One of the best-read articles in PAW last year
if you judge by Web hits and letters to the editor was the June
5 story on Lillian Pierce, Princetons valedictorian. Like many students,
Pierce sacrificed sleep and worked to exhaustion. Unlike many, she spoke
publicly about how hard that was and how bad it felt. The topic resounded, spreading from PAWs letters
page to the TigerNet parenting group and across dinner tables, including
my own. Ultimately, Pierce accomplished what she set out to do, health
intact, and left Princeton just as she entered it: a warm and unusually
brilliant young woman who loves learning and shows it. Perhaps her story
hit home because so many readers could identify with the pressures she
faced, her drive to achieve, and her desire to take in all that Princeton
could offer in four short years. In this issue, PAWs Kathryn Federici Greenwood
looks at student stress and mental health a growing concern on
campuses across the country. At Princeton, the demand for counseling services
is up dramatically, as is the number of students referred for psychiatric
assistance. Nationally, suicide is the second-leading cause of death among
college-age students. I asked several students to describe their daily
schedules, and their replies sounded like a session of Future Workaholics
of America, David Brooks wrote about Princeton students in his controversial
article, The Organization Kid, in the Atlantic Monthly last
year. Crew practice at dawn, classes in the morning, resident-adviser
duty, lunch, study groups, classes in the afternoon, tutoring disadvantaged
kids in Trenton, a cappella practice, dinner, study, science lab, prayer
session, hit the StairMaster, study a few hours more. Many students,
certainly not all, will see themselves in that description smart,
active, grabbing as much as possible from the Princeton experience
and utterly worn out. I read Greenwoods story not simply as an alum interested
in Princetons student life, but as the mother of a four-year-old
girl already bombarded with opportunities to take music class on Saturdays
and ballet and gymnastics after a full day of preschool. I suspect many
of you also will read it that way as family members concerned about
any childs stress level and ability to cope.
Here, he speaks about Princetons honor code, which
was developed in response to rampant cribbing a century ago. Princeton
at that time was not an achievement-oriented hotbed but, as Tenner explained
in a recent lecture, a campus in which undergraduates considered
the faculty a rival team, and resorted to every technique at their disposal
to defeat them. So the students cheated collectively, sometimes
working together to prepare crib sheets and concealing them in their clothing.
And usually, it worked. Photo: Edward Tenner 65 (photo by ricardo barros)