September 14, 2005: Reading Room
for roots The daughter and stepdaughter of diplomats, Jane Alison ’83 grew up in Australia, South America, and the United States, and today lives in Germany. Her international background echoes in her latest novel, Natives and Exotics, which follows three generations of a family as they move about the globe, searching for a sense of home and pondering their relationship with the natural environment. Alison, known as Jane A. Shumate at Princeton, got the idea for her novel when she house-sat for friends in the Portuguese Azores, volcanic islands in the Atlantic. She visited one of the islands’ wild gardens filled with exotic plants brought over in the early 1800s from Australia, New Zealand, and other locations. She learned that a Scottish gardener laid out the garden during a time when the British sent people all over the empire to collect and classify vegetation, and then had those specimens transplanted around the world. “I became very conscious of plants and people traveling and transforming the globe’s surface as they go,” says Alison, whose novel was published by Harcourt in May. The novel, however, begins in 1970 with the story of George’s descendant, 9-year-old Alice. She spends about a year in Ecuador, where her stepfather, an American diplomat, has a hand in despoiling the land. A whale tooth she brings from one diplomatic posting to another seems to keep her grounded, as do thoughts of her Australian father. Next the novel travels back in time to 1929, when Alice’s grandmother, Violet, has moved from the city of Adelaide into the bush of Australia. Pregnant with Alice’s mother, Violet ruminates on her family history and her connection to the earth as she digs up roots to clear the land. Aspects of the novel are autobiographical. Alison, like Alice, was born to Australian parents and lived in Ecuador. Alison’s family, like Violet’s, settled in Adelaide. Violet is a composite of two grandmothers and a great-aunt, says Alison. A classics major, Alison has written two other novels, The Love-Artist (2001) and The Marriage of the Sea (2003). Her prose has been called poetic and lyrical. Alison, who says she applied to Princeton after reading This Side of Paradise, didn’t really begin writing until age 28 — when she rewrote a children’s story she was illustrating for an art course. After working at newspapers in Washington, D.C., and Miami, and as a speechwriter at Tulane University, she earned an M.F.A. at Columbia in 1993. She moved to Germany eight years ago. The main characters in Natives and Exotics ultimately realize that no one belongs anywhere in particular. “You find yourself living in a certain place and time with whatever history that there is behind you,” Alison says. “You can’t do anything about it. It is arbitrary.” By K.F.G.
By K.F.G. For a complete list of books received, click here.