4, 2001: Memorials
Ridenour Raymond '24
Ridenour died Oct. 12,
2000, in his home in Kansas City. He was almost 99. He entered Princeton
from Lawrenceville School, ran track, and became captain of the
cross-country team. He was a member of Charter Club.
Following Princeton he
worked in New York for several years and then returned to Kansas
City to become an insurance agent for the rest of his business career.
His wife of 66 years, Virginia Snider; his son, Martin S. Raymond
'56; his daughter, Virginia R. Wagner; five grandchildren; and four
great-grandchildren survive him.
His passions were fly-fishing
and mountain climbing in the Rocky Mountains, world travel, his
annual vacations to his second home in Carmel, Calif., and keeping
track of the successes of his descendants. His family misses this
dedicated family man and ever-loyal alumnus.
The Class of 1924
Henry Leon de Give
Jr. '29
Henry died Jan. 12, 2001.
He prepared for Princeton at St. Paul's. At Princeton he was a member
of the Daily Princetonian board, manager of the band, and a member
of Colonial Club.
He graduated from Harvard
law school in 1932 and attended the U. of Paris law school the following
year. He became associated with a New York law firm until he entered
the Navy in Dec. 1941, retiring in Dec. 1945 with the rank of lieutenant
commander. He was severely injured during an explosion at Noumea,
New Caledonia, while he was attached to the staff of the commander
of the South Pacific. After WWI he married Elena Ferreyros, and
they raised seven children, three boys and four girls.
He practiced law in Atlanta.
He was president of the Particular Council of St. Vincent de Paul
Society and was vice president of the national body. He was regional
director of the Natl. Conference of Christians and Jews, chair of
the advisory board of the Community Relations Committee and American
Friends Service Committee for equal employment and housing. He was
honorary consul of Belgiam and an honorary colonel to the governors
of Georgia. He received a commemorative medal for 100 years of service
to the Belgium government by the de Give family and the Chevalier
de L'Ordre de la Couronne from Belgium.
To Elena and all his
children and grandchildren, the class offers its deepest sympathy.
The Class of 1929
Albert Harding Davis
II '30
Albert died Dec. 14,
2000, in Connecticut, where he lived with his wife, Suzanne Arguimbau
Davis, who survives him.
Born in Brooklyn on July
4, 1908, Al prepared at the Poly Prep School, where he was on numerous
sports teams. At Princeton he was a member of the championship freshman
water polo team, the freshman soccer team, and Tiger Inn.
Following graduation
Al worked in the actuarial department of the Metropolitan Life Insurance
Co. in NYC. During WWII, Al served as a major in the intelligence
division of the first fighter group of the 8th Air Force. After
the war he returned to the Metropolitan, specializing in group insurance
until he retired in 1978.
Besides Suzanne, Al is
survived by a daughter, Lynne Morris, stepchildren Suzanne H. Okie,
Seeley Hubbard, and William Hubbard, and several grandchildren.
The class extends its
deepest sympathy to all of them.
The Class of 1930
Elwyn D. Gillis '30
Elwyn Douglas Gillis
of Nashville died Jan. 13, 2001. His wife, Dorothy Hallenbeck Gillis,
predeceased him.
Born Nov. 1, 1908, and
known as Joe, Elwyn prepared for Princeton at Peddie School. While
at Princeton he was a member of the Key and Seal Club and majored
in English.
Ultimately he pursued
an MBA at Harvard. With this degree in hand, Joe's previous literary
impulses gave way to his career in accounting with several companies
before retiring as controller from Life and Casualty Insurance Co.
During WWII he served in the Navy.
There are no immediate
The Class of 1930
Carl Francis Keppler
Carl Keppler of Tucson
died Dec. 8, 1999. Carl was born Dec. 17, 1908, in Elizabeth, N.J.
He prepared for Princeton
at Newark Academy, where he was on the track and gym teams. At Princeton
he won the 1870 Prize in Old English, was a member of the track
team, and the Gateway Club.
The class extends its
deepest sympathy.
The Class of 1930
J. Milton Trompen
J. Milton Trompen died
in Jan. 2001 at the age of 92. Born in Ramsey, N.J., he had been
living in Brooklyn.
