From the Archives 2000-01
and 2001-02. For
From the Archives 2002-03, click here.
Photographs from Princeton past and what our readers
have to say about them.
From the 7/3/02 PAW: Ten
years ago, the men's lacrosse team beat Syracuse 10-9 to claim
its first national championship since 1953. The men fell just
short of a replay what would have been the team's seventh
title in the intervening decade this year, losing to
Syracuse 13-12, but their female counterparts kept tradition
alive, beating Georgetown 12-7 to earn their second NCAA title. |
From the 6/6/02 PAW: Put
up yer dukes! These pugilists are truly in fighting trim
but are they taking part in gym class of training for Cane Spree?
Who can tell us who these sparring partners are? |
From the 5/15/02 PAW: We're
not sure that these fellows were celebrating Reunions, but they
certianly were celebrating. The photo is identified as "East
College party," and an arrow pointing to the lad on the
far right describes him as "Birch 98." Can any
of our readers fill in the details? |
From the 4/24/02 PAW: The scene feels
so familiar lounging after dinner before heading off
to study,
perhaps? Who are these cool cats, and where are they
Bob Frye '53: The cats are
without doubt procrastinating at Dial Lodge, and the cat in
the right foreground has to be Tip Larkin '53. The year must
have been 1952 or 53. I don't know the others in the picture,
nor the source of the picture. I do know that my wife was the
one in our household who spotted it and called it to my attention.
Thanks for provoking a communication from me, the first in who-knows-how-long. |
Irby Williams w71: As I paused to peruse the April
24 PAW, the From the Archives photo caught my eye. The young
man in the single chair on the left could well be my late husband,
John E. Irby III '71, at Tower Club, where he was a member (and
where it's my understanding that he spent more time at ping-pong
and other recreational activities than at reading).
I don't recognize any of the others.
While I'm not certain that it is John, it is makes
me chuckle to be reminded of those "crew cut"
days, which yielded after his sophomore year to much longer
locks. The picture must have been taken in sometime between
Fall '67 and Spring '69. We were high school sweethearts
who were parted for a season when he left the Atlanta area to
go to Princeton thanks to Murray Peyton 57, who
saw a tribute to John's high school accomplishments in The
Atlanta Journal and insisted that he apply, even though
John was determined to go to Rice or Furman to pursue his interest
in physics. I followed him to New Jersey and
attended Rider; we were married in the Princeton Chapel
in June 1970, finished our schooling, and spent many years in
the Princeton community serving at Tenacre Foundation. Oh, how
he loved Princeton as do I!
I'll be interested to see who else identifies themselves or
loved ones!
I love receiving the gift of PAW each week. It's a privilege
to be considered a member of the Princeton family! |
Chris Beha '02: I couldn't
tell you who these students are, but I do know the where. The
picture was taken at the Tiger Inn, in the first floor lounge
now known as the Red Room.
From the 4/10/02 PAW:Batter
up! A Princeton
baseball game was once a highlight of the spring social season,
as proven here by the charming hats on the ladies in the stands.
Can anyone tell us who the Tiger
competitors in this photo
are, and what year it might have been taken? |
Swager Sherley, Jr. 37:
I could be wrong, but the second Princeton player from the left
(with one foot out of the dugout) looks to me like John Paul
Chubet, III 37, and likewise the player with his arms
crossed on his knees looks like E. Kenneth Sandbach, also 37.
Both players lettered in varsity baseball in 1935, 1936, and
1937 (they were also on the freshman team) so the picture could
have been taken any one of those years. As to the other players
and the ladies in the stands, deponent knoweth not. |
Edgar A. Spencer 36:
Sitting with the cap on the back of his head and with his back
against the post is Ken Sandbach 37. The face which is
pointed right at the camera between #1 and Sandbach is that
of Bill Fallon 38. I think the guy standing next to #1
is John Chubet 37. Picture had to have been taken in 1937.
Robert F.
Clary '37: I am certain that the player standing in the
front is John Paul Chubet III 37. "Chube," as
was his nickname, was an enthusiastic and outstanding athlete,
lettering I believe I recall in football, basketball, and baseball
his sophomore, junior, and senior years. Oddly, I do not recognize
any of the other players, which leads me to surmise that they
are members of younger classes. Accordingly, I would guess that
this picture was taken at the Yale-Princeton game, which was
the custom, following the P-rade in June 1937. Chube died in
1993. He was also a classmate of mine at Exeter, Class of 1933.
Hugh B. Lynn 36 p65: Most likely
early June 1937. John Chubet 36, standing, hand, hand
on knee. Ken Sandbach 37 p65, sitting with his tongue
between his lips. |
William M. Edmonstone 39: The player
on the far right (whose face can be seen) has to be Tom (Toots)
Barnicle '39, and the year is probably 1937. Thanks for bringing
up wonderful memories. |
the 3/27/02PAW: We always knew Princeton students had to juggle
lots of things, but these folks take it to extremes. The caption
places these dexterous Princetonians in the early 1990s. Can
anyone tell us who they are? |
Michael Schneider 94: I am the juggler on the right.
I do not remember with whom I was juggling, but I believe we
were juggling as part of the spring community day activities,
probably in 1993. The photo also appeared on the front page
of the Trenton Times. Not pictured are the many other
assorted members of the juggling and yo-yo clubs who livened
up campus events from 1990 to 1994.
the 3/13/02 PAW: "The midterm is really a stinker..."
No, this is not a Home Ec class. The caption on this startling
shot reads, "Tiny Tot Tending Agency." We can only
assume these brave boys were beginning a babysitting service.
