Web Exclusives: Tooke's Take
a PAW web exclusive column by Wes Tooke '98 (email: cwtooke@princeton.edu)
November 6, 2002:
One for the Road
After 43 columns, it's a wrap
Two and a half years ago, when I was young
and foolish, I agreed to write a bimonthly column for this site.
I took the job partially because I liked
the editor and partially because I figured that it was a good short-term
way to make a little extra cash.
I also figured that "short-term"
was the operative expression in fact, in that first column
I wrote that the over/under on how many editions I would produce
before I got sacked was six. And I wasn't kidding. It's now been
43 columns, give or take a diatribe, since I started.
I have written from Boston, San Francisco,
New Orleans, Tahoe, Berkeley, Houston (Missouri, that is), Los Angeles,
and Monterey. Some of the columns have been good; some should be
publicly burned by brave women wearing biohazard suits.
Looking back through the archives, I am
mostly surprised that I was able to find 43 different subjects that
were even tangentially related to Princeton. Occasionally I repeated
myself: basketball made several appearances, as did my regular pot
shots at Nassau Hall and the board of the PAW. Over the last six
months my repeat ratio rose as I found myself increasingly disconnected
from Princeton, and I began to wonder how I could gracefully draw
the column to a close. The answer, of course, is that you just stop.
So I'm stopping.
In the unlikely event that your life is going
to be ruined by a dearth of Tooke, you can preorder my forthcoming
novel on Amazon. The title is Ballpark Blues, the publisher
is Doubleday, the release date is March, and the price is reasonable.
I would also suggest counseling.
Writing for the Internet has been a fascinating
experience, and thank you to all those who took the time to e-mail
me over the last two and a half years. The biggest problem with
publishing online is that you never have any sense of your audience,
and your letters were often the only evidence that anyone was finding
the page.
Many thanks also to my editor, Lolly O'Brien,
who was exactly the kind of supportive voice that every writer dreams
of having.
Before I go on too long, both in this column
and in this job, it is time to say goodbye. May we meet again, either
in person or on the page. All best Wes (C. W.) Tooke
You can reach Wes at cwtooke@princeton.edu