On the Campus
September 27, 2006:
studies, at home and abroad
By Laura Fitzpatrick ’08
This summer, Brian Santana ’08 navigated the Sahara
Desert by camel. He sipped mint tea at roadside cafes perfumed by
spices, figs and dates. He
traipsed along winding roads dotted by vendors hawking handicrafts.
With grants from
Princeton’s Department of Near Eastern Studies and Princeton’s Institute
for International and Regional Studies, Santana was studying at
the Arabic Language Institute in Fez, Morocco. It was about as far
from Princeton as you can get, as he followed a route taken by many
undergraduates in spending the summer studying abroad.
“Each house in the city is like a mini-temple,” Santana
said, describing colorful mosaics crisscrossing the floor and lush
gardens punctuated by fountains. The rich aesthetic was all of a
piece with the slower pace of the city, he said, recalling how shop-owners
would take a break from pushing their wares to invite students to
share tea and conversation. A politics major, Santana said he developed
a deeper understanding of Arab traditions and Muslim practices that
will enrich his understanding of global affairs.
As part of Princeton’s Ishikawa internship program,
Tom Arias ’08 spent his summer rotating among departments at the
television/radio news studio MRO in Japan.
Interviewing important cultural figures in Japanese was a
challenge. But Arias made time for fun, too: “I will never forget
learning my first Japanese drinking game,” he said.
Wistar Wilson ’08 spent a month studying at the Rhodes
University summer school in Grahamstown, South Africa. Wilson’s
most vivid memory is of visiting nearby townships rife with poverty,
unemployment, and AIDS. “There was usually a whole field full of
makeshift gravestones,” she said. “The names of the dead were written
in marker on cardboard.”
Beggars were common.
But Wilson remembers one man who wanted a different kind
of help. “When he held out his hand as I walked by he said he didn’t
want money, but please could I help him because he couldn’t read,”
she said. “He’d gotten a letter from the government about his social
grant and didn’t know what it was.”
Working with
Child and Family Health International, Carey Faber ’07 spent the
summer in India, in rural Himalayan medical clinics. Aside from
the obvious the crowded conditions and the traditional food and
dress she noticed one major difference from Princeton, where Tigers
rule: “There are monkeys everywhere!”
PRINCETONIANS WHO OPTED to remain on campus
for the summer faced a different set of challenges. Research alongside
world-renowned professors or top-level jobs aside, many found the
biggest adjustment to be finding new friends now that fewer students
traversed the paths amid the greens and gothic spires.
“The only thing
I knew about [my roommate] coming into the summer was that he was
working in the lab and he didn’t have Facebook,” said Luke Owings
’07, referring to the popular online student network. “Talk about
a bad omen.”
Owings was balancing a job at Merrill Lynch in Plainsboro
with training in the varsity basketball weight room and research
on his economics thesis. Eventually, he said, having long conversations
after work with his roommate, Robbie Loughlin ’09, became the highlight
of the summer. “I never would have gotten a chance to know him were
I not on campus.”
Andy Brett ’07 was dividing his time between working
at an environmental consulting firm in Carnegie Center and researching
for a civil and environmental engineering professor on structural
risk from natural hazards such as hurricanes. He agreed that being
on campus was a way to spice up his social routine. “It was like
freshman week all over again,” he said.
Aside from meeting new faces, with the Street quieter
for the summer, many students found alternative spots to hang out.
Brett watched summer thunderstorms from the top of Fine tower. Working
in the PRISM micro/nano fabrication lab, Alex Kandabarow ’08 didn’t
limit his time in the E-Quad to research hours. “I discovered a
way to access the roof,” he said. “A few friends and I used this,
along with a case or three of Milwaukee’s Best, to liven up an otherwise
pedestrian Thursday evening.”
“Last Saturday
afternoon I was walking around town with a friend and we happened
upon live music in Palmer Square,” said Blair Moorhead ’07, on campus
for preliminary thesis research on women in fundamentalist religions.
“Who strolls through Palmer Square when you have papers to write?”
The best part of the summer, she said,
was having the freedom to explore a familiar place in a new
way. “There’s no one sprinting to class or pulling all-nighters
to get work done. It’s fabulous.”
Laura Fitzpatrick ’08 is an English major from
Ossining, N.Y.
Photo by Hyunseok
Shim ’08