Who are these dapper dads-in-training? And did anyone ever dare
hire them? |
A.R. Boone 60: On
the left is definitely Cliff Maloney '60; on the right (pretty
sure) is Bob Isbell '60. In front, back to camera, is probably
(much less certain) Jim Kreder '60. Don't know the two standing
fellows at all. Somebody should have guessed this long before
me. |
Ed Gladstone '55: I would
like to note that in the early '50s the TTT was a thriving Baby
Sitting Agency. During the 1952-54 years I was the student manager,
and we always had callers and usually had no problem enlisting
student sitters. The faculty were the best custpmers, however
we were frequently called by towns folk. Football weekends and
theatrical productions at McCarter were busy times. We had the
good fortune of meeting high level faculty members with whom
we might not ordinarily run into. We were considered reliable
and in many instances provide tutorial help to children. |
Charles Biddle 47:
The picture was taken in about 1946 in our Holder Hall room
and shows the early formation of the Tiger Tot Tenders. The
founders were Peter Walmsley, Morse Dial, Arthur Brinkley, and
Charles Biddle, all of the Class of 1947. In the picture Brinkley
is holding the diaper and Dial is standing next to him. The
Tiger Tot Tenders got an unexpected bonus of being picked up
by the national press and then we were off. As I remember, it
was hard work and not overly lucrative at 35 cents an hour,
particularly when the clients would pool kids at one house so
that we ended up with five or six kids to watch, feed, change
diapers, etc., on the same assignment. Nevertheless, it was
good training. If you could survive that madhouse, later life
stresses would appear minor in comparison. I have no idea whether
our old organization still exists. |
Arthur Brinkley 80:
The photo shows my father, Art Brinkley 47, training members
of the Babysitting Agency. I believe Morse Dial 47 is
to his left. Despite their experience I'm sure most of these
men, as fathers, later denied any knowledge of diaper-changing! |
Amelie Walmsley Wathen:
It was nostalgic and amusing to see the From the Archives picture
in the March 13 PAW.
My husband, Peter Walmsley, started the agency in the 40s
to service families of married students, as well as professors
and those of the Princeton community.
They were a sought-after group. The Tiger standing on the right
is definitely Morse Dial. The Tiger standing next to him may
be Art Brinkley. Good friends all.
Thanks to you for providing a smile, and a special glimpse into
the past. |
Margaret B. Ruttenberg 76:
Unfortunately, I cannot help you with the names of your "Tiny
Tot Tenders," but I can assure you someone dared hire them.
During the early 1960s, when I was growing up on Murray Place
and attending elementary school at 185 Nassau Street, my parents
regularly engaged Princeton undergraduates to babysit my brother
and me. At that time they called themselves the "Tiger
Tots," and were uniformly wonderful.
The same economics major who taught me to add and subtract fractions
taught me to play poker and blackjack. After patiently listening
while I practiced Bach and Beethoven, another sitter helped
me to pick out the melodies to the Beatles' latest hits while
he played his guitar. They never made us go to bed on time or
touch a green leafy vegetable, unlike the girls from Westminster
Choir College, who charged $.50 rather than $.75 per hour. When
threatened with a permanent switch, my brother and I pooled
our allowances to make up the difference. My parents opted for
family happiness and simply absorbed the loss. |
Rub Cuniberti '47: The group honing their
skills at baby- tending includes Art Brinkley, holding the diaper,
and Morse Dial, standing next to him, both of the Class of '47.
The other three I can't identify at this point. As to the success
of the venture who knows? |
Ann Rose Reed w'42: In 1946 when we used
this baby-sitting service, we called them the Tiger Tot Tenders.
I remember one who was in training for a bicycle trip through
Europe and chose to ride back and forth to our house in the
country. Occasionally four (4) TTT would turn up, for the price
of one, in order to have a bridge game. I loved the idea of
four strapping young men watching over my baby daughter. Diapers
were changed with efficiency and aplomb. I wish I could remember
what their hourly rate was. |
From the 2/27/02
PAW: From the archives of Rod Allen 38 comes this photo
of members of Princeton's first ski team, competing in the
intercollegiate championships at Lake Placid in 1934. From
left to right the schussers are Tony Conway 36, Ed Oelsner
37, Aller, Ken Ross 37, and Jack Ross 39.
According to Aller, the team beat Yale, Cornell, and Brown
that year.
the 2/13/02 PAW Ini November 1933 PAW reported on the need for
a new library, citing the more than a mile-and-a-half-long row
of books stashed in basements of various campus buildings. This
picture seems to bear out that argument, with books piled haphazardly
on windowsills and students crammed around a single table. Can
anyone identify the scholars and time period of the photo? |
the 1/30/02 PAW: In this photograph, a very happy fivesome seem
to be enjoying each other's company and antics. The hairstyles
seem to date the image to the early 1970s, but we can't be sure.
Who are these undergraduates, and what were they playing at? |
Z. Ribalow '70: The Mad Russian in the photo is me,
Meir "Z" Ribalow '70; the bearded satyr surrounded by women
is William Hootkins '70. The photo was taken during Coed Week
-- February 9-14, 1969 a week-long extravaganza, organized
by Ribalow, which brought almost 1,000 coeds from various colleges
to Princeton, and absorbed them into dorms and classes without
incident (unless you count subsequent marriages). Mere weeks
afterwards, Princeton announced that it would admit women
commencing the following semester. This photo was likely taken
Valentine's Day, celebrating the wildly successful completion
of Coed Week.
The theatricality evinced by
the two students in this photo has not ceased in the years since.
Hootkins is an actor of distinction, having appeared in Star
Wars, Raiders of the Lost Ark, Batman, Hear My Song, Valentino
(as Fatty Arbuckle), and countless other films, acting with
Laurence Olivier, Paul Scofield, Marlon Brando, and others too
numerous to count. Ribalow's most recent play, The Nature
Of the Universe, was presented on Broadway last spring with
Blythe Danner, Brian Dennehy and Patricia Randell among
the cast; his play Sundance is currently running in L.A. He
is artist-in-residence at Fordham University, artistic
director of The Playwrights Project, and a widely published
writer (he appears twice in The Best of PAW). Some years
after this photo was taken, Hootkins, Ribalow, and Tom Kleh
'71 appeared together on the London stage in a production of
Ribalow's The Domino Theory.