Previously he made his
residence in Morris Plains, N.J., where he was active in community
affairs. A member of the Presbyterian Church on the Green in Morristown
for more than 50 years, he served them as treasurer for 21 years.
He also served six years on the Borough of Morris Plains council,
on the Planning Board for four years, and on the Board of Health
for 20 years.
He prepared for Princeton
at Poly Prep, in Brooklyn. While at Princeton he wrestled, participated
in the choir, and was a member of Dial Lodge. In 1929 he left Princeton
to work for the General Electric Co. and ultimately graduated from
Rutgers U. Following graduation he worked for more than 40 years
for Con Edison in New York before retiring in 1974.
During WWII he served
in the Marine Corps in the Pacific and in the occupation of Japan
after the war.
Survivors include his
wife, Eleanor (Hodge), a son, John, a daughter, the Rev. Lorna Jean
Miller, two grandchildren, and a great-granddaughter.
To all of them the class
extends its deepest sympathy.
The Class of 1930
William Emerson Schroeder
Bill Schroeder, retired
head of Schroeder Bros., manufacturers of mining and hydraulic equipment
in McKees Rocks, Pa., died last May after a short bout with cancer.
He was at Princeton for only one year but kept up correspondence
with classmates until nearly the end, especially with Flop Follansbee
and Bill Rea, with whom he grew up in the Pittsburgh area.
Bill and his wife of
63 years, "Middie," the former Margaretta Oliver, lived
year-round in Amelia Island, Fla., for the past several years. Not
long ago he wrote a classmate, "Play golf twice a week. Can
shoot my age - nine holes, 85."
Surviving, besides Middie,
are two sons, William E. Jr. and Augustus O., two daughters, Margaretta
and Mary, two brothers, Frank C. '32 and A. Reed Schroeder, seven
grandchildren, and one great-grand. To them all we offer our sincere
The Class of 1936
Henry Charles Barkhorn
Jr. '36
Henry, at 84, died July
27, 2000, of Alzheimer's disease after a very long illness. He prepared
at Newark's Barringer H.S. At Princeton he majored in history and
graduated Phi Beta Kappa. He was a member of Terrace Club.
He had an impressive
business career as an officer of Prudential Insurance Co., Mutual
Life of New York, and Chase Manhattan Bank.
During WWII he served
a year in the Army at Wright Field, Dayton, Ohio, and two years
in the Navy in Washington, DC, as a lieutenant, junior grade.
He was a past treasurer
of our class and chaired several annual dinners at Princeton for
'36 fathers and their undergraduate sons.
Henry was a former member
of the Princeton Club of New York and the New York Metropolitan
Opera Assn. He was a member of the Maidstone Club of East Hampton,
N.Y., at the time of his death. He was an avid stamp and coin collector.
Henry's first wife of
23 years, Helen Butler, died in 1967. He is survived by Jean Cook,
his wife of 29 years, a daughter, Joan B. Haas, sons Henry III '71
and William B., and four grandchildren.
We will remember Henry
as a thoughtful, loyal Princetonian and classmate.
The Class of 1936
Arthur Benedict Griffin
Griff died Nov. 22, 2000,
at home in Stuart, Fla. He also summered in Christmas Cove, Maine.
Before entering Princeton, he prepared at the Berkshire School.
Prior to moving to Florida,
he was treasurer and a board member of the Englewood [N.J.] Hospital
and chair of the Englewood Community Chest.
He retired in 1973 as
a senior vice president of Bankers Trust Co. of NYC. He also was
a founding director of Bankers Trust Co. of Florida.
In 1942 he began WWII
service as a private and returned to inactive duty in 1946 as a
major in the OSS in the European theater, where he was awarded two
battle stars.
He was an excellent golfer
and also enjoyed tennis and boating.
Griff was predeceased
by his first wife, Mary Anderson Bennett. He is survived by his
wife of 25 years, Janet McCoy Griffin, daughter of W. Logan McCoy
'06, a former trustee of Princeton; his sons, Arthur B. III and
David E.; a daughter, Jane, and four grandchildren.
The Class of 1936
C. Wesley Lapha '36
At 85, Wes died Oct.
