April 18, 2001:
relatively small size and its unusually successful integration into
the overall intellectual life of the University have always given
Princeton's School of Engineering and Applied Science (SEAS) special
distinction. In recent years, engineering as a discipline has experienced
dramatic changes, in part through rapid technological innovation,
in part because of our new awareness that an understanding of engineering
concepts has become a distinct advantage for careers in fields such
as finance and management, biology and geology. Princeton's SEAS
is meeting the challenges that such changes create while retaining--even
strengthening--its fundamental characteristics.
Some of the most ambitious
undergraduate curricular initiatives in engineering during the past
decade are intended to increase the engagement of liberal arts undergraduates.
As dean of the school, James Wei says, they aim to offer these students
new tools to help them express their creativity. New courses introduce
A.B. students to the basics of engineering and provide them with
technological capabilities and computer savvy. For example, this
spring Professors of Electrical Engineering Margaret Martonosi and
Stephen Lyon are team-teaching "Computing for a Mobile World" which
covers the fundamentals of programming and computer systems using
the specific example of handheld computers, such as palm pilots,
to illustrate general concepts of computing. Students in Professor
Vincent Poor's course on "The Wireless Revolution" develop a solid
understanding of the technology of wireless telecommunication while
exploring the regulatory, financial, and social issues that this
rapidly developing field presents. While only in its second year,
the course has attracted 180 students. Professor of Civil and Environmental
Engineering David Billington has created several courses focused
on structures with liberal arts students very much in mind. Professor
Ferry Cook in Computer Science is offering a course this term co-listed
with music. "Transforming Reality by Computer" provides students
with a basic foundation in signal processing theory and techniques
most useful for composing computer music. The course emphasizes
the student's own creative use of aural material, and the interaction
between the artistic and scientific aspects of the endeavor.
Joint academic initiatives
between members of the school and other departments are becoming
increasingly frequent and productive. The SEAS encourages its students
to take advantage of the growing and vital interface between engineering
science and the life sciences, the earth sciences, physics and architecture.
The Center for Photonics and Optoelectronic Materials (POEM), founded
in 1988, and the Princeton Materials Institute, founded in 1990,
both have as part of their central mission facilitating interdisciplinary
collaboration across traditional boundaries and both have a large
contingent of faculty from the SEAS. The recent division of the
Department of Civil Engineering and Operations Research into the
Departments of Civil and Environmental Engineering and of Operations
Research and Financial Engineering has enhanced collaboration with
the Princeton Environmental Institute on the one hand and with the
Department of Economics on the other.
At the graduate level
the school has made major changes. Recognizing the strengths of
the SEAS faculty and the growing demand for individuals with advanced
education in applied aspects of modern engineering throughout the
economy, in 1998 the school introduced a professionally-oriented
master of engineering degree. In keeping with the relatively small
scale of the school, about 50 students, spread among the six engineering
departments, pursue the degree each year. The program provides educational
pathways for students interested in careers in design and synthesis,
development and prototyping, manufacturing and building, operations
and managing, and engineering economics. Three broad tracks are
available: 1) in the applied aspects of advanced technology; 2)
in inter-disciplinary activities with technology a significant component;
and 3) in engineering management and entrepreneurship. The masters
in engineering degree normally can be completed in one year. This
spring for the first time top-ranking juniors in the SEAS have been
invited to apply for early admission to the Master of Engineering
(M.Eng.) program. Students who are chosen will usually remain at
Princeton for a fifth year to complete an M.Eng. degree and can
integrate courses and independent work done in the senior year into
their longer-range plan toward a master's degree.
Professor Stuart Schwartz,
who has general oversight of the M.Eng. Program, notes that it allows
the school to experiment with different pedagogical approaches and
to attract more non-traditional students. For example, one student
admitted this year left a successful career in computer technology
to work in Nepal on projects that bring sustainable energy and appropriate
technological innovations to that country. The program is also attracting
students to Princeton's doctoral program. Some students enter the
M.Eng. Program believing that, for them, only a one-year advanced
degree program is possible (or desirable). But their experience
here is so positive that they decide to remain and complete requirements
for a Ph.D. Also at the graduate level, the SEAS faculty have joined
with members of the Department of Economics and the Bendheim Center
for Finance to offer a new two-year Master in Finance degree.
Landscape improvements
that extend McCosh Walk east past the Woodrow Wilson School and
Wallace Hall, on to the Friend Center, the Computer Science building,
and the SEAS are giving the physical connections between engineering
and other parts of campus greater prominence. Even more important
are the ties engineering is forging to other disciplines every day
through teaching, research and scholarship--ties that demonstrate
in intellectual terms the central role that engineering plays in
the Princeton experience. 