As for "what are they playing
at?" in the photo -- look at the women, and take a guess. |
Berkowitz 70: Just got around to looking at the "From
the Archives" picture in the January 30 issue. You probably
have other people who have IDd them, but the comic Cossack
hoisting the bottle of Chianti is Meir Ribalow 70, and
the bearded gent with the hat is Bill Hootkins 70. Ribalow
was my onetime Whig-Clio debate partner, and I directed Hootkins
in several plays, including A Man for All Seasons, at
Theatre Intime.
Havent seen or heard of
Ribalow since forever, but Hootkins remains a friend to this
day. Its amazing that no one recognized him, since
he has been a fixture in films for many years Raiders of
the Lost Ark and Star Wars being two Id
be willing to bet hes the only Princeton grad with his
very own "Star Wars Power of the Jedi" action figure); he
most recently costarred in The Magnificent Ambersons
on A&E.
As for when the picture was taken,
Id be willing to bet it was 1968. Hoot and Ribalow
appeared together in Harold Pinters The Dumb Waiter
at Intime in the spring of 1968, when we were sophomores
and the picture is most likely from a party at that time. Ribalow
stopped working at the theatre in early 1969.
As for the identity of the girls,
I havent a clue but from the blissful expression
on Bills face, Im sure they were very nice. |
Bob Coxe 69: The
mystery photo from the archives in the January 30 issue looked
familiar, and a review of my tattered copy of the Bric-a-Brac
from the spring of 1969 confirmed it. this photo had to have
been taken in late '68 or early '69. it appears on page 111
of that year's Bric, a page purportedly devoted to the Nassau
Lit. it was actually a prank photo featuring Meir Ribalow
''70 (the guy in the crypto-Cossack outfit) and Bill Hootkins
70. Meir succeeded me as chairman of the Lit (and
did most of the work). Bill actually had no connection with
the Lit, but was a talented actor and a Colonial clubmate
of mine (the more "serious" photo was taken in the Colonial
Club library). I have no idea who the threeyoung ladies are
(more's the pity). |
John B. Fox '70: In the
January 30 issue, there is an invitation to identify the students
in the photograph "from the archives." The gentleman second
from the left is William "Bill" Hootkins, whom I lived next
to during the 1966-67 academic year. He participated in numerous
Theatre Intime productions, and later acted in Star Wars
(he was a pilot for the good guys) and A River Runs Through
It. (He was the manager of the speakeasy who tried to keep
Brad Pitt's girlfriend out because of the policy against admitting
indians.) I suppose he has many other credits to his name by
now, but these are the only ones I am aware of He also sold
me a very good tobacco pipe which I managed to keep for years.
William Bowman 74:
Second from the left is Bill Hootkins, star of stage and screen,
Class of '70 (I think). Although he was rarely out of any sort
of costume, I suspect this is a party shot from 1968. He was
recently seen in the remake of The Magnificent Ambersons. |
Bink Garrison 70:
That's Meir Ribalow 70 looking like he just stepped off
the Steppes. |
Stephen F. Sipos 71:
I believe that the bearded student is Bill "Hoot" Hootkins 70.
He is now in a series called the Magnificent Ambersons
on one of the cable channels, possibly A&E. |
Paul Kennison '70:
I am confident that you were right about the approximate date
of the photo because the bearded man dressed in white is surely
my classmate Bill Hootkins '70, who was (in many Theater Intime
productions in the late 60s) and is (famous for a cameo
appearance in the original Star Wars Hootkins
was the first Jedi knight pilot to be shot down in the movie's
climactic battle scene) a fine actor of stage and screen. He
lived in Edwards Hall in the period between l968 and 1970. I
am not sure of the identity of the other four people in photo. |
the 12/19/01 PAW: After a freshman / soph-omore fight, these
bloodied, buy seemingly unbowed students pose in 1893. From
left are Darwin R. James 1895, John P. Poe 1895, and Arthur
L. Wheeler 1895. So far this season at Princeton, there's been
no sign of snow, not even a hard freeze. |
From the 12/05/01
PAW: This photograph bears the date 1883 and four names, only
one of which a Princetonian, Henry Ewing Hale II, Class of 1892,
who sits up front under the plaid blanket. (It seems these fellows
have been driving around Princeton in the rain.) Who knows if
this photo is simply misdated or if Hale is a young lad of 12
when this was taken. |
Donald Hale Lindsley
'56: I'm writing to respond
regarding the picture of Henry Ewing Hale II (1892). The date
on the photo is probably correct. Hale lived in/near Princeton,
in the Mercer House (now part of the Princeton Battlefield State
Park), so he could have very easily have been photographed locally
in 1883. That could also explain why the other three are not
alumni they could have been local boyhood friends. Henry
Hale II was my grandfather. I'm passing on a copy to my cousin,
Henry E. Hale IV, and inviting him to share it with his son
HEH V, (who had the dubious taste to attend H-----d).
Thanks for running the photo! I never thought I'd be able to
answer one of your Archive questions. |
From the 11/21/01 PAW:This
archival photo is labeled simply "1933 basketball,"
and our attempts to find these fabulous five in other photos
from that time have failed. However, we know that hundreds
of PAW's readers will recognize them, and we hope you'll let
us know and include information about the team's season as
Marion Helm w33:
Looking through this issue, who should I see but Geoffrey W.
