Web Exclusives: Alumni Spotlight

Windi Lassiter ’00 is a new wildlife officer near Boulder,
April 7, 2004:
the wild
Windi Lassiter ’00 helps people and
wildlife peacefully coexist
On any given day Windi Lassiter ’00, a newly commissioned
wildlife officer north of Boulder, Colorado, might respond to calls
about sightings of mountain lions, inspect hunting and fishing licenses,
or teach children about safe interaction with wildlife. Armed with
handgun, pepper spray, and baton, Lassiter is a certified peace
officer; she fosters the mutually beneficial coexistence of humans
and wildlife.
In a state that is developing rapidly, wildlife officers also
attend meetings of local governmental bodies to educate municipal
planners and developers about land use and the impact on wildlife
of proposed development. Lassiter calls this role being “the
voice for wildlife in our district.” As more of Colorado’s
previously undeveloped areas become populated, the encroachment
on wildlife habitat threatens the survival of wild plants and animals;
it also creates problems such as black bears’ looking for
food around humans. Lassiter sums it up: “There are a lot
of concerns — a lot of conflict between humans and wildlife
— as Colorado is growing. Two-way communication is important.”
Western wildlife management seems a natural fit for Lassiter,
a Colorado native and an ecology and evolutionary biology major
at Princeton. “Growing up on a farm where I did, I ran across
a lot of wildlife — seeing elk and bears, hearing mountain
lions — and I’ve had an interest in biology ever since
I was small. Then, when I was in high school, I read a book about
[EEB] Professor Peter Grant. … A lot of my heroes were at
Lassiter’s Princeton thesis was an animal behavior study
of feral horses off the coast of North Carolina, where she collected
her own data and completed a scientific study, an experience that
gave her both training and appreciation for the data collection
aspect of her current position. She must be alert to any evidence
of spreading disease among wildlife, for example, to help protect
both animals and humans. “A wildlife officer is expected to
be a biologist and to be able to work with people, so it fits right
in with my personality and interests,” Lassiter says.
In addition to her biology degree, she was required to complete
nine months of training to become a wildlife officer. Her classes
focused on areas such as western water rights and the diseases prevalent
among wildlife in Colorado, including West Nile virus and chronic
wasting disease. Lassiter also had to go through 14 weeks of training
at the police academy. She had a week of scenario-based officer
survival school and studied principles of crime scene investigation,
pertaining to poaching cases. Today she is certified to enforce
most state laws.
Lassiter was one of two women among the 11 trainees. She estimates
that gender ratio to be typical; about 20 percent of the approximately
150 wildlife officers in the state are female. As far as she knows,
however, she is the only Ivy League graduate among the officers,
male or female.
The aspect of her work that she is “most passionate about”
is “how people and wildlife can coexist. I think the work
wildlife officers do is so very important, especially if Colorado
continues to grow as it is. … Wildlife officers can look at
both sides and make some kind of happy medium work.” She seems
hopeful that providing the public with better information about
wildlife will make their interactions with it good ones; she also
knows, from childhood experience with bear damage to her family
farm, the valuable support that wildlife officers provide when the
encounters are not positive.
Lassiter’s own experience makes her hope that other Princeton
students and young alumni will consider less common paths in their
careers. “I never dreamed that I’d be going to a police
academy or be in this role. It’s a nontraditional thing for
someone coming out of an Ivy League school to do. Princeton prepared
me very well to do it, though, and I’m glad I did it.”
By A. Melissa Kiser ’75
Melissa Kiser is director of public relations at The Pennington