January 30, 2002: President's Page
From time to time I intend to turn over the Presidents page to a colleague. I have asked Jon Hlafter 61, the Director of Physical Planning, to describe some of the context and considerations that are shaping our plans for the sixth residential college. Shirley M. Tilghman
As the campus continues to
grow and become increasingly complex, we are adopting a more deliberate
planning strategy to reinforce what is familiar and make more understandable
what is not. This strategy includes a conscious effort to accommodate
in close proximity departments that belong to the same academic division,
resulting in the development of four academic neighborhoods: (1) for engineering,
on the eastern side of the campus with the Engineering Quadrangle, the
Materials Institute and the Friend Center; (2) for the social sciences,
along Washington Road from Nassau Street to Prospect Avenue, including
Wallace and Fisher-Bendheim Halls; (3) for the natural sciences, south
of Prospect on both sides of Washington Road; and (4) for the humanities,
around Firestone Library. Similar precincts have long existed for campus
life facilities. Prospect Avenue has for many years provided the locus
for the eating clubs, the varsity athletics complex has expanded to command
the southeastern edge of the campus, and residential facilities dominate
the southwestern half of the campus. A more deliberate planning
process must take into account the fact that the different emerging precincts
of campus are in part recognizable by their architectural styles, reflecting
trends that were significant at the time of their development. Because
Princeton from its inception was open to new and significant architectural
styles, the campus offers examples of virtually every style in the history
of American architecture. Here one can experience it all. The earliest
building sites, around Nassau Hall, exhibit 18th Century Georgian and
later neoclassical influencesStanhope Hall, West College, Whig and
Clio Halls. The newer parts of campus, more to the east and south, have
the most numerous examples of modern architectural styles, recently exemplified
by the Friend Center, Princeton Stadium, and the Genomics building now
under construction. The new science library being designed by Frank Gehry
will certainly fall into this category. Beginning with the construction of Blair Hall and East Pyne about 100 years ago, dormitories and academic facilities began to show the influence of Collegiate Gothic, a principal style for higher education in America in the early 20th century. These facilities appear most notably in a layer of campus development that surrounds the oldest section, extending from Holder and Hamilton Halls at the corner of Nassau Street and University Place, to the dormitories in the vicinity of Dillon, to the McCosh/Dickinson/Chapel courtyard along Washington Road. The architects who designed these buildings adapted architectural styles associated with Oxford and Cambridge to local conditions. For example, many of them are
not four-sided quadrangles as one would find in England but are influenced
by the topography of the landBlair and Little Halls snake their
way along a natural ridge line, providing much more independent living
arrangements than the more traditional cloistered quadrangles of New Haven.
The proposed sixth residential
college, which will include dormitory, dining, social and academic spaces,
will be our first residential college to be built from scratch,
and the first to integrate upper- and under-class students in large numbers.
Its location, south of Dillon Gymnasium, flanked by Collegiate Gothic
Patton on the east and modern Spelman Halls on the west, suggested two
different reference points for style. After considering the alternatives,
the Trustees decided to construct a college facility that will speak the
same language as Patton, Pyne, and Dillon Gymnasium, thus reinforcing
the Collegiate Gothic neighborhood. This decision poses some significant
challenges. Much of Blair or Little Halls appeal is in their stone
masonry walls and picturesque rooflines, accented by dormers and chimneys,
which are decorated with special molded bricks or limestone carvings.
By their unevenness in size and variations in color, the slate shingles
themselves add interest. Producing the same esthetic appearance today
will require a special commitment, given the substantial costs associated
with these features. Moreover, current practices and codes discourage
the use of fireplaces, and the space they take up is very much needed
to accommodate the array of stuff that students now consider
essentiallike computers, stereo systems, televisions, bicycles,
and athletic equipment. Hiring crews large enough and artisans accomplished
enough to craft a complex of nearly a quarter million gross square feet
will not be easy. In creating the new college,
we aim to preserve the language and craft of Princetons Collegiate
Gothic heritage while taking advantage of new technologies that will meet
the needs of current and future students, in discreet combinations of
old and new. We aim also to ensure that in the architectural neighborhoods
of Princeton, at different times and in different ways and places, we
can experience it all.