Web Exclusives: From the P-Nut Gallery
a column by Nate Sellwyn nsellyn@princeton.edu
2, 2003:
to the P-Nuts Hall of Shame
The uglier side of 2002-03 Princeton athletics
By Nate Sellyn '04
The P-Nut attended his first P-rade this year, and I have to pay
homage to what was, by far, the most clever sign on display: Down
with sexism, it read, Bitches hate that.
This week Ive selected some athletes who can follow sexism
right on outta here. My last column
picked a few of the years top performers students who
dominated their sports during the past season. This column... well,
lets just say these athletes let pretty much everyone down.
The P-Nuts All-Awful Team:
Spencer Gloger 04, mens basketball: I knew about Spencer
Gloger well before I decided to attend Princeton. Sitting in the
den of my igloo, thawing out some beaver soup, I read about Gloger
in SLAM, the basketball magazine. He was the great hope for Princeton
basketball. But he went to U.C.L.A. for his sophomore year after
having an awesome freshman campaign at Princeton. It was fine because
he came back after sitting out for a year there. Then he had to
sit out a year here too, since the N.C.A.A. doesnt allow Red
Rover-style transfers. This season, though, this was it. Gloger
was going to play. Princeton basketball, baby. Get fired up. Pump
Eye of the Tiger on your stereo. It was 2002-03, and
Gloger was going to fertilize the Ivy League.
It didnt work out that way. Gloger crapped out, but he didnt
fertilize anything. On February 20 the Tigers announced that Gloger,
who at that point was living up to the hype, leading the team in
both scoring and rebounding, had been ruled academically ineligible,
and was not currently enrolled at Princeton University. Swish!
Spencer has been declared academically ineligible,
said coach John Thompson in a statement. "I'm extremely disappointed
for Spencer, but we will move on. Coach, Im disappointed,
too. Gloger can return in 2004, but that is no excuse. Playing a
sport at Princeton means being both an athlete and a student. Spencer
Gloger has taken his time becoming one, and apparently cant
cut it as the other.
Sean Hartofilis 03, mens lacrosse: Being a great athlete
is about far more than putting up big numbers. Great athletes are
winners, players who come through in the clutch. My all-Princeton
team included students who won when needed. Thomas Pauly 04
who signed with the Cincinnati Reds last month after being
picked with the 51st selection in the Major League Baseball draft
made the difficult transition from closer to starter, and
responded to the pressure with two dominating performances. Yasser
El-Halaby 06 consistently would lose his first two games before
taking three straight to steal the match. Hartofilis just didnt
do it in the end. He was a star all season for the Tigers, who were
preseason favorites to capture the Ivy League title. Coming off
three straight N.C.A.A. finals appearances, the Tigers expected
to ride junior Ryan Boyle and seniors Damien Davis, Brad Dumont,
and Hartofilis to a national title. Didnt happen. Despite
a strong season, including some great games from Hartofilis, the
team fell apart when the wins were most needed.
On April 26, the Tigers faced Dartmouth in a game that would decide
sole ownership of the Ivy title. If Princeton won, they would retain
a chance to win its ninth straight Ivy crown. If the Tigers lost,
they would have to win the next week at Brown, and even then would
gain only a share of the prize. So how did Hartofilis perform, coming
off a Division I Player of the Week honor? No goals, no assists.
No minutes, in fact, since starting attackman Sean Hartofilis
was suspended for the game for a violation of team rules.
Suh-weet! What was this violation? Heres
a hint... assault and battery of a photograph.
The Tigers lost, and in the end received only a share of the Ivy
championship. They went on to take a 15-5 thrashing in the quarterfinals
of the N.C.A.A. tourney. There was only one turning point in this
season, and it came with the sound of broken glass at the Nassau
So thats it, only two guys on my All-Awful squad. Im
a nice guy, I didnt want to whine about more than two people.

You can reach Nate at nsellyn@Princeton.EDU