March 10, 2004: Reading Room
Nero: Villain or hero? Edward Champlin examines the Romans view of their legendary ruler By David Marcus 92
To modern readers, the first-century Roman emperor Nero is the archetype of a terrible ruler. According to legend, Nero murdered many of his own family members; he fiddled while Rome burned in the great fire of 64 C.E., which he authorized; and his delusions of artistic greatness extended to his dying words: What an artist dies in me. But Nero had a much more positive posthumous reputation in the ancient world, Princeton classics professor Edward Champlin writes in his biography of the man who ruled the Roman empire from 54 to 68 C.E. For much of the ancient world, Nero was a folk hero; Augustine wrote in 400 C.E. that many people hoped and believed he would return. The resulting book isnt an attempt to rehabilitate Neros reputation, but to understand why he became such a hero in Roman culture. Much of what Nero did, distorted by later reports, looks very different when set in the context of [Neros] contemporary norms, Champlin says. One result of this, and the most fun, is that I get to look at all the stories that make Nero so notorious. Neros love of performance reflected a deep understanding of the importance of spectacle for the Romans. Elites like Tacitus and Suetonius, first-century Roman historians who treat Nero harshly, didnt like his flamboyance, but ordinary Romans probably loved it, says Champlin. Many of Neros actions or claimed actions were aimed at a public whose lives were permeated by mythology, which provided simple, universal codes that everyone could comprehend, writes Champlin. When Nero claimed (falsely, Champlin believes), that he slept with his mother, Agrippina, before he killed her, he wasnt staking a claim as a pervert; instead, he was making an analogy between himself and Oedipus, the legendary king of Thebes who unwittingly married his mother and killed his father, and with Orestes, who murdered his mother to avenge her killing of his father. Champlin, who has written about Roman wills and Marcus Aureliuss
tutor, Fronto, hopes to reach a broader audience with this, his third,
book. I was tired of writing books read by about eight people, including
my mother. I wanted do something on a subject ordinary people might actually
have heard of. David Marcus 92 is a frequent PAW contributor.