Helm 33, my late husband. He reminisced being the captain
of the basketball team on many occasion and how he loved the
game. He has three grandsons that also love the game. Sean and
Nocholas, 15-year-old twins and their younger brother, 8, still
play. The team in the photo won the first Ivy League Championship
in 1933. Geoffrey was a true "Tiger." |
Sarah Helm 89 k33
k63: The man at the far right of the photo holding
the basketball is Geoffrey W. Helm 33. He was captain
of the 32-33 team, my grandfather, and father of my dad,
Geoffrey W. Helm, Jr. 63. |
Hugh Sweeney 35:
All the faces are familiar, and two of the names are clear.
Two and three from the right are Johnny Grebb 35 and Ken
Fairman 34. |
Hugh S. Fairman '58:The
players are from left to right: Lank Siebert '34, Peter Fortune
'33, Ken Fairman '34, Johnny Grebauskas '35, and Captain Jeff
Helm '33. The team was coached by first-year coach Fritz Crisler,
Chicago '22. They compiled a 19-3 record coming in second in
the Eastern Intercollegiate League behind Yale all three
losses coming in the League. Although it was appropriate that
the team picture show the captain holding the ball, Jeff Helm
started in only one game all year. That one came at Dartmouth
in January when Lank Siebert didn't make the trip remaining
behind in McCosh Infirmary with the flu.
Jimmy Samuels '34, a member of the second team, called the starting
five the "Secret Five" because they held the secret as to why
no one else could get any playing time. The five, who started
20 of the 22 games played, were Siebert at right forward, Fairman
at left forward, Karl Larsen '34 at Center, Fortune at Left
Guard, and Grebauskas at Right Guard. If Samuels had known the
truth, it was actually Crisler who held that secret. He wanted
to win. In three of the games (two of them losses), Crisler
never substituted anyone for these five. In most games he replaced
all of them at once with what The Daily Princetonian called
the "second team" 'only after the score got out of hand for
the opposition. Charlie Ceppi '34, also a member of that second
team, played in 16 games and scored only two points all year,
so short was his playing time.
Lank Siebert lead the League in scoring with 103 points in nine
games. Most other players in the League played ten league games
that year.
On the afternoon of January 14, 1933 in University Gymnasium
the team tipped off against Williams. The cost of a reserved
seat was $1.10. Fritz Crisler coached from the Princeton bench.
On the Williams bench the head coach was one Charles W. Caldwell
'25. Princeton won 47-35. If someone had been taking bets that
afternoon as to which man was the more likely to have a Field
House at Princeton named after him, all the money would have
gone on Crisler. Nor could Ken Fairman have anticipated on that
day in January that just three basketball seasons later Fritz
Crisler would be gone to Michigan, and he, Ken Fairman, would
be head coach of Princeton Basketball. |
Adra Fairman w34 p58:
I can identify positions one and three. One is John Emory (Lank)
Seibert '34, and three is Roy Kenneth (Ken) Fairman '34. I believe
they won the League that year. Jimmy Samuels '34 always referred
to this team as "The Secret Five" because he, as an
aspiring substitute, claimed they permitted no subs and spoke
only to each other, exchanging mysterious signs and signals,
known only to them. This always brought a smile and a rueful
shake of the head from Ken Fairman. |
Joseph Hazen 35:
Two of the men shown were good friends of mine, and I believe
I have identified the other three. Here's "my final answer",
left to right: John Emery Seibert '34, Peter Charles Fortune
'33, Roy Kenneth Fairman '34, John Leo Grebauskas '3, 5, and
Geoffry William Helm '33.
The sixth member of this 1932-33 varsity team, missing from
the photograph, was Karl Henrik Larsen '34. In case you have
trouble finding John Grebauskas's name in your archives, you
should know that he changed his last name to Grebb soon after
The 1932-33 varsity team won 19 of its 22 games, including seven
of its ten league games and was ranked second in the league
standings. |
Ed Spencer 36: This
is the 32-33 varsity basketball team. I don't know
its record but it was one of our bets teams in that era. Pictured
are: Lank Siebert 34, who was the leading scorer in the
Easter Intercollegiate Leage that year; Pete Fortune 33,
who also played on the football team; Ken Fairman 34,
who became captain the next year. (He also played end on the
football team for three years. later he was head coach of basketball
for a couple of years and then director of athletics for many
years.); John Grebauskas 35, who had a great set shot
brom back court. (He became captain in his senior year.); Geof
Helm 33, who was captain of the team. Not pictured is
Karl larsen 34. He and Siebert and Fairman comprised one
of the best front lines in Princeton history. I was on the Jayvees. |
William Oman 34:
You can have even more fun with these and other old athletic
pics and your readers! Just pull down old volumes of the Bric-a-Brac
and you will find wonderful shots of athletes and teams
in all sports which would be fun to identify! I know as a retired
NYC book publisher! Try it. |
Lawlor 56: The second
from the left is Peter Fortune 33, my uncle and winner
of the Poe Trophy. He was also on the football team. He was
quite a jock. |
Paul Busse 42 also
wrote in. |
From the 11/07/01 PAW:
In this undated photo, identified in the archives by the word
"P-Party," these four celebrants are clearly having
a great time. We are sure that one of our readers can identify
these students and describe the festiviites.
Chris Jones '95 and Julie Polhemus
'95: Because you feature the Class of 1995 in From the Archives
does that we're old fogeys already?
We recognize, from left to right, Vaise Lawhorne, Natanya Holland,
maybe Melissa Floren(?), and Jennifer Case. I would guess that
the picture was taken our freshman or sophomore year. Our diligent
secretary, Chris Hand, could probably tell you what a few of
them are up to.
P-Party, If we recall correctly, was a (nonalcoholic) party
thrown by the university to which all students were invited.
The dining halls were closed, and food was served down on Poe
field, where a band played and spoiled kids from Rocky and Mathey
colleges grumbled a bit about having to make the long walk just
for a cold hoagie and some potato chips. |
From the 10/24/01
PAW: In this photograph from 1971, a group of undergraduates
enjoy a picnic near the Armory by the old Palmer Stadium.
