the Campus...
May 12, 2004:
From the spectacle of theses to the classic
field trip
By Sara Mayeux ’05
There was a point this spring when, like all seniors, Maura Cody
’04 – a comparative literature major – sat down
in her carrel in the bowels of Firestone and hammered out the bulk
of her thesis.
Unlike the majority of her classmates, though, Cody found herself
weeks later surrounded by the characters and scenes of her thesis
come to life – in this case, running around spouting Italian
and falling in love and belly dancing and serving cookies to the
audiences who gathered in the Matthews Acting Studio at 185 Nassau
for two weekends this April to see Cody’s play “Spettacolo!”
Emily, the play’s main character, at once overwhelmed and
guiltily delighted by the hyperactive Italian town where the story
takes place. “It feels like there’s always something
going on here!”, she exclaims. Now, Emily, especially as played
by Olivia Wills ’04 in director David Bengali ’04’s
production of the play, is a rather neurotic type: the sort of reluctant
tourist who struggles in high-heeled sandals to manage her unwieldy
suitcases through Italy’s cobblestone streets and then blames
it all on Italy. But she has a point in her more wide-eyed moments:
there was quite a lot going on in the small-town piazza that Bengali
and crew had created.
Rather than separate the stage from the audience, “Spettacolo!”
made the whole room both stage and audience at once. Surrounding
the center stage was a church, a hotel, the office of the aforementioned
temp agency, and the Caffè Pronto (from which waiters served
pastries and cookies to the audience halfway through the show).
Spectators sat on benches here and there, on the steps of the town’s
church, at the café’s red-and-white check tableclothed
tables. In one corner Princeton’s own Klezmer band, the Klezmocrats,
provided musical accompaniment on violin and woodwinds; in another,
there was belly dancing, ribbon dancing, and tap dancing. (At a
few points, the play’s action required that whole chunks of
the audience move out of the way of the rolling piano, or relocate
to another corner of the square altogether.)
In addition to being Cody’s creative thesis, “Spettacolo!”
– the production – fulfilled requirements for a handful
of other seniors earning certificates in the Program in Theater
and Dance, including Bengali and Wills (an English major, who also
wrote a play for her own thesis). In fact, all along the process
was highly collaborative; Bengali, a computer science major earning
a certificate in Italian as well as theater, came up with the original
idea for the show last spring. Liz Berg ’04, also a theater
and dance certificate student, was studying abroad in Italy at the
time, and had written a junior paper on commedia dell’arte,
the raucous, exuberant, improvisational mode of theater that emerged
in Venice in the 16th century that is evoked by “Spettacolo!”;
Berg choreographed the show’s dance numbers in addition to
playing a starring role. Cody wrote the script based upon the ensemble
cast’s improvisations over the course of the year, as well
as their experiences visiting Rome, Bologna, and the Southern Italian
region of Puglia together over the intersession break in February.
And Scott Elmegreen ’07, who Cody met when they both acted
in another student production this fall, composed the music.
Many of the cast members had been involved with each other’s
shows over the past few years in various capacities. “Pulling
everyone together into one project was a cool thing to be doing
senior year,” Bengali said. But in this case even some veterans
were also getting a chance to try something new: theater certificate
student John Vennema ’04, the play’s set designer, also
played the romantic lead, though he’s spent most of his Princeton
theater career behind the scenes.
Having heard about the play over dinner one night with Cody, Bengali,
and Wills, I wanted to see for myself. Like Emily, I was somewhat
overwhelmed, if also delighted, by the entire experience. Spectacle,
indeed: on my way to my seat alone, I was offered a cup of espresso
by my friend Charif Shanahan ’05, who was playing a waiter
(and who I happen to have first met in a real piazza while we were
both studying abroad in Italy the summer after our freshman year),
and then nearly bowled over by two light-hearted handymen –
played by Elmegreen and Grace Labatt ’06, otherwise known
as the Goldoni Brothers Temp Agency – who were chasing each
other with the sort of gleeful mischievous abandon that renders
one blind to passersby. I suppose that all seniors hope that at
some moment between the months of laborious research and the frantic
weeks of writing, their thesis starts to come alive. For Cody, then,
who was taking tickets at the door that night, all of this frantic
activity must have been a good sign.
When I was in elementary school we went a lot of field trips,
and these always involved much logistical planning beforehand: picking
a buddy, being assigned to a chaperone group, and wearing matching
T-shirts so that if we happened to get lost we could be easily identified
as belonging to Sarah Smith Elementary in Atlanta, Georgia. Our
parents were instructed to send sack lunches. Under no circumstances
would we be allowed to board the bus if we did not have a signed
permission slip, or if we had misbehaved in school that week.
A few weeks ago I went on what may well have been my first official
Field Trip since my Sarah Smith days. (There were Class Overnight
Trips in middle and high school but those involved a whole different
set of worms.) Not only did we not need permission slips, we also
did not take a yellow bus. My graduate and undergraduate classmates
in ANT 406/506: Anthropology of Memory gathered, as instructed,
at the Dinky station one Saturday morning where our professor John
Borneman handed us our train tickets. From there we took NJ Transit
to Penn Station, then the subway to Battery Park. With no matching
T-shirts I was constantly surprised each step of the way to find
that we hadn’t lost anyone of the group, especially since
the only thing we had been told was that we were going to Ellis
Island, without any further details as to how exactly we were getting
there. We all made it to the ferry station, though it had been a
race to the finish; our only hope for sticking together as Borneman
led our motley crew through the bowels of Penn Station and the streets
of New York was to keep up with Borneman’s swift pace, and
the dozen or so of us weaving breathlessly through the Manhattan
crowds in a long disjointed directionless snake.
Instead of sack lunches, there were vegetarian burritos for lunch,
purchased at a nearby deli and smuggled onto the ferry, and, after
returning from the island, dinner at a swank Malaysian restaurant
in Soho – the sort of place with indoor huts and waterfalls.
As we were waiting for the ferry, a couple of my classmates lit
up cigarettes; once on the ferry we found ourselves surrounded by
families with small children, foreign tourists, and a high school
marching band from some faraway state, on a trip to New York and
wearing matching sweatshirts. An announcement was made about the
requirement that school groups include one chaperone for every 10
students. There were certainly more than ten of us, but I guess
we were our own chaperones now.
Sara Mayeux is a history major from Atlanta, Georgia. You
can reach her at smayeux@princeton.edu