13, 2000, at home in Bethlehem, Pa.
He graduated from Pittsford
[N.Y.] H.S. At Princeton he majored in psychology, graduating with
honors. A few days after graduation, he reported to Prudential Insurance
Co. in Newark, N.J., and retired almost 39 years later in 1975.
For many years he served as a senior computer systems analyst in
the insurance services department. He was a fellow of the Life Office
Management Assn. Institute. After retirement he worked some years
as an associate realtor.
Wes was endowed with
considerable analytical ability. This helped him with his hobbies,
including electronics, computer programming, and auto and home improvements.
He also enjoyed extensive travel and photography.
He is survived by Jean
Coons Lapha, his wife of 62 years, a son, David W., daughters Betty
Scheiderman and Victoria L. O'Brien, a brother, Robert, sisters
Thelma Strickland and Jeanne Slayton, four grandchildren, and five
Wes was a loyal Princetonian
and classmate. For many years he never missed reunions.
The Class of 1936
III '44
Bill died in Chicago
on Jan. 11, 2000. He came to Princeton from the Northwood School
and majored in psychology. Military service intervened, but he received
his AB from both Stanford and Princeton after WWII. He later received
an MBA from Columbia and went to work with the Lumberman's Credit
Assn. in Chicago, rising to become its president.
He was active in many
charitable and educational causes. There are no known survivors.
The Class of 1944
George died on Dec. 9,
2000. He was raised in Erie, Pa., and prepped at Phillips Exeter
Academy, and his father was in Princeton's Class of 1912. His major
at Princeton was the program in the humanities. He was chair of
the Bric a Brac and comanager of Theatre Intime. He roomed with
Thurston, Underhill, and Sechrist, and belonged to Campus Club.
After more than three
years in the Marine Corps, he joined the State Dept. as a diplomatic
courier; his work brought him to Bangkok, Manila, Saigon, Singapore,
much of Latin America, and later Russia and France.
He worked for a while
in management at Washington's Shoreham Hotel, a field he returned
to after a career at Chase Bank in New York, working at The Lodge
in Stowe, Vt.
He did not marry; he
is survived by his sister, Lois, to whom the regrets of his classmates
are sent.
The Class of 1944
Roger f. Woodman '46
Roger Woodman died Dec.
22, 2000, of cancer in Falmouth, Maine, where he had lived for 50
years with his wife, Katherine. Raised in Concord, N.H., "Woody"
entered Princeton in 1942, spent three years in the Army Air Force,
and graduated in June 1947.
An insurance executive,
he became president of a local firm that he sold in 1986 to Commercial
Union Insurance Co., for whom he continued to consult until 1998.
He was chair of Maine Bank & Trust in Portland. Also, he served
as hospital board chair, museum president, United Way president,
diocesan treasurer, and school and college trustee. He taught Sunday
school for 27 years at St. Mary's Episcopal in Falmouth.
In addition to his widow,
Katherine, he is survived by daughter Elizabeth, sons Roger F. Jr.
and James '79, two brothers, two sisters, and three grandchildren.
To them all the class extends deepest sympathy.
The Class of 1946
Robert A. C. Allen
Bob died Aug. 5 at home
in Pembroke, Mass., after a long battle with lung cancer. He was
born in 1922 in Somerville, Mass., and was a graduate of Somerville
During WWII he enlisted
in the Marine Corps at age 19. After the war he returned to Princeton
and graduated in June 1948 with a degree in history. He was a member
of Charter Club.
Bob spent most of his
working career with the Social Security Administration, holding
various positions, including regional administrative officer for
the appellate bureau in New England.
He was very active in
church activities at the First Parish Church in Norwell, Mass.,
serving as sexton for 10 years, and was an officer and trustee for
the James Library in Norwell. He also developed an ardent interest
in clocks and antiques and was an active member of the Scituate
Historical Society as a volunteer and an estate appraiser. Showing
his special interest in grandfather clocks, he had his tombstone
engraved with one and the inscription, "Our time has run out."
Old Nassau was sung at his funeral.
Bob will be sorely missed
by his family, friends, and community. To his devoted wife of 50
years, Dorothy, and their daughter, Kathleen, the class extends
its deepest sympathy.