We presume they were heading to a football game afterward,
but perhaps one of PAW's readers can let us know who the revelers
were and the nature of the occasion.
Mac Brown 73: The
males in the picture, from left to right, are George Frelinghuysen,
Jack Lloyd, and Charlie Scribner IiI, all Class of 1973. I am
not sure about the ladies. I don't know the occasion, but as
there is no Johnny Walker Black on the table, I was not present. |
Jonathan McCall 72:
That's Charlie Scribner III on the right wearing the St. Paul's
school blazer. |
Dwight Sutherland Jr. 74:
The photo from 1971 appears to be of George Frelinghuysen 73,
John Lloyd 73, and Charles Scribne III 73 (from
left to right.) (The two young ladies are possibly "imports"
since the male undergrad to female undergrad ratio was still
four or five to one at that time! Either that, or the photo
is from a year or two later and the two are indeed "co-eds.") |
Frederick Leist 73:
The two gentlemen on the right are Jack Lloyd and Charlie Scribner,
both of 73. They used to have wonderful tailgate parties
before home games, but the ones I remember were always in the
Ivy parking lot. At first glance, I thought the chap on the
left was George Freylinghuysen 73, but it might be me.
It's hard to say, as everyone except Charlie is far mor focussed
ont he food than on the photographer! |
James "Sly" Cunningham
71: The three men are George Frelinghuysen, Jack Lloyd,
and Charlie Scribner, all PU 73 and all Ivy Club. Charlie
is wearing a St. Paul's blazer. I do not believe the ladies
are Princetonians. I guess we're getting on if 1971 shows up
on this page! |
Becky Watt Epstein: This
is great and it is a picture I remember. George's butler I think
is in the background. I think his name was Maurice. |
Mike Odlum 74: I nearly
fell off my chair! Three Ivy Club men and two Bennett College
girls. The revelers are from left to right: George Frelinghuysen
73 (he is the one zeroing in on the vino), Becky Watt
Epstein (poised, sophisticated restraint..almost regal), Tina
Warner Mulligan (a little less restrined, uncanny ability to
focus on the matter at hand) Jack Lloyd 73 (contemplative
pose), and Charlie Scribner 73 (clearly the representative
for the group). (Is it me, or does Charlie appear to have skippped
a grade or two before entering Princeton?) Tina and Becky are
close friends and former classmates of my lovely spouse, Pam
Kraetz Oldum (Bennett 72), with whom I courted during
my senior year, and been happily married since 1976! |
Chuck Goldberg 71,
Gil Lampere, S.C. Parsons 72,
Peter B. Humphrey 68, Hendrix Niemann 73,
R. Marks Arnold 73, Gordon Walmsley 71,
John C. Brasunas 74, and Nancy Schoeffler
also wrote in. |
From the 10/10/01 PAW:
In this undated photograph, band members flash their allegiance
at half-time during a football game. It's unlikely that any
reader can identify our Tigers, or even name the game, but
PAW encourages you to try.
Josh Libresco 76: I'm going with
halftime on November 22, 1975 -- Princeton at home vs. Dartmouth.
For its last joke that day, the PU Band show included nine band
members in trenchcoats, spelling to the tune of the "2001"
theme. They started with "NNETICROP," then moved around
a couple of times, finally ending with "PRINCETON"
for the climactic notes of the song. I was the halftime announcer
that year for the band. That particular show also included references
to the famous disappearing pans of lasagne (from the fall of
1975), to Raquel Welch (you can imagine the band's formation),
and to the band's censors. I think the band liked the "2001"
spelling gag enough to use it in other shows, so I may be wrong
about this particular picture. It would take a "long, hard
look" at all of the band's shows to be sure. |
Nancy J. Newman 78: Of course we
can identify those Tigers! This is probably a home game from
the fall of 1976. Among the "flashers" the P is
sported by Jeff DeMarco 77, the R by John Frederick
80, the N by (the late) Bob Andre 77, the C by
John Bruestle 78, the T by Kent Rahm 78, the N
by Phil Hueber 79. Third from the front in the far left
row playing the piccolo is me, Nancy Newman 78, current
university trustee.
Jeff DeMarco 77: Just a couple of
things. It's definitely not me as the P! I didn't flash the
first year, though I did for "Beat Harvard" in 1976.
Second, which I should have mentioned before, the music was
the overture to "Also Sprach
Zarathustra" (better known as "2001"). There
were three flashes, the first two times with different anagrams
of "Princeton," the last with the correct spelling
- so this photo was on the last note. And Nancy, I'm pretty
sure that's John Bruestle at the "R." ;-) |
Jeff DeMarco 77: The photo in the
10/10/01 issue is from 1975. By all that's right and holy it
should be from the Yale game (apologies for not having a font
for an upside down Y), but the script from that show does not
list it. There are several missing scripts that year, so it
may have been another game, possibly Dartmouth. It was the first
time the band did the flashing routine, which continues to this
day on the occasion of the home Hahavahd or Yale game.
It's a little hard to see, but here are the folks I can recognize
in the "Princeton."
P: Bob McKillip '77(I'm pretty sure)
R: John Bruestle '78, '79
I: George Spera '77
N: The late, great Bob Andre '76
C: Drawing a blank
E: Drawing a blank
T: Kent Rahm '77
O: Dennis Shed '76
N: Drawing a blank - perhaps Phil Huber '79
The band itself is more problematic, but in the left most file,
the piccolo player third from the front is Nancy Newman '78,
and the flute player behind her looks like it could be Jean
Beasley '75, '76. In the middle file, the flute player fourth
from the front is Barbara Cole '77. In the rightmost file, the
flute player third from the front is James H. "Skip" Morris
The conductor should be John Beers '76, but I can't really tell
from the picture.
I'm sure others will make additions and/or corrections! |
Joel Niemi 76: The photo may be one
I took in the fall (obviously) of 1974 or 1975, likely the latter.
