October 23, 2002: From the Archives This fall PAW features excerpts from Elizabeth Greenberg 02s senior thesis about Princeton rituals and student traditions. Greenberg, who hopes to turn her thesis into a book, seeks further anecdotes and memories from PAWs readers. What were the successful strategies used to steal the bell clapper while you were at Princeton? What happened when you tried to uphold this tradition? E-mail Greenberg at eagreenb@-alumni.princeton.edu or write to her c/o PAW. To learn more about her project, go to www.princeton.edu/paw.
The university vacillated between making it easier and harder for student
thieves. In lenient times, Nassau Hall was even left unlocked. But when
students were injured one year, the university installed alarms in the
belfry. The clapper was permanently removed in 1992, when a student fell
from the roof and was badly hurt.