Web Exclusives: Raising Kate
a PAW web exclusive column by Kate
Swearengen '04 (kswearen@princeton.edu)
12, 2004:
to the end
When it’s more than black, or white
by Kate Swearengen ’04
Playing in the Dark
Khalil Sullivan ‘04, an English concentrator with a certificate
in Theater and Dance, wrote and produced a play for his senior thesis,
“Playing in the Dark: A Multi-Media, Minstrel Dramedy,”
which ran two weekends in April at the Berlind Theatre at the McCarter
Theatre Center. The play centered on two young men, one black and
one white, who fall in love while struggling to define and come
to terms with their identities.
In writing “Playing in the Dark” Sullivan drew upon
the minstrel theatrical tradition, a type of entertainment popularized
in the 1830s and 1840s in which white actors donned blackface to
perform comedy and play music. Sullivan’s play presented a
new twist: Instead of one racial group playing off another, his
characters created false personas to hide their true identities,
as if they were, in a sense, in whiteface.
Solomon, the black student played by Rodney Deavault ’07,
alternates between being himself and playing the part of the “dandy,”
the minstrel character of the “uppity” black man striving
to conform to white society. Solomon’s alter ego, a circus
ringleader, played by Catherine Cushenberry ’07, appeared
periodically via live video feed dramatizing his internal conflict.
According to the playbill, the inspiration for “Playing
in the Dark” came from Sullivan’s late-night walks with
his roommates as an underclassman: “After those types of nights
we never looked at Princeton the same way. My roommate, Jim Hunt,
always reminded me to beware the fallacy of insufficient cynicism.
In short, question everything. Why are you watching a play by an
African-American male at Princeton, an institution that a few decades
ago would have not have reacted kindly to his presence, an institution
which to this day does not adequately address nor realize the issues
he faces?”
Shades of Princeton
A campus-wide e-mail was recently sent to advertise Shades of
Princeton (http://www.shadesofprinceton.org), a discussion forum
in which university members can anonymously post their experiences
with racism or respond to other people’s postings. The goal
is of the website is to show that in spite of the lack of publicized
incidents, racism is a problem at Princeton. Because racism is often
intertwined with other -isms, the project has been expanded to encompass
all forms of discrimination on campus — classism, racism,
religious discrimination, heterosexism, ageism, ableism, sizeism,
and “other.”
A March 1 post reads: “I was walking back from the Wa behind
a groups of guys and heard them saying (and I paraphrase because
this was two weeks ago) ‘I’m so sick of all this race
sh**. I mean, class I guess I can understand. But it’s like,
get over it already!’ His two friends nodded in agreement.
This is not an uncommon sentiment and I’m not exactly surprised…but
then again, I was. His tone was like, ‘I feel so assailed
by all this race-conscious stuff…why can’t they just
get over it already? Poor, poor me.’ As if programming such
as Sustained Dialogue or the discussion of racial issues or race-related
policies were somehow negatively affecting his comfortable, Princeton
Baseball Hatted White Dudes
Elliot Ratzman, a graduate student in religion and a member of
the Princeton breakdancing group Sympoh, spends more time trying
to turn other peoples’ heads than spinning on his own.
An incorrigible do-gooder with a highly developed sense of social
justice, Ratzman recently wrote an article for the Nassau Weekly
called “Can I Read Marxist Theory in Starbucks and Not Go
to Hell?” (The answer is yes). But his latest, “What
Would Peter Singer Do? The Princeton of Good and Evil in Four Scenes,”
straddles the line between reformist and elitist:
“Sometime last semester a whole bunch of baseball-hatted
white dudes were searching through the course catalog looking for
a spring class to take. They came upon one description and exclaimed
in chorus, “Why, it’s a class on Erasmus, David Hume,
Matthew Arnold, and Edward Said!”
The reference was to Cornel West *80’s Religion 316:
Public Intellectuals and Religious Traditions, a lecture of
150 undergraduates.
Ratzman asks: “So what exactly do all these folks learn
in West’s class anyway? Have they wrestled with existential
questions? Has West moved them, or do they just perceive him as
a Negro dancing a jig? Let’s see what they say once their
grades are turned in. The gifts of academic heaven’s highest
circle are endemically squandered on mental no-shows.”
Ratzman misses the point that the world’s wealth and power
are endemically squandered on white, baseball-hatted (or cowboy
hatted) mental no-shows, and that trying to win them over makes
more sense than ignoring them. West doesn’t need to preach
to the choir — he goes out and converts.
So the guy in the third row who plays solitaire on his laptop
may not turn out to be the next James Baldwin. Cellphones have disrupted
several lectures, and the odds are that it wasn’t Bernard
Henry-Levi calling from Paris. But what good is a public intellectual
if he’s just dialoging with other intellectuals?
All cynicism about Princeton students aside, I seriously doubt
that anyone in the class thinks of Professor West as a “Negro
dancing a jig.” Are some of West’s more subtle points
lost on us? Undoubtedly. Are we getting everything we should out
of the class? Probably not, and some of us may never cultivate an
appreciation for Matthew Arnold. Sometimes laughter from the preceptors
in the front row indicates that West has said something funny and
profound that has gone over our heads. But there are jokes we get
— “Check yourself. Socrates would say know thyself,
but he’s not a street brother like me.” — and
we love it when West abandons academic language to refer to someone
as a ‘gangster.’ West is the consummate public intellectual,
and connecting with his audience comes with the territory.
You can reach Kate at kswearen@princeton.edu