If it isn't my photo, someone else was sitting in the same area.
I'm sure that someone from the Class of 1976 or 1977 in the
band will remember the game. As I recall, the tune "played"
was "The Flash," or something similar, and the band
members with the letters ran around, lined up, and "flashed"
us. It took several times to get the spelling right; intentional,
no doubt. If this is my photo, it made it into the university's
archives in the spring of 1996 in response to a request for
photos of recent campus life. I sent several samples to whoever
was collecting them, and this was one they liked. The photo
was taken with an Olympus OM-1, 75-150 mm lens, developed and
originally printed in the School of Architecture darkroom. |
From the 9/12/01 PAW: Wallace
Murchison 41, left, and Ted Phillips 41 unpack and
prepare to hang curtains perhaps sewn with love by Mom
in their Brown Hall room at the beginning of the 1939
school year. Surely the boys of the day brought other treasured
possessions from home to cheer their living quarters; can longtime
PAW readers enlighten today's DVD-toting youth? |
From the 7/4/01 PAW: From
the press box high atop Palmer Stadium some time during the
1950s, our cub reporter struggles to meet his deadline. Can
anyone name the Press Club grad in our picture? |
Jim Millinger 58: He is james Melville
mcGlathery 58, who, I believe, rose to president of the
Press Club in 1957-58. |
Howard Sussman 58: "I am quite
sure that the undergraduate shown in the Palmer Stadium press
box on page 41 of the Reunions issue this year is James McGlathery
58 (my classmate)." |
John B. Lowry 52: There is a very
good possibility that the lonely stringer in the July 4 Archives
photograph is a 50-years younger me. I am sure it is not one
of my Press Club brethren in the Classes of 1951, 52,
or 53, and my wife believes the ears are indisputably
mine. maybe someone from a later class can provide a more positive
identification (and forget the ears). If I am the subject of
the photograph, I have no idea why it was taken, or more particularly
why it was saved. Perhaps someone was practicing with new camera
equipment Don Stuart, who covered football for PAW, or
Alan Richards, a local news photographer of the day. In any
event, I am glad PAW's archives are so complete. I have enjoyed
previous Archives mysteries, but this one especially. |
R. Grant Smith 60: The photo is of
Jim McGlathery, who was Press Club president from the Class
of 1958, I believe. He would have been active in the club beginning
in the fall of 1954 until the end of 1957. Since he always seemed
wise and experienced to those of us in younger classes, my inclination
is to say that the photo was taken before 1957, but I could
easily be wrong. |
Bruce Handler 58: It maby be Jim
McGlathery. That my suspicion, looking at the profile. We'll
see what happens. I could be wrong, but maybe not. Anyway, that's
my vote. |
From the 6/6/01
Richard Funkhouser 39: The photo pictures
my roommate Hank Sharkey 39. I took the picture freshman year
before final exams on the "beach" at SouthWest College
May 1936. Hank has his hands behind his head in the center of the
photo, smiling at the camera. I have the original in my album.
Alfred J. Lata 54: "The 'precise
location of the exotic locale' is the roof of the first floor of
West College, over what was then the U-Store. It would appear that
three of the sunbathers might be (from the right) Robbie MacFarlane
54, Bob Salkeld 54, and Bill Austin 54. As a resident
of 21 NorthWest junior year (windows showing in the picture) and
31 NorthWest senior year (with roommate Bill Austin), this roof
was a familiar view. [Picture therefore anytime from Sept. 1952
to June 1954 (Spring 1953 or Spring 1954 ?). I can't narrow it down
anymore than that.]"
Howard C. Cohen 65: "The picture
resembles the roof of Southwest College looking toward Blair Arch."
Stephen Valentine 47: "The photo
was taken from Southwest overlooking the roof of the U-Store."
Montague Blundon 42: "I feel sure
this is the back side of West College where I lived freshman year.
This would face Alexander Hall and Edwards Hall. The University
Store occupied the first floor and the roof you see was over the
store. This was years ago, but I feel quite confident of the location
having viewed it many times those many years ago."
Chute, Jr. 56: "My guess is the roof over the old
swimming pool in Dillon Gym. But I'm positive the young chap, third
from the right with head turned toward the camera is my classmate
Bosley Crowther 56."
Dick Arndt 49: "Roof of old U-Store
in West Hall. Perhaps taken from my window in 35 South West. I would
have said it was late 1940s, around 1947."
George D. Davis 47: "The picture
shows the 2nd floor roof over the U-Store which was then on the
ground floor of West College. The sloped screen structures protected
the skylights over the store. The screens were somewhat indented,
due to the fact that sometimes dormitory residents sunbathed by
lying on the angled screens. In at least one occasion this was brought
to the attention of the proctors by the U-Store clerks, who were
intrigued with some interesting silhouettes."
John C. Miller 57: "The picture
is a roof/deck on the back of Jadwin Gym. At the top left corder
of the picture is the window into the old wrestling practice room,
I believe. This deck was not far above ground level and was easy
to get to. Lying in Pyne Hall in my freshman year, it was nearby
and a good place to pretend you were studying."
Frank Schmidt 65: "This is the roof
over the registrar's office in West College. Access was gained through
a window on the second floor and the photographer apparently snapped
the picture from a third floor window in the South West College
wing. At the time I roomed in North West College (1961-62), only
the third and fourth floor were used for dorm rooms, the first two
floors being occupied by administratvie and faculty offices. I velieve
the U-Stpre was housed in the basement in the 1950s."
Bill Miller 53: The sunbathers were on
the roof of the University Store, Northwest College, facing away
from Cannon Green.
From the 5/16/01
the 4/18/01 PAW
the 4/4/01 PAW
R.J. Crook 45: Re: the Archives photo
from April 4. I was in ROTC from 1941-43, and never recall marching
anytime in civvies. The only period I remember ever marching on
campus was after the 1943-4-5-ers were federalized in March
1943. We were marched to Commons in enlisted uniforms. The second
and fourth men (to the rear) appear to be Army staff, but the caps
look to me like WWI and after vintage. I suggest the photo was from
the 1920s or 30s.
