April 18, 2001:

Star Struck
By Denise Applewhite
Both gown and town were
abuzz when acclaimed director Ron Howard, left, and recent Oscar-winner
Russell Crowe, right, arrived in the courtyard between Henry and
1901 Halls to begin filming A Beautiful Mind. Based on the book
by Sylvia Nasar, the film tells the story of mathematician John
Nash *50, who battled schizophrenia for years but won the 1994 Nobel
Prize in economics for his Ph.D. thesis on game theory. On the first
day of movie-making, March 27, the scene was set at a 1947 garden
party welcoming Princetons incoming graduate students. The
stars were generally forgiving of the rabid local interest, signing
autographs, although one student provoked a less-than-gentlemanly
response from Crowe as she snapped a sly photo from her dorm room.
