is a professor of African
and African-American studies at the University of North Carolina,
Chapel Hill.
Salon.com's Wanderlust:
Real-Life Tales of Adventure and Romance -- edited by Don
George '75. Villard $14.95. A collection of 40 essays by Isabel
Allende, Peter Mayle, and others. George is a writer for salon.com
and lives in the San Francisco Bay Area.
-- Steven Cousins '78. Holiday House $15.95. A book for
young readers about a boy who creates a monster bug to protect him
from the school bully. Cousins lives in Tokyo.
Invisible Fences:
Prose Poetry as a Genre in French and American Literature --
Steven Monte '89. University of Nebraska $50. The author places
prose poetry in historical and theoretical perspective and provides
detailed readings of works by Charles Baudelaire, John Ashbery,
and others. Monte teaches at the University of Chicago.
The Jogger by the
Sea -- Charles Edward Eaton *37. Cornwall $19.95. Eaton's
15th collection of poetry. He lives in Chapel Hill, North Carolina.
The Game of Life:
College Sports and Educational Values -- James L. Shulman
and William G. Bowen *58. Princeton University Press $27.95 cloth/$17.50
paper. Demonstrates how athletics influence the class composition
and campus ethos of selective schools, and identifies the ways in
which collegiate sports can divert prestigious institutions from
their missions. Princeton's president from 1972 to 1988, Bowen
is president of the Andrew W. Mellon Foundation.
krigen sluttede -- vel . . [And the war did end -- or
. . . ] Erik Overgaard Pedersen *79 and Mogens Pontoppidan. Forlaget
Facet $22. Written in Danish, this history explores the cultural
and political consequences of World War II's conclusion in
Denmark, including the issue of the Danish-German border. Pedersen
lives in Glücksburg, Germany.
So What Are You Going
to Do with That? A Guide to Career-Changing for M.A.'s and
Ph.D.'s -- Susan Basalla *97 and Maggie Debelius *00.
Farrar, Straus and Giroux $13. A step- by-step approach to the pursuit
of post-academic careers. Basalla is an online editor for the personal
finance Web site The Motley Fool. Debelius is editor-in-chief of
LifeMinders, an Internet company.
The Making of Modern
Japan -- Marius B. Jansen. Harvard $35. Surveys the three
major periods of social and institutional changes in Japan since
1600: the Tokugawa shogunate, the Meiji Restor-ation, and the American
occupation after World War II. Jansen, who died last year, was a
professor of history and East Asian studies, emeritus.
City of Sacrifice:
The Aztec Empire and the Role of Violence in Civilization --
David Carrasco. Beacon $17.95. Explores the relationship between
ritual violence and urbanization in the Aztec capital Tenochtitlán,
and considers whether violence against humans is central to the
construction of social order. Carrasco is a professor of religion.
Dignity of Working Men: Morality and the Boundaries of Race, Class,
and Immigration -- Michèle Lamont. Harvard $39.95.
The author explores how working-class men find their identity and
self-worth and offers a comparative analysis between workers in
the U.S. and France that reveals the patterns of racial conflicts
in both countries. Lamont is a professor of sociology.
The Inferno -- translated by Robert Hollander '55
and Jean Hollander. Doubleday $35. A new verse translation with
facing-page Italian text; the book matches the English and Italian
text on the Web site of the Princeton Dante project. Robert Hollander
is a professor of European literature and Romance languages and