The Class of 1947
George Albro Williamson
Jr. '47
George died July 25 in
Boynton Beach, Fla. He had been in poor health for eight years with
arthritis, emphysema, and heart disease. He had open-heart surgery
in 1991 and 1997.
He was born in 1924 in
NYC but grew up in Newark, N.J. He attended both Barringer and Rumson
H.S. and graduated from Mercersburg Academy in 1943.
During WWII, George served
in the Army Air Corps as a bombardier and navigator on B-29 Super
Fortresses. His crew was high on the list to make A-bomb runs over
He entered Princeton
in 1946 and graduated in 1949 with a degree in economics. He also
exhibited a strong interest in American history. He was a member
of Charter Club.
After graduation George
worked in the credit department of Esso Corp. In the late 1950s
he became a venture capitalist and began trading on the NYSE for
his own account. He married Gay Rogers in 1955. They lived in Shrewsbury
and Rumson, N.J., before moving to Villanova, Pa., in 1968, where
George continued his successful market trading.
To his wife of 45 years,
Gay, their daughter, Patricia Rose, and sons Alexander and George
A. III, the class extends its deepest sympathy.
The Class of 1947
Steve Christian died
on Sept. 29, 2000. A lifelong resident of Huntington, W.Va., he
graduated from its Marshall H.S. and entered Princeton in Sept.
1945. He was in Quadrangle Club, was a naval air cadet (1943-45),
majored in English, and graduated in Feb. 1948.
Before returning to Huntington
and becoming a food broker as a partner and later president and
CEO of Christian & Co., Steve went on to the Yale school of
drama and an MFA. He was a stage manager for NBC-TV as well as a
professional actor in NYC in 1951 and 1952.
In Huntington, Steve
played the lead in many local theatrical presentations over the
years. He was a past president and trustee of the Huntington Museum
of Art and was involved in a myriad of civic affairs. His avocations
included skiing, fencing, tennis, and woodworking. He was very active
in the Episcopal Church. He served as regional chair for AG.
Steve and Diana ("the
love of my life") were married in the Princeton Chapel on May
23, 1949. Diana survives him, as do John, Keith, Katherine, Anne,
Stephen, and five grandchildren. To all, the class extends its condolences
and marks the death of a faithful friend.
The Class of 1948
JR. '48
Wils Ray died Oct. 14,
2000, at Kennebunkport after a brief illness.
A native of Pittsburgh,
he graduated from Shady Side Academy. Following service in the Navy
from 1944-46, he entered Princeton and majored in economics. He
was in Tower and graduated in June 1950.
Wils was employed for
30 years by the Aluminum Co. of America. Many of those years were
spent in the international division with stints in Lausanne and
Tokyo. During the 1970s he served as president of Alcoa, Japan.
Upon retirement he worked for five years for Harmarville Rehabilitation
Center in Pittsburgh as vice president of marketing.
Wils and Virginia were
married in Nov. 1952, and they retired to Maine in 1987, where he
was active in civic affairs in Kennebunkport. He served a term as
president of the board of the Graves Memorial Library.
In addition to Virginia,
he is survived by daughter Virginia and two grandchildren. To them
the class offers its condolences and shares, somehow, in the loss
of a loyal classmate who was always proud to be a Princetonian.
The Class of 1948
William S. Edwards
After a long battle with
pulmonary fibrosis, Bill died at his Charlottesville, Va., home
on Nov. 28, 2000.
He prepared for Princeton
at St. Paul's School. Bill was a member of Tiger Inn. With a basic
engineering degree, he joined his father's Detroit firm, selling
to the automotive industry. There he began his lifelong interest
in building and remodeling homes. He received a Naval Reserve commission
and in 1960 reported he was a lieutenant.
He fulfilled a desire
for his own business and living in Charlottesville by moving there
in 1974. With his oldest son he reopened an Oldsmobile dealership,
expanded it to include Honda, and relocated to a new facility. Selling
the dealership in 1982, he entered real estate. In 1988 he and his
wife opened Country Gardens Antiques, where he remained active until
his death.
