In the past few years, Professor
Jeffrey Herbst 83, chair of politics, and his colleagues have had
to think strategically about the future of one of the crown jewels of
their department: political theory. When Amy Gutmann was named Provost
and George Kateb retired, Princeton lost two of our most distinguished
faculty in an area where we had long been among the very best departments
in the country. With the appointments of Professor Charles Beitz last
year and Professor Philip Pettit this year, we have ensured that our tradition
of excellence in this field will continue. Philip Pettit comes to Princeton
from the Research School of Social Sciences of the Australian National
University. He is quite simply a star in the field and an
acknowledged expert in each of the diverse aspects of political theory
he has tackled: freedom and government, ethics, psychology and politics,
and political philosophy. Pettit has also been appointed as associate
faculty in philosophy, and he will play a particularly important role
in building bridges between philosophy and politics. Daniel Trueman *99 is a Princeton
Graduate School alumnus in the music department who returns to the University
this fall after teaching and research appointments at Columbia and Colgate
universities. His dual specialization in musical composition and music
technology reflects his two-pronged background: he earned his advanced
degrees in music from Princeton and majored in physics as an undergraduate
at Carleton College. He has collaborated with Professor Perry Cook of
Princetons computer science department designing what he calls experimental
instruments and unusual speakers. He also digs teaching
and gives occasional concerts on the traditional Norwegian Hardanger fiddle. Stefan Bernhard whose doctoral
work was completed at the University of Fribourg in Switzerland joined
the Department of Chemistry this summer. Building on his post-doctoral
research experience in inorganic chemistry at Cornell University and the
Los Alamos National Laboratory, Professor Bernhard is searching for new
materials that can be used to design and fabricate optoelectronic devices
such as light-emitting diodes or photovoltaic cells. He is a 2002 recipient
of a Camille and Henry Dreyfus Foundation New Faculty Award which recognizes
first-year faculty who have demonstrated promise of producing an independent
body of outstanding scholarship and of contributing significantly to education.
Maria Garlock and Yin Lu Julie
Young join the Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering this
fall as junior faculty members. Professor Young, who completed her doctoral
work at The University of Texas at Austin, describes herself as most
passionate about projects that involve numerical simulation of systems
in structures, fluids and soils. Her research in computational structural
analysis and hydrodynamics has a variety of possible applications, from
improving torpedoes for the Navy, to stabilizing oil platforms at sea,
to protecting tall buildings against the impact of air turbulence. Maria
Garlock wants to combine her consulting experience as a professional engineer
with her teaching and research experience at Cornell and Lehigh universities.
As a licensed structural engineer she has worked on projects in Indonesia
and the Philippines. Her current research focuses on development of remote
sensing techniques for post-earthquake evaluation of buildings. At Princeton
she hopes to explore how fiber optics might help create devices for early
detection of structural deterioration in anything from bridges to space
shuttles. The Department of Art and Archaeology
and the Art Museum both lost a colleague when Peter Bunnell retired this
June from the faculty. Peter opened the eyes of generations of students
to the photographers special art of seeing, and he was critical
to building an important photography collection for the museum. We are
extremely fortunate to have attracted Anne McCauley as his successor as
the David Hunter McAlpin Professor in the History of Photography. Professor
McCauley comes to Princeton from the University of Massachusetts, Boston,
where she chaired the department of art for several years. To give you
an idea of her interests, let me give you a partial run-down of how she
spent her summer: She prepared for a spring 2003 exhibition she is co-curating
on the impact Venice had on art patron Isabella Stewart Gardner and the
museum she formed; she did research to advance long-term projects on Edward
Steichen in Paris and on the impact of photography on art history as a
discipline; and she prepared for courses she will give here this year
including a freshman seminar on Alfred Stiglitz and a course on the invention
of photography. Professor McCauley is one of
some 30 faculty who are offering freshman seminars this fall. I mention
this as one example of what I know in other ways to be trueour new
colleagues arrive on campus having already demonstrated a passionate commitment
to teaching and eager to begin working directly with the exceptional students
we attract to Princeton. We look forward to the chance to see Princeton
through their eyes and to learn from their fresh approaches to and ideas
about teaching and research.