On the Campus
March 5, 2008:
in the deli; “Princeternships” begin
Bianca Bosker ’08
ZORBA’S GRILL is a tiny take-out
restaurant just steps away from 185 Nassau St., a former elementary-school
building that is now the Lewis Center for the Arts. Dimly lit, with
windows and walls covered with faded pictures of grill-grub and
counters crowded with snack foods on sale, the deli seems an unlikely
site for an art show. But in December, Zorba’s became an unofficial
gallery when more than a dozen artworks created by a Princeton ceramics
class went on display.
For one of eight projects the class completed during
the fall semester, Ann Agee, who teaches the course, took her students
to Zorba’s and asked them to create pieces that were to serve
a specific function there. The resulting pieces ranged from tip
jars to straw holders, help-wanted signs to menu racks.
One student, who noticed that people always ordered
at the cash register instead of talking directly to the cook, made
an arrow sign that would direct customers where to place their orders.
Other pieces were more decorative, such as a gun-metal gray elephant
sculpture and a box of candy-bars made out of clay.
Sophomore Ben Laguna made a rack to hold sandwiches
after they had been prepared. He hoped the piece would be a kind
of “hidden art” that patrons wouldn’t immediately
recognize as art. “It’s cool to expose people to a little
bit of art in day-to-day life and to put art in a different context
than people are used to,” Laguna explained. “I liked
being able to expose people to art when they didn’t realize
Agee wanted her students to think about public art
and the functional history of ceramics, but she also saw the project
as a way to show support for local businesses. “The local
shops are really valuable, and we love them. This was another way
of appreciating them,” she said.
The ceramics have served as a bridge between the
Princeton campus and community. “We were delighted to be asked,”
said Anne Fikaris, the co-owner of Zorba’s. “We’re
so close to the arts building and always see students on the run,
so it was nice to be able to have time to do something in conjunction
with undergraduates.”
Jocelyn Hanamarian ’08
Making plans for summer internships and post-graduation
jobs can be difficult when students feel disconnected between what
they do in the classroom and outside it. Thanks to a Career Services
offering called Princeternships, a series of one- to three-day internships
hosted by Princeton alumni, students are finding a new link between
their studies and the real world.
Josh Muketha ’11, a civil and environmental
engineering major, plans to earn a certificate in architecture,
but was turned off by the theoretical focus of his first studio
art class. At his Princeternship at the Philadelphia architectural
firm RMJM Hillier, Muketha caught a glimpse of professional architecture
and was reassured of his choice.
“There is this huge difference between architecture
as a subject and architecture as a profession,” Muketha said.
“I am an engineer, so always my big worry was that architecture
seemed very abstract. Being exposed to this workplace helped me
to see things, because engineers are kind of practical.”
Muketha’s host, Robert Hotes ’85, is
a senior preservation architect at the firm, which is headed by
headed by J. Robert Hillier ’59 *61. Hotes and Muketha reviewed
a restoration project and attended a lunch seminar on roofing materials.
“I want to take classes in material-science
courses, so it would be nice to think back to that experience,”
Muketha said.
The first Princeternships were held in February at
workplaces that ranged from from Christie’s to Sun Microsystems
and JP Morgan. They will continue to be offered during breaks in
the academic calendar such as intersession and spring break.
Tasnim Shamma ’11 did her Princeternship at
Business Week magazine, where she attended sessions that
decided the content of that week’s issue, saw where podcasts
are made, and sat in on an interview for an upcoming article.
“I work for the Prince,” Shamma said,
“but I realized that magazine writers and columnists have
a lot more time to think and analyze events, and they corroborate
their sources more. I feel like I can make a more informed choice
about my career in journalism, about which specific area I want
to go in to.”
Photos by Hyunseok
Shim ’08