Exclusives: Inky
Dinky Do
a PAW web exclusive column by Hugh O'Bleary (paw@princeton.edu)
30 , 2002:
academic worlds totter, the real world goes on
By Hugh O'Bleary
This was going to be
a column about the Cornel West brouhaha (mainly so I could use the
word "brouhaha"), and, who knows, it may yet turn out
to be. After all, the high-stakes academic power struggle that has
played itself out on the pages of the New York Times in the past
month or so has all the ingredients necessary for real hot-button
columnizing: money, ego, race, Harvard-Princeton feuding. The issues
in the case-had Harvard president Lawrence Summers dissed West by
telling him in a private meeting that he wanted West, the holder
of one of 14 prestigious University professorships, to produce more
actual scholarship? Had Summers made a strong enough public commitment
to affirmative action? Would West abandon Harvard and return to
Princeton, bringing with him the biggest names from Harvard's celebrated
Afro-American department? Just how much does Cornell West make?-were
the subjects of debate and, let's face it, breathy gossip in every
coffee shop in Princeton.
Of course, there have
been other things going on as well. (Here is where this column starts
to be less about the West brouhaha.) On New Year's Eve-right in
the middle of when West and Summers were brewing and ha-ha-ing all
over the national press-a grim incident took place in Trenton. I
read about it in the local papers; I don't think it made The New
York Times. It seems a 23-year-old aspiring boxer named William
Davis had an argument with the mother of his infant child. The woman,
reportedly, had taken out a restraining order against Davis, but-"lost
in love," in the words of his coach-Davis confronted her anyway
on that last night of the year. The police were called and came.
Davis had a gun. He wounded two officers. Two other officers shot
and killed Davis. It was all over in an instant.
I found the story very
sad-a troubled life ended in violence, a tragic moment that will
leave other lives scarred and troubled. Yet what also struck me
about the incident was how remote it seemed, how utterly foreign
to the university community I live in or the commuting/corporate
world in which I work. In Princeton, we worry about anthrax (after
all, our post office was closed down for a matter of days!), or
about whether our Christmas flight to Paris will be safe. We tend
not to worry about gun-toting ex-boyfriends. We get all worked up
about people shooting deer, not each other. At Davis's funeral,
held at the Union Baptist Church in Trenton (and reported in the
Trenton Times), the Rev. Simeon D. Spencer spoke of this profound
and troubling separation. "Look at Trenton and look at Princeton,"
he said. "We are not 15 miles apart. We are worlds apart."
Spencer offered no solution,
and goodness knows I have none to offer here. The question of just
what Princeton's-or any university's-place in the community should
be is far from a Dinky one. It occurs to me, though, that as we
natter on about the Cornel West and Lawrence Summers and faculty
raids, we would do well to remember that such affairs, no matter
how heady or high-powered, are not exactly issues of life or death.
You can reach Hugh O'Bleary
at "Hugh O'Bleary" paw@princeton.edu