the Campus...
March 9, 2005:
By Ashley Johnson ’05
Starting with the fall term, Princeton’s dormitories officially
will be smoke-free. Vice President for Campus Life Janet Dickerson
recently approved the dormitory smoking ban recommended by the Undergraduate
Life Committee (ULC), a subcommittee of the Undergraduate Student
Government. The USG’s voting members chose not to support
the recommendation, but the University still adopted the new rule,
which bans smoking in student rooms and common areas of the dormitories,
sparking grumblings from the smoking community.
ULC chair Juan Lessing, a senior from Oak Park, Calif., hopes
the University will continue to discuss the policy before its implementation
and include as many voices and viewpoints as possible. “Ultimately,
it comes down to determining whose responsibility it is to protect
the student’s health and well-being,” Lessing said.
“We determined the University [is] responsible, but that does
not mean it should simply implement a policy. It should rather consult
with students of varied opinions and implement the appropriate version
of the policy.”
Dickerson, who had worked with Lessing through the research and
proposal process, cited second-hand smoke and fire hazards as the
primary reasons for enacting the ban. Lessing interviewed students,
faculty, and campus organizations, and held office hours to gather
student opinion on the topic. He also spoke with the Housing Department
to discuss possible solutions. Ultimately, his research left the
ULC with narrow options for recommendations in light of economic
and health-related concerns.
“We found the nonsmoker’s right not to be harmed by
second-hand smoke to supersede the right of the smoker to smoke
in his or her dorm room,” said Lessing. “We are not
against smokers or smoking, but rather for the general health and
fire safety of all students.”
Currently, students are allowed to smoke in their private rooms,
though the majority opt to smoke outside the buildings. If complaints
arise among roommates, they are to be handled between the smoker
and the party offended. If a dispute cannot be resolved, Princeton
is obligated to move the smoker. However, the Housing Department
cites a lack of empty rooms for its inability to comply fully with
this policy.
Lessing struggled with the final recommendation, carefully considering
the claim that he was infringing on students’ individual rights.
The ULC examined various options before endorsing an outright ban,
including the idea of smoking dorms, smoking entryways, and smoking
floors. Lessing’s research found that these ideas would be
difficult to implement, since student smokers represent a small
minority and ventilation systems cannot isolate second-hand smoke.
Students have varied responses to the action. Junior Debra Siegel
agreed, citing a concern for fire safety. “If I can’t
even have a wrapped candle in my room, why should someone be allowed
to have a lit cigarette?” she said. But a sophomore smoker,
who requested anonymity, argued that “one smoker in a whole
building isn’t going to cause cancer in anyone.”
The ban will not extend to the eating clubs, which handle smoking
in various ways. While smoking is somewhat common during late nights,
it is almost unheard of during dinner, unless the club happens to
be Terrace, where smokers have their own dining room. “There’s
no rule about it,” said Carolyn Pichert ’05, a member
of Cap and Gown, “but even during Bicker the smokers would
go outside. It’s just ingrained now.”
The ULC based its decision on various studies and findings, as
well as earlier implementation by other Ivy League Universities.
Lessing said Princeton was slower in revising its policy because
“we wanted to ensure that it was what the student body wanted
and needed. We did not want to enforce policy that had not been
researched and presented to the student body for consideration.”
Lessing contends that the policy is intended to aid the students.
The Harvard School of Public Health recently released a study finding
that college students who live in smoke-free residence halls are
40 percent less likely to take up smoking than those who live in
housing where smoking is permitted. He also hopes that the University
will consider expanding its free smoking-cessation program for employees
to include students. “We discovered that a large portion of
smokers want to quit,” said Lessing. “This could be
a great start for them.”
THE PLANNING of the annual Take Back the Night march, organized
by the Women’s Center and the SHARE organization and typically
held during April, illuminated a previously visited issue for women
on campus: the absence of a local rape kit. Organizations as well
as students have been pressing for the rape kit, which consists
of 12 envelopes and various tools for collecting physical evidence,
to be added to McCosh Health Center’s services.
Currently, Public Safety must escort victims of sexual abuse on
campus to Robert Wood Johnson Hospital in New Brunswick, roughly
a 30-minute ride, in order to have their case documented for possible
court proceedings. The issue raised on campus is, after enduring
such a traumatic encounter, should a University student be forced
to make great efforts to ensure the preservation of evidence?
To date, no other Ivy League school’s health center offers
a rape kit, but all are located within five to 10 miles of an equipped
medical facility.
After strong encouragement from individual students, mainly victims
of sexual assault on campus, the University Health Services requested
money for the kits in its 2004-2005 budget. The University denied
the request, citing economic and legal concerns. Rape kits require
training for those who will process them, necessitating orientation
programs as well as payment for 24-hour on-call qualified nurses.
Beyond the economic concerns, Princeton insists that the primary
issue in introducing rape kits is the need for absolute accuracy.
In 2003, chief clinical officer at McCosh Janet Neglia commented
to the Daily Princetonian, “I don’t see why
the rape kit is the be-all and end-all. The collection of evidence
that can be used to prosecute the persecutor must be done to exacting
standards, or it will not be allowed [for use in court].”
According to national statistics reported by The Help Line, a
nonprofit agency working in prevention and education of sexual assault,
one in four college women has been a victim of rape. Princeton’s
reported 2001 statistics were far below this average: 0.6 percent
said they had been raped, 2.6 percent said they had experienced
unwanted sex, 4 percent said they had experienced unwanted physical
advances, and 9.3 percent said they had been sexually harassed.
According to Director of Public Safety Steven Healy, an estimated
70 to 80 percent of rapes go unreported nationwide. The undergraduates
pushing for the campus rape kit hope that a local means of reporting
a crime, and opening the possibility of going beyond the options
of counseling, would decrease this number.
Katherine Reilly ’05, a member of the Princeton Organization
of Women Leaders and a PAW “On the Campus” writer, said
the push for a rape kit is part of a larger goal. “Princeton
should make it as simple and painless as possible for women who
have been sexually assaulted on campus to seek counseling, to receive
medical treatment, and to understand their legal options,”
Reilly said. “Having a rape kit at McCosh would mean that
women who have already suffered a great deal would not have to leave
campus to get this kind of help.”
Ashley Johnson ’05, an English major from Florence,
Ala., can be reached at ajohnson@princeton.edu.