Exclusives: Tooke's
a PAW web exclusive column by Wes Tooke '98 (email: cwtooke@princeton.edu)
13, 2002:
the Dean
looking out for you since you have no sense
To: Princeton Undergraduates
From: The Office of the Dean of Student Life
Re: Important Advice
It has come to our attention that in the weeks since our last
message, undergraduates have continued to leap like lemmings from
their bunk beds. Since we here in the Office of the Dean of Student
Life care greatly about your well-being, we feel a responsibility
to quell these little Budweiser-induced gravity storms. We are therefore
pleased to announce a new policy. All students who sleep in the
top bunk of a bunk bed set are hereby required to strap themselves
in before sleep with a bed belt. Beginning March 1, any student
in the top bunk of a bunk bed set not using a bed belt will be required
to sleep on the floor for the remainder of the academic year. Free
bed belts and convenient installation kits will be available at
Dillon Gym beginning on February 15.
One of the benefits of the recent bunk bed crisis is that it has
alerted us here at the Office of the Dean of Student Life to other
potential hazards to the safety of Princeton undergraduates. We
are therefore pleased to announce the following set of new initiatives
that you should add to your copy of Rights, Rules, and Responsibilities:
1) Several member of the faculty report that they have seen undergraduates
running with scissors. We remind students that scissors are not
toys. Any undergraduate caught moving with scissors at a pace faster
than a brisk walk shall be strapped into his or her bunk bed without
2) We have noticed that some undergraduates persist in forgoing
overcoats on days when a person could catch his or her death of
cold. Therefore any undergraduate who fails to wear at least three
(3) layers on days that never reach fifty (50) degrees shall be
covered in wool blankets and required to drink watery cocoa until
his or her nose is no longer blue.
3) We have recently become aware of the unfortunate fact that
several female undergraduates have been spotted wearing white shoes
after Labor Day. This is not Yale. Taste matters. Any undergraduate
violating this rule shall be forced to accept a six-month internship
at Elle magazine.
4) Our associates in the University Dining Halls have mentioned
that undergraduates persist in eating unbalanced diets. Frankly,
young men and ladies, we're tired of repeating ourselves on this
point: Rhodes Scholars and Wall Street executives do not subsist
on cheese steaks alone. Therefore any undergraduate caught eating
fewer than three (3) servings of fruit, two (2) servings of vegetables
and one (1) serving of bran shall be publicly flogged and then forced
to eat Total until he or she becomes "regular."
5) We're tired of seeing you look so tired. So we want your lights
out by 11:00 p.m. No television watching after 9:00 until your schoolwork
improves and no watching any reality-program on FOX. That
stuff will rot your brain. And if we catch you hanging around with
that little tramp from Penn one more time, you're going to spend
the next six weekends in your room. Do you understand us?
Please realize that we wouldn't have to make these rules if you
would display a little common sense. Remember, punishing you hurts
us more than it hurts you. And would it kill you to come by and
say that you loved us every now and then? I mean, we are your (surrogate)
The Office of the Dean of Student Life
You can reach Wes at