March 24, 2004: Reading Room America’s
brash icon By Louis Jacobson ’92
On the morning of September 11, 2001, New York Times science reporter James Glanz *91 was eating breakfast with his wife. Their television was silent, but Glanz’s mother suddenly called from Des Moines, to tell them that a plane had just flown into the World Trade Center. Glanz raced downtown to the Times’s newsroom. “As I shot past the science editors’ pod,” Glanz recalls, “the deputy science editor pointed to me,” and said a single word: “Structure.” For more than two years, Glanz has tried to figure out why the Twin Towers fell — a job that led to the publication last November of City in the Sky: The Rise and Fall of the World Trade Center (Times Books). A biography and autopsy of the towers, the book begins in the 1960s, with the bitter struggle between the powerful Port Authority of New York and New Jersey and a scrappy bunch of small-business owners whose shops stood in the way of “progress.” The book continues with the challenge of designing and building the massive towers. Although the cause of the collapse is still under investigation by a federally convened panel, Glanz and Lipton examined evidence that the Twin Towers’ fate on September 11 was determined by the decisions made decades earlier by the Port Authority. The designers built floors largely devoid of internal columns; the towers’ structural integrity relied instead on a lightweight latticework incorporated into the buildings’ facades and a tight palisade of columns in the buildings’ center cores. This innovative design helped the buildings withstand the initial impacts of the hijacked jumbo jets, rather than toppling instantly. But the Port Authority’s decision to spray the towers’ metalwork with only a small amount of foamy fire retardant seems to have doomed the towers to eventual collapse, the authors write. Even worse, Glanz and Lipton say, the fireproofing decision was made arbitrarily, in secret, and without oversight by city fire officials, who lacked jurisdiction over the Port Authority. While researching the book, the authors spent many days in the subterranean
reaches of Ground Zero — a disturbing place that Glanz worries may
not be reflected in the airy, light-filled proposals for memorials. “It’s
a ruin. They pulled twisted steel and bones out of there,” he says.
Visiting the collapsed wreckage, he says, was like visiting a “battlefield.
. . . You walk into that zone, and the rest of the city fades away.”
Louis Jacobson ’92 is a staff correspondent at National Journal magazine.
By Lucia S. Smith ’04