Bill served in many business
associations and as deacon and senior warden in his church. To his
credit was a one-line speaking role in the movie Morgan Stewart's
Bill leaves his wife,
Joan, whom he married in June 1950; five children, Madeline '83,
Anne, John, David, and William; 10 grandchildren; and brother Cyril
'43. To his family goes our deep sympathy.
The Class of 1950
Charles Lea Neely
Jr. '50
Charles died of cancer
Aug. 22, 2000, at his home in Memphis.
He came to Princeton
from the Baylor School in Chattanooga. A biology major and member
of Tower Club, Charles served in the Navy Reserve from 1945-47.
He began his lifelong devotion to medicine by earning his MD from
Washington U. medical school in St. Louis and did his residency
at Barnes Hospital there.
Charles joined the U.
of Tennessee in 1958, where he developed the first program of oncology.
He served as chief of the medical oncology and hematology/oncology
divisions for a decade. Upon his retirement in 1987, he was professor
of medicine, hematology and pathology. Among his lifetime accomplishments
was his 10-year directorship of the U. of Tennessee cancer clinic.
In addition to commitments
to a host of professional medical societies, Charles maintained
farm interests in Kentucky, Mississippi, and his home state, Tennessee,
and derived pleasure from hunting, fishing, and traveling.
He is survived by his
wife, Mary, two children, Louise '80 and Charles, and four grandchildren.
To them the class extends condolences.
The Class of 1950
Gregory E. Stanbro
Jr. '50
Greg, who came to Princeton
from Oklahoma, died of cancer Sept. 11, 2000.
At Princeton, Greg was
a member of Colonial Club. Though majoring in biology, he went on
to graduate school at the U. of Oklahoma and received a degree in
geology/geophysics. His graduate studies there were interrupted
by a three-year stint in the Navy, where he served for two years
in the Pacific and a year in the Atlantic on the aircraft carrier
USS Valley Forge. He left active duty as a lieutenant, junior grade.
His chosen career in
geology took him initially to California with Standard Oil, and
for our 25th reunion he gave his address as Chevron Oil in Gabon,
Africa. His interests ranged from golf and skiing to coin collecting,
photography, and history.
Greg married Diane Mellish
in 1980 in NYC. At the time of his death, he had retired and lived
in Denver, where he was a member of the Denver Country Club and
St. John's Episcopal Church.
The class extends its
condolences to Diane, two sisters, six stepchildren, and five step-grandchildren.
The Class of 1950
James Crawford Ward
Jr. '55
Jay Ward died Sept. 28,
2000, after a brief battle with liver cancer. He was reared in Nashville
and attended the Middlesex School.
At Princeton he majored
in politics, joined Cottage Club, and was varsity football manager.
Jay's career in Nashville
involved the trading and selling of municipal bonds for 30 years
with his own firm and then, on its sale, as senior officer of its
successor, Hilliard, Lyons, Inc. He was nationally known and respected
within the "muni" fraternity.
Honorary pallbearers
included David Amory, Jim Bradford, Beck Fisher, Dan Lane, Peter
Millard, and John Sienkiewicz. Among Jay's roommates and lifelong
friends was the late Jim Johnson of St. Louis. Jay's popularity
among classmates was surpassed only by his devotion to Princeton
and his zest for life.
Jay, who was once divorced
and once widowed, married Caroline Hilton 12 years ago. In addition
to Carol, survivors include three children, two stepchildren, four
grandchildren, five siblings, and two brothers-in-law, Hugh J. Morgan
Jr. '50 and Robert C. Hilton '59.
The class extends its
deepest sympathy to all of them. It is a great loss much too soon.
The Class of 1955
Horace G. Lippincott
Horace died Oct. 25,
1999, after a long illness. He resided in Crestline, Calif. At Princeton,
Hod was a member of Court Club.
After Hod's graduation
he entered the advertising industry. For a while he lived in Flourtown,
Pa., and became a senior copywriter with N. W. Ayer and Son Inc.
in Philadelphia.
He married and was divorced
from Arlyn Clore. His final years were spent in California. The
Class of '57 sends its condolences to his two children, Mark and
The Class of 1957
Thomas R. Swabey '57
Tom died Feb. 5, 2000,
in Ottawa, Ontario.
