June 6, 2001
Recently published
books by alumni and faculty
Predicting the Past:
An Exploration of Myth, Science, and Prehistory - Roger Williams
Wescott '46 *48. Kronos $38. A summation of the author's thoughts
regarding mythology, human prehistory, and catas- trophism. Wescott
is an emeritus professor of anthropology and linguistics at Drew.
Planemakers of Western
Pennsylvania and Environs - Charles W. Prine, Jr. '48. Historical
Society of Western Pennsylvania $19.95. Biographical sketches of
30 early 19th-century makers of wood carpentry planes, illustrated
with color and black and white photographs of the planes they crafted.
Prine's collection of 287 of these artifacts is on permanent exhibit
at the Heinz Pittsburgh Regional History Center.
The Book of Madness
and Love - Arthur L. Clements '54. Bordighera $10. This collection
of poetry draws upon family tragedy to celebrate the sacredness
of life. Clements is a professor of English at SUNY, Binghamton.
Bites Man: City Shocked! - James Duffy '56. Simon & Schuster
$24. This novel imagines the chaos that ensues when the mayor of
New York City is exposed as the culprit behind the mysterious killing
of a socialite's beloved pet dog. Duffy lives in New York City.
Tokyo Q, 2001-2002:
Annual Guide to the City - Rick Kennedy '57 et al. Stone Bridge
Press $9.95. Offers a range of tips for visitors, including the
most authentic sake bars, the gaudiest of Tokyo's "love hotels,"
the most convenient place to buy a butterfly, and the best public
baths. Kennedy lives in Tokyo.
Governance in a Globalizing
World - edited by Joseph S. Nye, Jr. '58 and John D. Donahue.
Brookings Institution $47.95 cloth/$18.95 paper. The contributors
consider how patterns of globalization are evolving and how these
patterns affect governance within nation-states, as well as how
globalism itself might be governed. Nye is dean of the John F. Kennedy
School of Government at Harvard.
Learning by Heart
- Roland S. Barth '59. Jossey-Bass $24.95. Argues for school reform
that encourages risk taking and invention as the critical preconditions
for building a community of learners and leaders. Barth founded
the Harvard Principals' Center and the International Network of
Principals' Centers.
Ambition - Douglas F. Greer '61. iUniverse.com $15.95. This
medical thriller offers an insider's view of the world of impaired
eyesight and laser eye surgery and takes a disturbing look behind
high-tech "miracles." Greer practices ophthalmology and
eye surgery in Washington, D.C.
A Hubert Henry Harrison
Reader - edited by Jeffrey B. Perry '68. Wesleyan $70 cloth/$24.95
paper. Collects the writings of "the father of Harlem radicalism,"
tracing his contributions to the debates on race, class, culture,
and politics of his time. Perry is an independent scholar.
The Impact of Public
Opinion on U.S. Foreign Policy Since Vietnam: Constraining the Colossus
- Richard Sobel '71. Oxford $49.95 cloth/$24.95 paper. Focusing
on the Vietnam War, the Nicaraguan Contra funding controversy, the
Persian Gulf War, and the Bosnia crisis, the author demonstrates
that public opinion impinged on but did not set American foreign
policy. Sobel is a political scientist at Harvard.
Where Is Grandpa?
- T. A. Barron '74. Philomel $15.99. An illustrated children's book
that explores death and the grieving process through a family's
memories. Barron lives in Colorado.
Mao's War against
Nature: Politics and the Environment in Revolutionary China
- Judith Shapiro '75. Cambridge $59.95 cloth/ $18.95 paper. Explores
the environmental mismanagement, persecution of intellectuals, and
wrongheaded agricultural schemes that turned much of China into
an environmental disaster area. Shapiro teaches environmental politics
at American University.
Van Gogh and Gauguin:
The Search for Sacred Art - Debora Silverman '75 *83. Farrar,
Straus & Giroux $60. A study of the ways in which the divergent
religious backgrounds of the two artists shaped their painting techniques
and subjects. Silverman is a professor of history and art history
at UCLA.
The Burn Rate Diet
- Stephen R. Van Schoyck '75. HarperResource $24. The author's
program for weight control is based upon individual metabolism;
the book uses a Web site component to provide a personalized, prescriptive
approach. Van Schoyck is a clinical psychologist in Langhorne, Pennsylvania.
Cuba and the Politics
of Passion - Damián J. Fernández '79. Texas $37.50
cloth/$16.95 paper. Examines the ways in which emotion shaped political
attitudes and action in Cuba throughout the 20th century. Fernández
is an associate professor of international relations at Florida
International University.
The View of a Valley Through the Voice of Depression - Terry
Osborne '81. University Press of New England $26. The author links
his personal odyssey through depression with exploration of the
physical environment bordering his house in Vermont. Osborne teaches
in the English department and the environmental studies program
at Dartmouth.
Cicero, Catullus,
and the Language of Social Performance - Brian A. Krostenko
'86. Chicago $70 cloth/$30 paper. Discusses the complexities and
ambiguities of charm, wit, and style in Roman literature of the
late Republic, demonstrating that a key feature of this language
is its capacity to express both approval and disdain. Krostenko
is an assistant professor of classics at the University of Chicago.
Navigating Failure:
Bankruptcy and Commercial Society in Antebellum America - Edward
J. Balleisen '87. University of North Carolina $49.95 cloth/$18.95
paper. Explores the economic roots and social meanings of bankruptcy
and assesses the impact of widespread insolvency on American law,
business culture, and commercial society. Balleisen is an assistant
professor of history at Duke.
