Web Exclusives: On
the Campus...
30 , 2002:
the road again
the annual Triangle show to the hinterlands
By Zachary Pincus-Roth
5:45 a.m., depart McCarter
Theater, Tour Manager Lindsey Mantoan '03 at the helm. Sleep on
bus while leaning on seatmate, known in Triangle as "grogging."
Arrive Carnegie Mellon University. Unload sets, lights, props, tools,
instruments, sound equipment from truck. Truck driver Angelo smokes
first of many cigarettes. In boys' dressing room, tour's first game
of Mafia (generally, players try to figure out which of them the
moderator has secretly tapped to be murderers). Show. Load everything
back into truck. Adam Gitlin '03 directs traffic, holding map of
where things go. Jews in the company light a menorah. David Turner
'02: "Whose birthday is it?"
Meet 5:30 a.m. for seven-hour
bus ride. Semicircular thrust stage at the Christian Theological
Seminary juts out into audience. Orchestra sets up behind an upstage
curtain. 5:00 p.m. company meeting spent figuring out how to know
when to begin singing with conductor invisible. Ritual: Costume
crew puts name tags next to each actor's changing area, but renames
them according to daily theme. Today is Disney characters day. Iris
Blasi '03 is "Cruella De Vil." More Mafia. Drummer Dan
Siegfried '05, during pre-how alumni dinner: "David's stuck
over there talking with a 400-year-old woman." Eric Bland '02:
"That's his grandma."
ST. LOUIS, Dec. 16
Arrive, Ladue Horton
Watkins High School, Production Manager Katie Grzenczyk '02's alma
mater. Star Wars characters day in dressing rooms. Zach Goldstein
'05 is C3PO. David Mesrobian '05 searches in vain for his goat costume.
Uses Kelly Murphy '03's rhino outfit instead.
Alum, at postshow reception:
"Princeton was the best decision I ever made. Including my
Seniors get night off.
Some play 1984 Disney version of Trivial Pursuit at Katie's house.
Eric, Rob Draper '02, and I wait for taxi at Peter Kidd '02's twin
brother's Washington University dorm. Cab driver to riverboat President
Casino says someone once won $10,000 and his cabbie killed him.
At 2:30 a.m. I leave blackjack, walk to Gateway Arch. Eric wins
$160 in poker. Returning cab driver: "I keeps a gun rack on
every door." Driver again: "So, that Jeffrey Dahmer was
a crazy guy, huh?"
Lia Romeo *03's alum
host: "Are you hosting any kids"
Another alum: "No."
Lia's host: "Oh,
you're so lucky"
Arrive Pembroke Hill
School. Draper wins big in preshow poker. Virginia Pourakis '05
and Chaya Litvack '05 comb wigs. Diseases day. Kristen Smith '03
is "Salmonella." Audience member has drunken, howling
DALLAS, Dec. 18
10-hour bus ride. Watch
Voices, a documentary about champion barbershop quartets. Bus driver
Gary announces his wife has floppy breasts. Arrive Ramada Inn for
night off. Cab to Deep Ellum, nightlife area. Some end up at a jazz
club called The Bone, some down Southern Comfort and Long Island
Ice Teas at Orchid Bar, some see Nikka Costa perform at Trees. Everyone
returns to Ramada for merriment and flirting. Jesse plays guitar
and we all sing "Brown-eyed Girl" and "Me and Julio
Down By The Schoolyard." We know the words but we don't know
the order in which they come.
DALLAS, Dec. 19
Show at Southern Methodist
University sells out. Only one spotlight (other's broken). George
W. Bush jokes bomb. Act I's closing curtain comes down too early,
leaving Becky Farbstein '04 in front of it when house lights turn
on for intermission. David Turner performs Beowulf rap from show
at party in Plano.
One host, stopped at
a blinking yellow light for a full minute: "One time I was
driving, and my son was furious with me because I saw the light
change three times and the guy behind me yelled 'Lady, you haven't
gotten a color you like yet?' and I thought it was so hilarious
that I just kept laughing and daydreaming. (Two-minute pause.) So
I was in Estonia last fall."
A TV screen is embedded
into front of the stage, so actors can see conductor. Girls have
to walk through guys' dressing rooms to reach stage. "Places
They're Likely To Have Sex" day. Cara Sheffler '04 is "Vatican
Museum." Liz Greenberg '02 heats up "goop," a lemon
juice and honey concoction that helps sore throats sing. Show performed
almost completely without microphones theater is intimate
and mike feedback has been recent problem. Jeff Vinikoor '03 and
I stay with a gay couple.
HOUSTON, Dec. 21
People play football
in Rice University quad while others sit on grass and gossip. I
dive for a pass onto a concrete walkway. David Turner's pass pummels
grass-sitter Jess Herling '03 in the head. Troy Holland '05 wins
Golden Wrench, award for most helpful non-techie. Barbecue dinner.
During kickline, both my wigs fall off. Thinking Peter flipped off
the second, I steal his. He picks up mine from ground.
Dec. 22-23
Movies, Mafia, guitar-playing.
Krystal Burger, Cracker Barrel, Steak and Shake. Arrive Princeton
6:00 a.m. Unload truck into Armory. Close truck. Lock storage cage.
Have breakfast. Hug goodbye. Or shake hands, if you're a guy and
that's what you'd prefer. Most people just hug.
You can reach Zachary
at zacharyp@princeton.ed