Tom prepared for Princeton
at Ridley College, where he lettered in football, track and field,
basketball, and cricket and was active on the debating team. At
Princeton he joined the Tiger Club and was prominent in track and
field. His roommates were "Spike" Ball, Tyler Halsted,
Hugh Barnett, Jay Lehr, Dave Loeffler, Don Mayer, John Nevin, Miles
Seifert, and John Storm. John Nevin, Dave Loeffler, Don Mayer, and
Miles Seifert attended the funeral. Tom was involved for a number
of years as Schools Committee chair in Eastern Ontario, resulting
in many wonderful young people coming to Princeton who might never
have attended the place were it not for his encouragement.
Tom married Mary Elizabeth
Court after his junior year, and they lived off campus during Tom's
senior year. John Swabey '55, Tom's brother; Dick Court '54, Tom's
brother-in-law; and Dr. Averil Stowell '34, Tom's stepfather, all
graduated from Princeton.
After Princeton, Tom
graduated from the U. of Ottawa law school. He practiced law in
Ottawa and Cornwall, Ontario.
To his wife, Mary, their
three sons and daughter, John, Jim, Ted, and Patsy, and their eight
grandchildren, we offer our sincere sympathy.
The Class of 1957
Lars Hummerhielm, president
and CEO of the Assn. of Bi-National Chambers of Commerce of South
Florida, died Mar. 3, 2000. Born and raised in Sweden, Lars spent
only junior year with us as an international exchange student at
the Woodrow Wilson School, but, as he wrote in our 25th reunion
yearbook, "Thanks to Princeton my life is rich and rewarding."
Never associated with a particular class, he asked to join us in
1981 and was so elected.
After 14 years in government
service and business in Sweden, Lars moved to Miami in 1975, where
he began a multifaceted career in international marketing and trade,
founding several corporations and serving the business community
in many ways. Among them was the Swedish-American Chamber of Commerce
in Florida, of which he was president, and Scaninvest, Inc., of
which he was president and CEO.
He is survived by his
wife, Sharon, daughters Lena Hummerhielm and Lotta Siegel, and two
grandchildren. We join them in their grief.
The Class of 1961
The class lost one of
its most beloved and respected members when Jay died on Jan. 11,
2001, of complications from bone marrow disease.
Jay came to Princeton
from Canterbury, where he later served as a trustee. He played freshman
football and rugby and majored in psychology. He was a member of
Tiger Inn and the 21 Club.
Jay earned an MBA at
Columbia and had an illustrious career in the securities industry.
He was one of the few analysts to earn Institutional Investor's
top ranking in two industries, utilities and telecommunications.
He appeared as a featured guest on Wall Street Week with Louis Rukeyser
'54 and was frequently quoted in the Wall Street Journal. Over 38
years he was associated with several major financial institutions,
including Chase Manhattan, Lehman Brothers, and Nomura Securities,
where he was chief of US equity research.
Jay loved sports. He
was a runner, golfer, and tennis champion. He was totally devoid
of guile or pretense and charmed all who met him with his intelligence,
boundless enthusiasm, and personal warmth.
The class extends its
sympathy to Jay's wife, Mimi, his daughter, Michie, his sons, Jamie,
Chris, Matt, and Andrew, his brother, Peter, and his grandsons,
James and Sam.
The Class of 1961
Rick Nelson died of a
heart attack Jan. 24, 2000, at his home in Wellington, Fla. A pioneer
in the independent energy industry, he was president and CEO of
U.S. Energy Systems, Inc.
Born in Norfolk, Rick
came to Princeton from Norfolk Academy. At Princeton he was a Woodrow
Wilson major, a member of Elm Club, chair of the Tiger, and publisher
of Ivy Magazine. While in the Army he was military aide to then-V.P.
Lyndon Johnson and from 1963-67 assistant to the president.
Among his many awards
was the Presidential Medal. In The Tragedy of Lyndon Johnson, Eric
Goldman described Rick as a "sharp-minded, energetic young
man with an off-beat sense of humor and a full quotient of his generation's
puzzlement about what to do with their lives." Along the way
Rick earned a law degree at Georgetown. In 1970 he entered the business
world. In recent years he had become an avid sport shooter in Palm
Beach and was a regular fixture with his son on the polo fields.
