Web Exclusives: Raising Kate
a PAW web exclusive column by Kate
Swearengen '04 (kswearen@princeton.edu)
March 12, 2003:
the campus
and winter
Alumni Day protest: On Alumni Day, Senator Bill Frist '74 was
presented the Woodrow Wilson Award in honor of his work "in
the nation's service." He spoke in the morning at Richardson
Auditorium and accepted the award later in the day at Jadwin Gymnasium,
where he addressed a group of 1,700 alumni. During the morning speech
at Richardson, about 25 students gathered outside to protest his
voting record on abortion, AIDS research, and affirmative action.
The protestors chanted "2, 4, 6, 8, why does Frist discriminate?
3, 5, 7, 9, his values aren't mine," as well as the less constructive,
but inimitably more catchy, "Frist, you're evil, and the building
sucks, too."
Tiger Inn: Female members of Tiger Inn recently threatened to
leave the club en masse after its membership elected an all-male
slate of officers. This year, all 11 eating clubs have men as their
presidents; however, with the exception of T.I., all elected women
to other official positions. Angry T.I. women briefly overwhelmed
Terrace Club, taxing its salad bar and selection of fat-free dressings
until Terrace officers implemented an aggressive campaign to stop
the marauders.
Snow Day: Princeton was closed Monday, February 16, after 21 inches
of snow fell on central New Jersey. The cancellation of classes
reduced the number of teaching days from 120 to 119, allowing Princeton,
which ties Harvard for fewest instructional days per year, to jump
ahead of its Ivy League rival. The news reportedly devastated administrators
at the University of Chicago, which, with 165 teaching days per
year, can never hope to be taken seriously. The cancellation prompted
some Princeton students to ask, "If we're not going to class,
then what the hell are we paying for?" but they were quickly
hushed and walled up in icy snow fortresses.
Israel Palestine: Cornel West *80 spoke to a full lecture
hall on February 12. The turnout for his talk was such that the
crowd spilled into an adjoining room, where they watched it by simulcast.
His lecture, organized by the Princeton Committee on Palestine,
addressed the appropriate response to suffering in the Middle East,
with special emphasis on the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. West
called for a critical, open dialogue to resolve the crisis. During
his hour-long speech, West touched on a variety of topics. Drawing
extensively from Plato's Republic as well as from his own sardonic
wit, he poked fun at the Bush administration ... "not visionary"
... and at key players in Middle Eastern politics. "Some people
get mad when I call Brother Arafat and Brother Sharon gangsters.
Well, they are gangsters."
West and email: On a related note, the two classes taught by Cornel
West this semester ... Public Intellectuals and Religious Traditions:
Erasmus, Hume, Arnold and Said and Philosophic, Religious, and Literary
Dimensions of DuBois, Baldwin and Morrison ...filled up immediately
during the course selection process. Public Intellectuals was originally
limited to religion majors, but the seminar was expanded from 15
to 21 people in order to accommodate some of the students on the
waiting list. But demand persisted, and those who emailed West to
plead for admittance received this automated reply: "Please
be aware that Cornel West does not read, write, or respond to email."
Domestic partners: In an effort to combat the housing crunch in
the Graduate College, Lockhart Hall has been converted to graduate
residences. Lockhart, the most rundown dormitory in the so-called
Junior Slums, was to have undergone extensive renovations this year,
but the work will now be put off indefinitely. Graduate students
are assigned housing on the basis of a lottery, with first- and
second-year students having priority. Those who fall into the category
of NE-DCC (not enrolled, degree candidacy continuing) are forced
to find their own housing, usually at high cost, and usually far
from campus. But enterprising grad students have found a way to
beat the system: register as your friend's domestic partner and
draw into Butler Apartments.
Press job: Visiting professor and Pulitzer Prize winner Serge
Schmemann, the New York Times writer with the unpronounceable surname,
is teaching a course in the Humanities Council this semester. Schmemann,
who has been bureau chief in Moscow, Jerusalem, Bonn, and Johannesburg,
will head to Paris next fall to serve as editorial director of the
International Herald Tribune. His course, The Craft of Foreign Correspondence,
is wildly popular with Daily Princetonian staffers who want to know
how they can land such a terrific job, too.
You can reach Kate at kswearen@princeton.edu