October 8, 2003: Reading Room
Belief It might seem surprising that a book about the early Christian movement would make the New York Times bestseller list. But religion professor Elaine Pagelss Beyond Belief: The Secret Gospel of Thomas, which, at press time, had been on the list for three months since its publication by Random House last May, may have hit a chord with people who feel drawn to Christianity even though they no longer accept the official doctrines of their churches. Pagels argues that theres more to being a Christian than professing a certain set of beliefs including, for example, Jesus bodily resurrection and Marys virginity. I think what Christianity turned into is a long, complex, theological statement of beliefs, she says. The Gospel of Thomas an early Christian text written around 90 to 100 c.e. that was deemed heretical by church leaders of the first centuries, buried in a jar in Egypt along with other early texts in the fourth century, and dug up by a peasant in 1945 isnt focused on beliefs, she says. Instead, Thomass gospel, a collection of Jesus sayings focused on meditative practices, teaches that every individual shares the same divine light as Jesus, and calls on people to engage in an internal struggle to find access to God within themselves so that they can become like Jesus. The Gospel of John, she argues, was written to refute the Gospel of Thomas. Much of what we call orthodox Christianity was perhaps formed in response to the Gospel of Thomas or that kind of teaching, says Pagels, who wrote The Gnostic Gospels in 1979. During the second century, church leaders were trying to consolidate Christians and starting to decide which gospels were authentic revelations, writes Pagels. Including the confusing sayings of the Gospel of Thomas in the official canon would not have helped unite the Christian movement, she says. The leaders probably feared that the teachings in Thomas would invite too much diversity, and could have been threatening to a church that is ecclesiastically structured because it suggests that you dont need a church; you dont need a priest as much as you need this kind of interior struggle. Had the Gospel of Thomas been included in the New Testament, Pagels
guesses that it would have enriched Christianity by not only allowing
for but inviting diversity; instead of having all the answers,
[Christianity] would tend to evoke the capacity for intuition and spiritual
discovery. By K.F.G. Book Shorts