Photos from the Field
Photographs from alumni.
Thumbnail images may be downloaded and will be a larger size, approximately
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Send your photo via email to paw@princeton.edu
Mail your prints to us at: Web Photo, Princeton Alumni Weekly,
194 Nassau Street, Princeton, NJ 08542
From Kristin Hudacek '05 : I recently graduated Princeton and took a family trip to Tanzania with
my brother Dan '73 to climb Mount Kilimanjaro. At the Marangu Hotel, a lodge at the base of Kilimanjaro, we met two other Princetonians. Dan and I had just completed the climb (a five-day round-trip hike on the Marangu route) when we met Rei Thompson '09 and Eve Wadsworth '02, who were about to embark on their trips. From left in the photo are Rei, Kristin, Eve, and Dan. |
From David S. Wu '79:
Three Princetonians are shown with China's railway minister. From left are David S. Wu '79, Minister Liu Zhijun, Jerry Greenwald '57, and John S. Hamilton '81. The three alumni serve on the board of directors of the China operation of EMD, the former locomotive division of General Motors that was acquired by Greenbriar and Berkshire Partners. Minister Liu presented his Princeton visitors with the silk tiger picture seen in the photo. |
From Nurunisa Neyzi '05: This photo is from Reunions 2005 with my father Mehmet Ali Neyzi '80, center, and my friend Christoph Geiseler '04, left.
From Alison Lee '05: This picture was taken at the annual Opera in Central Park. It's quite fun and represents Princeton alumni/ae getting together over the summer to enjoy all that New York City has to offer. We thought it was a good photo and nice to share - especially since we're excited about being recent graduates (and a bit sad).
This is a picture of me, Cathy
Busby *83, on the banks of the Amazon River. My PhD in geological
sciences at Princeton got me a faculty position at the University
of California, where I've been for 20 years. I've done field
work in many beautiful and remote areas, including Namibia,
Morocco, Bolivia, Peru, Chile, Argentina, Costa Rica, Mexico,
Japan, Australia, New Zealand, and all over Europe. |
From Frank Wang 86: I with around 20 or so alumni
formed the small but very vocal cheering section at the Univ.
of Oklahoma vs. Princeton game on January 3, 2003 in the All-College
Classic at the Ford Center in Oklahoma City.
There were probably around 5,000 University of Oklahoma fans
(there would have been more if not for OU playing LSU for
the national championship in New Orleans in the Sugar Bowl
on January 4) present so our small Princeton contingent was
vastly outnumbered.
1) The top picture shows the scoreboard at halftime, when
Princeton led by 1 point.
2) The second photo is of the Thompson family: Dave
'74 and his wife and daughter Jordan.
3) The third picture is of David Mercer 69 and
Bob Alfson 72 proudly holding the Princeton Club
of OKC sign.
I sat next to a big OU fan whom I invited to join me; he
expressed surprise that Princeton was able to keep the game
so close. He figured that Princeton would keep it close for
a period of time but not be able to keep up with OU's pace
allowing OU to eventually "break away" and end with
a big lead. OU went into the game undefeated and ranked 7th
Though the final three-point attempt failed and though Princeton
lost, the OU fans had to admit grudging respect for how well
Princeton played.
Rob Dunham '88 sent in
these two photos with this note: Here's one of me flying a KC-10
over Iraq. The KC-10 is primarily a tanker, we refuel the fighters,
bombers, and AWACs in flight giving the US an incredible ability
to take the fight to the enemy anywhere in the world. I am currently
an activated Air Force reservist deployed to Bulgaria and flying
over Iraq everyday. Also enclosed is a picture of a KC-10 refueling
F-14s over Turkey enroute to Iraq. Enjoy. |
Lisa Frelinghuysen took this photo
of three former Olden Street housemates. Left to right are:
Stephen Vehsalge 89, with daughter Sadie (10 mos.)
and sons Wiley (7) and twins Henry and Bailey (4); Peter
Frelinghuysen 90, with his daughters, Electra (4)
and Diana (1 mo.), and son Peter (2 1/2); and Charlie Shaffer
90, with his son Charles (2). The three men were spending
a weekend together in Connecticut. Vehslage is a teacher, Frelinghuysen
is an orthopedic surgeon, and Shaffer is a banker. |
Virginia Wells Maloney w30
sits in "Oval With Points" by Henry Moore at Commencement
2002. Her granddaughter Christina Paul Maloney, daughter
of Clif Maloney 60, was graduating that day. |
Rosalie Norair 76
snapped this photograph at Alumni Day 2002. From left, Tiger,
Glenn Berkey 89, Dean of Admission Fred Hargadon,
and Agustin Rodriguez 90. Berkey came to the event
from Hong Kong to receive the Penick award for Alumni Schools
Committee work, and Rodriguez received the Penick award for
the Princeton Club of Virginia. |
Bathsheba Fulton van den Bosch
married Frederik van den Bosch (center) in May 2001. Shown with
the couple are Arthur D. Fulton III 67 (far left),
John Phelps West 43, and John Phelps West, Jr.
67 (far right). |

