Exclusives: Raising Kate
PAW web exclusive column by Kate Swearengen '04 (kswearen@princeton.edu)
30 , 2002:
vs. athlete, an ongoing debate
Former president
Shapiro's remarks rankle
By Kate Swearengen '04
The trouble with Harold
Shapiro is that he did such a darn good job as president that no
one wants to tell him when he's wrong. Which is a shame, because
back in October, he made a comment about Princeton athletes that
deserves further review.
Shapiro's statement
was overlooked at the time, perhaps out of respect for his impressive
achievements during his tenure as president, or perhaps because
everyone was too busy criticizing the alum who wrote the cranky
letter characterizing Princeton athletes as drunks. You know, the
guy who said that athletes "use alcohol to pass time and as
a means of interaction and common cultural communication."
The implication being, I suppose, that alcohol is a powerful elixir
that reduces Princeton's academic superstars to the same intellectual
niche as its athletes. The great equalizer. Kind of like Cliffs
Notes, but with a hangover.
I'm not saying that
the alum who wrote that letter should be exempt from criticism,
because he should be verbally flogged. A lot. But so should Shapiro,
because in many ways, what he said was worse. Shapiro, after all,
was speaking from a position of authority, and people pay attention
to what he says. This is one thing when he's fundraising; it's another
when he's trashing a considerable segment of the student body.
In an interview with
PAW in October, Shapiro stated: "Here at Princeton a few years
ago, I sat in on a freshman seminar on intercollegiate athletics
taught by Hal Feiveson of the Woodrow Wilson School and Jeff Orleans,
the executive director of the Ivy League. Just about all the students
were recruited athletes. When I asked, 'How many of you would have
come to Princeton if it were a Division III school?', not a single
hand went up. These are great kids, but it was clear to me at least
that they thought of themselves as athletes first and students second."
Athletes first. Students
second. Gee, Hal, I dunno. I mean, isn't it possible to be equally
committed to excellence in athletics and academics? Are you saying
that an interest in sports necessarily precludes an interest in
intellectual pursuits? The logic professors over in the Philosophy
Department must be shaking their heads over this one.
Because, when it comes
down to it, the statement you're making is not only patently wrong,
it's also illogical. After all, you didn't ask a group of students
interested in music if they would have chosen Princeton if it didn't
have Jazz Ensemble or a cappella groups. You didn't ask a group
of students interested in theater if they would have chosen Princeton
if it didn't have Triangle Club or Theater Intime. So why are athletes
The bottom line is that
the students you talked to chose to play lacrosse or basketball
or soccer at Princeton, not at a Big 10 school. They could have
gone to universities that would have let them play ball without
the hassle of writing a senior thesis. Heck, they could have gone
to universities that would have paid them to play ball. So the logical
assumption is that these students chose to come to Princeton for
another reason. And I'm betting it wasn't for the Pottery Barn out
on Route 1.
Come on, Hal. You're
supposed to be on our side. Your countrymen and women are practically
carrying the crew and hockey teams, and you can't show a little
support for Princeton athletes? You're a bad, bad Canadian. And
praising athletes for being "great kids" just doesn't
cut it, because that's the kind of compliment that comes in at the
back door. It's like saying, "Johnny's not what you'd call
a Rhodes Scholar, but he sure does run a mean quarter-mile. What
a great kid." We are not amused.
You can reach Kate Swearengen
at kswearen@princeton.edu