Rick is survived by Carole,
his wife of 34 years, a son, Chris '92, a daughter, Karin, and his
parents. With them we mourn his passing.
The Class of 1961
Kent M. Smith '69
It is with great sadness
that we record the death of Kent M. Smith in Edina, Minn., on Apr.
20, 2000, following a massive heart attack.
After graduation Kent
followed his strong musical interest with MA degrees in conducting
and musicology from the U. of Wisconsin followed by a PhD in musicology
from Cornell. He became music director of the Edina Morningside
Church and held that position until his death.
Combining his musical
and business skills, he joined A. L. Williams Insurance Co. in the
early 1980s and became a regional vice president of Primerica Financial
Services, which absorbed A. L. Williams.
A lifelong passion was
fishing. Salt-water angling on Long Island during his young years
was followed by fresh-water activity in Minnesota and Canada. He
was always ready to try his luck and a new lure in any setting.
Although Kent did not
take an active role in alumni activities, he maintained his interest
in Princeton throughout his life. Kent is survived by his wife,
Diane, his son, Daniel, his daughter, Bonnie, his sister, Kathleen,
and his father, Maynard '41. We extend our sincere sympathy to his
family and his many friends.
The Class of 1969
James W. Harris '71
Jim died in Atlanta on
Sept. 25, 1999, at age 49, following a battle with cancer. After
graduating magna cum laude from Princeton and, in 1974, from Duke
U. law school, Jim joined Atlanta's Smith, Cohen, Ringel, Kohler
& Martin.
In 1985 he became senior
real estate finance partner at Morris, Manning & Martin. Despite
working long daily hours, he still devoted considerable time to
his family, coaching Little League baseball and enjoying golf and
tennis. Jim was beloved by all who knew him. One colleague for 25
years described him as "a mild-mannered man who also was a
fighter" and as "the gentlest, kindest, quietest person
you'll ever know." Jim was active in the Mortgage Bankers Assn.
At Princeton's Tower Club, he is fondly remembered with a smile
on his face, a kind word for everyone, and as a super guy to be
He is survived by his
wife, Kathy, daughter Jennifer, son Matthew, parents Dr. and Mrs.
Thomas A. Harris, brother and sister-in-law Robert and Holly Harris,
and sisters and brothers-in-law Carole and Dan Mitchell and Sue
Ellen and Dan Brannan, and numerous other relatives. The class sends
its sincere condolences.
The Class of 1971
Paul V. Olowacz '80
Paul died Dec. 22, 2000.
He graduated from Montclair Kimberly Academy and came to Princeton
in 1975. He was a well-loved fixture at Princeton Inn College, renowned
for knowing every song lyric of the previous 20 years and miming
all of "American Pie." Lately, he was a frequent guest
DJ on WZBC radio, near Boston. He was a founding member of a group
of friends styling themselves the Old Guard, blissfully unaware
of the copyright violation. A liberal arts major, his camaraderie
with engineers and physics majors made him a natural for his jobs
on the staffs of several computer magazines, lastly as an editor
at PC Week. Paul is survived by his parents and one brother, another
brother having predeceased him. Comforted by Paul's faith, his friends
of all classes wish him Godspeed.
The Class of 1980
Graduate Deaths
Mary M. Fitzgerald *73,
English, Aug. 8, 2000
Constantine Kaysar Zurayk
*30, Oriental Languages and Literature, Aug. 12, 2000
Nicholas B. Milano *47,
Economics, Aug. 14, 2000
William Clyde Dunn *43,
Politics, Aug. 24, 2000
John Harvey Wills *40,
Economics, Aug. 31, 2000
Franklin Paul Peterson
*55, Mathematics, Sept. 1, 2000
Max Perrot *40, Biology,
Sept. 4, 2000
Cole Manes Jr. *51, Philosophy,
Sept. 13, 2000
Albert Linwood Brown
*65, WWS, Sept. 27, 2000
Joseph Woodrow Howell
*51, Aeronautical Engineering, Oct. 14, 2000
Warren Roberts Jr. *50,
Politics, Oct. 21, 2000