Ashley Conrad-Saydah '99:
I have attached two pictures, one of Dr. Geerat Vermeij
'68 and is wife and one of Dr. Vermeij, his wife, a Japanese
film crew from NHK, seven interns from the California Academy
of Sciences and me, Ashley Conrad-Saydah '99 (far left).
Dr. Vermeij and I recently met through a
documentary producation. Vermeij is a well-known professor
at UC-Davis and an expert in molluscs and marine invertebrates.
He was also recently featured on the PBS special "Shape
of Life" (Check him out at: http://www.pbs.org/kcet/shapeoflife).
We discovered our Princeton connection
after Vermeij finished shooting a "class" for Careers
in Science interns at the California Academy of Sciences.
NHK, a large Japanese TV network, filmed Vermeij teaching
and tidepooling with Academy interns for their "Superteachers"
series. As the manager of Careers in Science, I coordinated
much of the filming details and was able to spend some time
with the Vermeijs. I learned that Geerat has not been back
for a reunion! I encouraged him to return and snapped these
photos in the hopes that they might make it to other members
of the Class of '68.

Barclay Leib '81:
"Conroy Swimmers Abound - First there was Nancy Conroy
'81, All-America captain of the 1981 Ivy League-champion Princeton
women's swimming team. There were her nieces, Rebecca Conroy
'00 and Katie Conroy '02, both strong Princeton women swimming
participants in recent years, with Katie currently holding the
DeNunzio Pool record for the 50-meter backstroke.
Pictured here is yet another new generation coming along, Kate
Conroy Leib, age 7, and possible P.U. Class of 2016. The daughter
of Nancy Conroy and Barclay Leib '81, Kate used the alumni meet
at this year's Reunions to show her stuff in DeNunzio Pool.
Kate was a bit confused at first to be going up against competition
generally six times her age, but she maintained her competitive
spirit throughout, and swam in multiple heats.
All hail Princeton's Conroy swimming family. |
Betty Sanford w45, after seeing PAW's
reunion issue, sent in this photo of her husband, Laddie
45, which brings back memories of past reunions. |

Dave Burns '53
sent in this picture of himself at Reunions 2001. |
From Cynthia Rugart k45
k78: Here's a photo depicting a number of PU grads
who were inadvertently at the same vacation spot during the
same week! I simply had to send it in. The place is Rockywold-Deephaven
Camps on Squam Lake in New Hampshire. The week was the second
week of August. The group is standing on the steps of the common
dining hall. Shown left to right, front, are: Eleanor Boynton
Wagner 83, Melissa Dodge 80, Mark
Rutherford 80, Jack Machain 73, Bayard
Dodge 78, Trip Rugart 78; back: Alex
Armstrong 37, David Dodge 45, Karl
Rugart 45, John Witners 65, John Speers
77, and Bill Speers 45. |
Tencher k33 sent in this
photo, writing: "I thought you might be able to use this
photo of my dad during his Princeton days. He's James R.
Tencher 33, in the snappy white overalls!) and I think
that may be his friend Jim Dill, who I believe went to
Princeton too." |
Kathy Chilton s'66:
"I'm sending a photo of a sign I saw on Comanche Blvd.
in Albuquerque, New Mexico. It speaks for itself." |
Mary Miles Prince h84:
"In the February 8 issue of PAW, David Pertsemlidis 91
wrote that the November 8 issue had made him 'feel like an
old man.' He wrote to verify that the From the Archives photograph
in the November issue was indeed 43 Blair Hall and further
stated that it was not only hi home but identified the visible
artwork of several others who dwelt there a mere 10 years
ago. He stated that he 'never expected at age 31 to be able
to offer any useful information.'
"I am writing to further identify the
work of the clearly visible 'Miles 33' found in the
same photograph as that of my father, C.W. Miles III, with
the hope of making Mr. Pertsemlidis feel like a young man
once again. I also enclose a photograph taken in a different
part of 43 Blair, where he (right) and Gordon Summerfeldt
33 were studying. I remember touring 43 Blair with my
dad during his 50th reunion in 1983 several years before Mr.
Pertsemlidis began his studies, and viewing this artwork,
for which my mother had chastised him many years before, when
he had proudly shown it to his new bride."
Ms. Prince also sent in a photograph of the commencement
for the Class of 1933. |