Suspect Identities:
A History of Fingerprinting and Criminal Identification - Simon
A. Cole '89. Harvard $35. Traces the modern system of fingerprint
identification to the 19th-century bureaucratic state and its desire
to track and control increasingly mobile "melting pot"
populations. Cole is a science historian living in New York.
Black, White &
Chrome: The United States and Zimbabwe, 1953-1998 - Andrew DeRoche
'89. Africa World Press $29.95. Focuses upon the increasing importance
of race relations in U.S. foreign policy from the 1960s through
the 1980s. DeRoche teaches at Front Range Community College near
Living Our Language:
Ojibwe Tales & Oral Histories, a Bilingual Anthology - edited
and translated by Anton Treuer '91. Minnesota Historical Society
$29.95 cloth/$19.95 paper. This collection of stories from Anishinaabe
elders includes oral histories, personal reminiscences, educational
tales, and humorous anecdotes. Treuer is an assistant professor
of history at the University of Wisconsin, Milwaukee.
Visions: U.S. Strategy toward Eastern Europe under Eisenhower
- Ronald R. Krebs '95. Texas A&M $29.95. Argues that two divergent
images of Eastern Europe's ultimate status - Finlandization and
liberation from Soviet control - competed to guide American policy
during Eisenhower's administration. Krebs is a doctoral candidate
in political science at
Another Different
Life - Marisa Kantor Stark '95. iPublish.com $4.95. In this
novel, a strong and driven immigrant from Costa Rica brings her
teenage son to live with her in America but finds she is ill-equipped
to parent a defiant adolescent. Stark lives in New York City.
Adaptive Method of
Lines - edited by A. Vande Wouwer, P. Saucez, and W. E. Schiesser
*60. Chapman & Hall $89.95. This textbook reflects the diversity
of techniques and applications related to the general Method of
Lines, a procedure that provides a format for the solution of the
major classes of partial differential equations. Schiesser is a
professor of mathematics and engineering at Lehigh.
Commonplace Book of William Byrd II of Westover
- edited by Kevin Berland, Jan Kirsten Gilliam, and Kenneth A. Lockridge
*65. University of North Carolina $39.95. A collection of moral
wit and wisdom gleaned from reading and conversation by an important
figure in the history of colonial Virginia. Lockridge is a professor
of history at the University of Montana.
Storm on the Horizon:
The Challenge to American Intervention, 1939-1941
- Justus D. Doenecke *66. Rowman & Littlefield $39.95. Discusses
criticism of FDR's increasingly interventionist policies as the
U.S. moved closer to war. Doenecke is a professor of history at
New College of the University of South Florida.
The Ladies' Etiquette
Handbook - edited by David E. Schoonover *75. Iowa $24.95. A
tribute to past cultural obsessions, this book reprints two late
19th-century publications that offered advice on church etiquette,
the proper handling of cutlery, recipes, proper word pronunciation,
and more. Schoonover is the curator of rare books at the University
of Iowa Libraries.
Waste Is a Terrible
Thing to Mind: Risk, Radiation, and Distrust of Government
- John Weingart *75. Center for Analysis of Public Issues $19.95.
Explores the lessons learned from New Jersey's town-by-town search
to locate a site for a low-level radioactive waste disposal facility.
Weingart is the associate director of the Eagleton Institute of
Politics at Rutgers.
Conscience and Other
Virtues: From Bonaventure to McIntyre
- Douglas Langston *78. Penn State $40. Considers the ethical and
theological issues raised by selected Western thinkers. Langston
is a professor of philosophy and religion at New College of the
University of South Florida.
Constructing Class
and Nationality in Alsace, 1830-1945
- David Allen Harvey *95. Northern Illinois $40. Argues that as
France and Germany attempted to impose their national identity on
the region, workers responded by adopting a cultural policy that
reflected their own political and class interests. Harvey is an
assistant professor of history at New College of the University
of South Florida.
Orientals: Migration, Contact, and Exoticism in Modern America
- Henry Yu *95. Oxford $35. Reveals the influential role played
by Asian Americans in constructing their cultural identities in
the U.S, and details how theories about Asians as a "model
minority" were created in the aftermath of Japanese-American
internment. Yu is an assistant professor of history at UCLA.
Global Political Economy:
Understanding the International Economic Order
- Robert Gilpin. Princeton $59.50 cloth/$18.95 paper. Focuses on
the economic, political, and technological forces that have transformed
the world since 1987, demonstrating that the most critical determinants
of economic affairs continue to be national policies and domestic
economies. Gilpin is the Dwight D. Eisenhower professor of international
affairs, emeritus.
Creative Spirituality:
The Way of the Artist
- Robert Wuthnow. California $27.50. Explores the link between the
creative and the sacred and suggests that artists have become the
spiritual vanguard of our time. Wuthnow is a professor of sociology
and the director of the Center for the Study of Religion.
The Harvard College
Guide to Careers in Public Service
- Ande Diaz. Harvard OCS Publications $15. Designed for students,
recent graduates, and those contemplating a career change, this
book surveys opportunities in public service, outlines strategies
for a successful job search, and includes career portraits representing
a variety of professional paths. Diaz is an assistant dean of undergraduate
students at Princeton.
