October 10, 2001: Snapshot Rise and Shine By Frank Wojciechowski Classes started as scheduled
at 8:30 a.m. on Thursday, September 13. Even at the early hour, professor
Bo Honorés Economics 300 class, Statistics and Data Analysis,
was well attended; juniors Cherie Fuhrman, Andy Kane, and Deanna Ford
(front row, left to right) were among those making the walk to the Computer
Science building on that bright morning. I think its good
that we continued with class and tried having some semblance of normality,
even if we dont feel that way under it all, said Ford. Fuhrman
agreed. I think that the universitys decision to move forward
with the planned schedule was a positive one, and Im glad that I
was able to participate in it, she said. The university community
sought and gained strength together a wonderful thing in the midst
of true horror.