Rocky Semmes 79: I cannot vouch for the
identity of those noble ROTC recruit candidates from teh WWII era
Archive photo in the April 4 issue. But I can identify that these
recruits are undoubtedly Army and not Navy. The give-away is all
those hands in the pockets. Those of us in the Navy were chided
for wearing "army gloves" while in formation, and for
the look of things this was almost a requirement for this nattily
uniformed cadre of young warriors-to-be.
Jim Merritt 66: You're off by a quarter
century. Look closely at the civilian clothing and particularly
the unifrom cap on one of the marchers and you will see that the
photo was taken during World War I, not World War II probably
in the spring of 1917, after the U.S. declared war on Germany. Also,
ROTC did not exist at Princeton until 1919. Its predecessor was
the Students' Army Training Corps, or S.A.T.C.
the 3/21/01 PAW
Lewis C. Kleinhans 3rd '53 k'25: "I refer
you to PAW's From the Archives, the Mar. 21 issue, where you will
find a picture of 15 well-dressed (note the fur coats) Tigers on
the boardwalk of Atlantic City. Malcolm Warnock 25 writes,
'I never expected to see my picture in the Alumni Weekly, but there
I was on page 27. I remember that picture being posed and taken
of a group of us who visited Atlantic City on Easter weekend in
1923 or thereabouts. I am third from the left.' Unfortunately, Malcolm
couldn't recognize any others in the photo, and neither can I. Maybe
some of you who read this column can. If so, let me know."
Malcolm R. Warnock
Marie Whelan w27: I believe I recognize
the fifth man from the right in the Archives photograph in March
21 as that of my late brother-in-law George J. Whelan 26.
This would seem logical to be as his family lived in Atlantic City
at that time and he and his two brothers Jack 25 and Joe 27,
my late husband, all sported raccoon coats, hardly a distinction
from the look of the photo. George's love of Princeton never died
and for years he was head of annual giving in that area. As for
Joe, i can say that I have a sone-in-law and a grandson and the
latter's wife all Princeton alumni and steering my great-grandchildren
in the direction of Old Nassau.
the 3/7/01 PAW
Alice Eno w32: "After looking carefully
at the two baseball backs, I believe #9 is my husband Amos Eno 32.
I havve studied my bseball snapshots but not one shows his number
9, so I am without proof, just a good hunch. Sine I'm using my hunch
instincts, the right hand player looks like 'Shorty' Bowman, pitcher."
the 2/21/01 PAW
From the 2/7/01 PAW
William K. Selden 34: "I suggest
the quartet is likely the Kneisel Quartet. See page 37 in Women
of Princeton, 1746-1969."
the 1/24/01 PAW
John A. Peters 47: "I was pleasantly
surprised to see the photo of the student from the 1970s performing
a barbell curl (From the Archives, January 24). I dont know
who he is, but Im happy to learn that nowadays there are upgraded
facilities in the Dillon Gym exercise room. When I attended
Princeton, weight training was virtually unknown, a maligned undertaking,
and its practitioners derided at least, I was.I had my own
set of weights in my room at Lockhart Hall. I wanted to practice
the Olympic lift known as the snatch (pulling the weight from the
floor to straight-arm overhead in one fast movement). I didnt
dare try that lift in my room, fearing that I could lose the weight
behind me, sending it crashing to the floor.I took the barbell into
the quad outside Lockhart and tried to practice the lift. What I
got for my efforts was a lot of hoots and catcalls from students
peering from their dorm windows."
Terence E. Ryan 77: "I believe the
student pictured is Byron K. 'Chip' Adams 76. While I haven't
seen Chip in a while, he doesn't appear to have changed very much,
based upon a recent television commercial he appeared in for Hooked
on Phonics when he was its president and CEO."
the 12/6/00 PAW
DuPre 51: "That contraption being rowed down Nassau
Street is known as an Irish Mail (From the Archives, December 6).
My dad had one, I had one, and now my grandchildren are straining
to use mine up in the mountains of North Carolina. They were also
known by other trademark names. Mine was a something
velocipede -- the logo has long since worn off.You steer it with
your feet, and basically row it. It has a rod push/pulling a wheel
(much like a steam locomotive driver). The power is then usually
transferred to a rack-and-pinion gearing to the rear axle.A healthy
six-year-old can attain 10 m.p.h. or better on level ground, and
a teenager, with some redesigned gearing, can almost outrun a dog.It
is a great body builder and exercise machine, and a lot more fun
than jogging. They are still manufactured.
Editors note: We also heard from Gordon Daiger
53, Roberta Lawrence s38, Joseph Crossley 45,
Frank Gibson (Yale 1949), Al McCree 44, Philip Murphy
44, H. Dwight Neill 54, Stuyvesant Pell 53, Richard
F. Furman 38, Nicholas Wetzel 42, Louise Ritenour h30,
Rocky King 45, Bruce Handler 58, James F. Lotspeich
44, and Jack Raymond 46. Several of our respondents
told us they had had an Irish Mail as a child and loved it, attesting
to the fun and fitness it provided.
the 11/22/00 PAW
the 11/8/00 PAW
Pertsemlidis 91: "The November 8 issue of PAW succeeded
in making me feel like an old man. Although I always enjoy the From
the Archives photographs, I never expected at age 31 to be able
to offer any useful information. The Wall of Fame in question is,
without a doubt, located in 43 Blair Hall, which was home to Spencer
J. Reynolds, Jr. 92, Peter J. Offringa 91, Jason A.
Ritter 91, and me during the 1987-88 semester. Spencers
artistically carved name can be seen in the middle of the mantel,
while my amateur work is hidden by the American flag. I cant
offer any information about subsequent residents, but I apologize
to them for the damage left behind."
