June 6, 2001
On Saturday, May 5, it was my great honor and pleasure to inform
members of the campus community that the Board, acting on the unanimous
and more than enthusiastic recommendation of the Presidential Search
Committee, elected Shirley Tilghman, a member of the Princeton faculty
since 1986, as the 19th President of Princeton University. Professor
Tilghman will assume office on June 15, and a formal campus inauguration
will take place early this fall.
I have known Shirley
as a scientist whose research and scholarship are internationally
recognized, as a distinguished teacher on campus, as an advocate
for women as scientists, as a highly respected national leader in
areas of central concern to higher education and the world of scholarship,
and as a valued friend. Dr. Tilghman, who is the Howard A. Prior
Professor of the Life Sciences, served twice on the Committee on
Appointments and Advancements, the faculty committee that makes
recommendations to the President regarding tenure and promotion
of faculty. From 1993 through 2000, she chaired Princeton's Council
on Science and Technology, which encourages the teaching of science
and technology to students outside the sciences, and in 1996 she
received Princeton's President's Award for Distinguished Teaching.
Her teaching has ranged from first-year undergraduates to post-doctoral
students, from science-based freshman seminars to a special science
course for freshmen and sophomores who were not planning to major
in the sciences.
Her career as a scientist
and researcher is no less distinguished. Her own research has focused
on mammalian genetics, in particular the role that genes play in
the development of the mammalian embryo, and she was one of the
architects of the national effort to map the entire human genome.
In 1998 she assumed additional responsibilities as the founding
director of Princeton's multi-disciplinary Lewis-Sigler Institute
for Integrative Genomics. Professor Tilghman is renowned not only
for her pioneering research, but for her national leadership on
behalf of women in science and for promoting efforts to make the
early careers of young scientists as meaningful and productive as
Early reactions on and
off campus to her appointment have been off the chart positive.
Just after her election, that Saturday evening Professor Tilghman
attended the Behrman Award Dinner, an annual event recognizing a
member of the faculty in the humanities for a distinguished career
of scholarship and teaching. Her attendance at the dinner, which
recognized the Murray Professor of English Thomas P. Roche *58,
turned the event into a double celebration--the guests, her faculty
colleagues, gave her a joyful reception. The next afternoon, Vivian
and I hosted an impromptu informal reception for Shirley on the
lawn of the Frist Campus Center. Many members of the University
community, including students, faculty, staff, and local alumni,
stopped by to wish her well. It was a beautiful Princeton spring
day--sunny and warm--and the reception she received matched the
weather. There was a great outpouring of good wishes and terrific
I have repeatedly heard
praise for the Presidential Search Committee. The Trustees appointed
a search committee composed of staff, faculty from all disciplines,
and undergraduate and graduate students. This broad-based participation
brought together different perspectives, as did the numerous interviews
that members of the committee conducted on campus and with alumni
and friends of the University and leaders of higher education around
the country. All members of the University owe them, and especially
Robert Rawson ' 66, chair of the committee and of the Trustee Executive
Committee, a debt of gratitude for their intense effort and the
extensive time they devoted to the search.
As director of the Institute
for Integrative Genomics, Shirley has led a research enterprise
that requires the integration of large amounts of information into
a coherent whole. This experience will undoubtedly stand her in
good stead as she takes charge of this complex and great university.
Her success will be assured by her other outstanding professional
achievements, by her character, and by her evident love of Princeton.
As Bob Rawson commented, "She has something of the Tiger spirit
in her, that spirit that only those of us close to the place can
really understand."
Some of you have gotten
to know Professor Tilghman through teaching and other programs for
alumni on and off campus. One of her first appearances as President-elect
was as leader of a program on the human genome project for the Class
of 1943. In recent years she has traveled to speak with alumni in
Boston, Charleston, Chicago, Jacksonville, Memphis, Montreal, Philadelphia,
Phoenix, Savannah and Seattle. As I write this, I look forward to
introducing her to alumni at Reunions where she will accompany me
on my visits to classes and in the P-Rade. I know that Shirley will
enjoy meeting and working with you just as I have.
This is my last President's
Page, and I would like to take this opportunity to thank the many
alumni who have written to me over the years about these pages.
Most of all, I would like to express the deep gratitude that Vivian
and I both feel for the support and for the friendship that you
have offered us. The loyalty of Princeton alumni is legendary in
higher education, and your concern that Princeton continue to excel
runs exceptionally deep. I am extremely pleased that Shirley Tilghman
will assume the presidency this June. I know all of you will join
me in doing whatever we can to ensure the continued flourishing
of Princeton. 