Exclusives: Inky
Dinky Do
a PAW web exclusive column by Hugh O'Bleary (paw@princeton.edu)
13, 2002:
It's the venue, stupid!
By Hugh O'Bleary
Ask Peter "Pierre"
Pinkley 77 what time it is and hell tell you, "Its
Tiger time!" Pinkley is an unabashed booster of of all things
Princeton. This is a man who has a room devoted to Princeton memorabilia,
from flags and pennants to old Palmer Stadium programs to a framed
and signed color photo of George Schultzs tiger tattoo. Im
not so sure he doesnt have a tattoo of Schultzs
I often ride the train
into the city with Pinkley ("I work in advertising," he
likes to say, "but my hearts in Princeton.") and
he usually has some sort of Princeton-centric scheme hes working
on. Last summer, it was orange-and-black hot dogs (veggie dogs,
actually; they were made out of carrot and black beans, and despite
the obvious appeal for tailgating never caught on), the year before
that it was the campaign to get Woodrow Wilson added to Mount Rushmore.
It should have been no surprise then when he plopped into the seat
beside me one morning last week and said, "Swifter. Higher.
"Arent I gonna
what?" I said.
"Not arent
ya, OBleary Oranger. Oranger, as in more
I should have known not to ask.
"Its the motto
for my new campaign," he said.
I asked what the product
"Its not a
product, " he said. "Its a dream. A vision. A mission."
He reached into his briefcase and pulled out a rolled-up piece of
paper. He held it up and with a flourish let it unscroll. On it
were the words GOING BACK TO THE GAMES.
"The Princeton Olympics,"
said Pinkley. "Just think of it the world comes to Princeton."
I may have tittered,
or snorted.
"They laughed at
Baron Pierre de Coubertain, too," he said, "but he made
his vision come true. Arent you watching the Games every night?
Im serious about this. Just think, at the first Modern Olympics
in 1896, most of the U.S. team was from Princeton. What could be
more fitting then bringing the Games back here?"
"Well almost anything,"
I said.
But he was not to be
"Just picture it,
OBleary," he said. "The stadium filled with cheering
spectators from all over the world, medal ceremonies on the steps
of Nassau Hall, the P-rade of athletes at opening ceremonies."
For a moment a far-away look came into his eyes. "And get this
instead of gold medals, well have ORANGE medals for
first place!"
He had clearly been watching
too much Jim McKay. "What makes you think," I said, "that
the International Olympic Committee would even consider Princeton?"
"Aha!" said
Pinkley. "How did the ancient Greeks conduct their Olympics?
In the nude. And how does Princeton conduct its Olympics?"
He gave a big grin. "Its a lock," he said.
You can reach Hugh O'Bleary
at "Hugh O'Bleary" paw@princeton.edu