D. Winters '36: "It was with a shock of recognition and
pleasure that I turned to the From the Archives of the November
8 issue.The place pictured was 43 Blair, two entries west of the
Arch. My roommate, John F. A. Taylor '36 *40 and I lived there our
senior year and the names that figure so prominently in the fireplace
panel are ours. John's name is incised deeply and firmly; mine less
so and it lacks the 's' on the end because I never finished it.
Lest you feel this was a wanton act of vandalism it should be noted
that John, particularly, was a scholar and a gentleman. His senior
thesis was a tightly reasoned exploration of the philosophy of Immanuel
Kant; he graduated Phi Beta Kappa and certainly magna and probably
summa cum laude; and he went on to get a Ph.D. from the Graduate
School and become a highly respected and revered professor at Michigan
State. He married my cousin, whom he met only the day we graduated
when my uncle, Robinson V. Frost 1898, came over with his family
to help celebrate the occasion. While John was enrolled in the Graduate
School the impecunious newlyweds endured the hot, steamy Princeton
summers house-sitting Einstein's house on Mercer Street, which enabled
Einstein to enjoy the cool breezes of Cape Cod.Students lived well
in those days; 43 Blair was in fact a small suite with a good-sized
living room with a fireplace that worked and we each
had our own bedroom large enough to accommodate a desk, bookcase,
and all things necessary for quiet study. We also had janitor service
of a sort. He made up the room daily but I did put a shoestring
under the bed in the fall, and it was still there in the spring.
Students live in far less luxury today. The last time I saw the
room, there were six or eight people
living in it.I have wondered, since Blair was gutted in the recent
renovation, if the panel was discarded? If it was and is still available
and no one else wants it, I would love to have it.I realize this
is far more than an answer to your simple question, 'Where was it?'One
does tend to reminisce."
John Saul Jack Edwards, Jr. 98:
"David Pertsemlidis 91 is exactly right in his letter
to PAW (February 7). The mantel is indeed that of 43 Blair Hall,
which was inhabited by myself, Jim Carlisle, Timothy Gill, and Matthew
Morris (1994 Team Tournament Jeopardy Winner!) during the 1995-96
school year. Jim lives in Boston today, while Tim and Matt live
together in New York. The year before, the room had been inhabited
by a student who was said to have drunk himself to a 0.43 BAC (he
survived). Coincidence? I think not. The mantel may have had something
to do with it. We cant say for sure.Ill see if I can
find a picture from my era of the mantel, which has my initials
'JSE' carved into it, and send it to you."
David Howell: "As project manager for
the Blair Hall renewal project, I can report to Edward D. Winters
36 that the carved mantel in 43 Blair is still there, albeit
as of this writing still covered with Christmas stockings and tinsel
from this past holiday season by its four current (male) occupants.
Mr. Winters and other alumni may be interested in knowing that our
design approach for Blairs room finishes respects the authenticity
of every salvageable chestnut mantel. Of the 63 fireplaces in the
building, we were able to restore 50 of these original dark, carved
relics. Others had been previously replaced, and a few, along with
every other piece of wood trim including bench seats, were replaced
due to excessive wear. However, it was the precedent of these mantels
that enabled us to retain the original deep finish scheme on all
the new replacement trim, doors, and windows. Those carvings do
leave a lasting impression."
Barr Howard 46: Jim Helme 46, Vic
Schmidt 46, Elwyn Quick 47, and I shared 43 Blair upon
our return to veteran-crowded Princeton after WWII, attempting to
resume to "normal" life. The initials JBH are no doubt
those of James B. Helme.
From the 10/25/00 PAW
de N. Wynne 39: "The From the Archives picture of
a 'gang of 1920s undergrads strolling down Nassau Street' in your
October 25, 2000, issue intrigued me. The Nettleton Shoe store,
the Arcade Theatre, the plus 4 knickers, the white buck
shoes and the beer jackets all bring back memories of my undergraduate
days.I cant identify any of the five undergraduates walking
so confidently along, but two of them appear to be seniors as they
are wearing beer jackets. A careful inspection of the logos on the
jackets with a magnifying glass reveals they are of the Class of
1931, not of the 20s.Enclosed is a copy of 1931s beer
jacket logo replete with its symbols along with their interpretation:
1931 are obviously the class numerals; the patched football reflects
a losing season senior year, Princetons first in 61 years;
the H banner refers to a 1931 indoor polo game between Harvard and
Princeton, which started the thaw in Princeton-Harvard relations,
which had broken completely in 1926; the toppled statue symbolizes
The Princeton Student, a 71/2-foot bronze statue of a student-athlete,
dubbed The Christian Student, which was pulled off its base and
dragged around the campus when a bonfire rally on Cannon Green turned
into a riot, and 43 members of the Class of 1931 were suspended;
the liquor bottle signifies 1931 as allegedly the heaviest drinking
class in Princeton history; the dangling infant recognizes 1931
as both the youngest class to matriculate at Princeton and the class
that had the most of its members suspended in Princeton history;
and the Phi Beta Kappa key is for the smartest class to have matriculated
at P.U.
Andrew McMichael: "The picture is most
certainly earlier than 1931. According to the history listed on
its Web site, Horlick's Malted Milk dropped the 'Malted Milk' from
its name after 1930. Anyway, that narrows if down from the 1880s
to 1930.
From the 10/11/00 PAW
Herbert Kaufmann 55: "The archives photograph
in October 11 is of Myron Lee '55, my classmate at Princeton and
Yale Medical School. A telephone call confirmed my impression. He
told me that freshman year he had a job for a while delivering papers
and that picture must have been taken in October 1951; a long time
ago. I guess we're getting old."
Lee was also identified by G. S. Glaser '55.
the 9/13/00 PAW