November 2, 2005: Crossword
By Stella Daily ’00 The answer to this puzzle: CLICK HERE.
Across 1. One from 12-Down 4. What the nose knows 8. Out of one’s mind 13. Pair on a team 14. Gave a command to 15. Wahine’s greeting 16. Taut extremities? 18. Knot on a tree stump 19. Chicago Mrs. known best for her cow 20. Like the Sahara 22. Prompt at Theatre Intime 23. From Novi Sad, perhaps 25. Much-admired GE bigwig 27. Lodge firmly (in) 29. When eating clubs are busy for lunch 32. It’s no longer required of Princeton students 35. Vientiane’s land 37. Firestone library, it might be said 38. Rosemary’s Baby author Levin 39. Cash, slangily 41. Drag queen’s purchase 42. One’s place in the world 44. One mentioned in a will 45. Hosiery problem 46. Antiaircraft fire sound 48. Alternative to sparkling, in water 50. Camera setting, for short 52. Unaffected by pleasure or pain 56. Gear for a geisha 58. Some, in Spanish 60. Lest 61. Use an eraser 63. The zest of a location? 65. Tom of Amadeus 66. Hazy glow 67. Winged Greek god 68. Meal served at the Center for Jewish Life 69. Lang. used by computer science majors 70. Go to pot
Down 1. Napoleon’s fate 2. Contemporary of Braque and Picasso 3. Dwell in, as a dorm 4. Like commands that can be executed 5. Rather in a scandal in 2004 6. Bookie’s figures 7. Darn again 8. Early plastic now sought by collectors 9. An online univ. is one 10. Come in contact with feathers? 11. Like some traffic, for short 12. The foe, 11/12/05, and a hint at the theme of this puzzle 13. Indians once part of the Winnebago nation 17. Rickrack or ribbons 21. Shiny Happy People band 24. Not o’er 26. Electronic storage device, for short 28. Plays the fond grandparent 30. Nike competitor 31. Safecracker, slangily 32. Actress Merrill of Checkmate 33. Red explorer? 34. Support actress Sally? 36. Business attire, or slang for those who wear them 39. Non-tenured rank at Princeton 40. Like some literary reviews 43. Holds, as a Princeton degree 45. Bit of raingear 47. ___-tiki 49. One and only 51. Mamas’ counterparts 53. Where Aida premiered 54. Fancy tie type 55. Units of Albanian currency 56. Purchaser of The New York Times, 1896 57. One of three patriotic colors 59. Counterfeit coin 62. High card, often 64. What’s up one’s sleeve? Stella Daily ’00 is a crossword constructor and sixth-place finisher at the 2005 American Crossword Puzzle Tournament. The answer to this puzzle: CLICK HERE.