Web Exclusives: Features
News from other Ivy League institutions, and Stanford.
Posted October 21, 2002
Paul S. Phillips, Gerald Shapiro, and Todd Winkler,
all members of the music department at Brown, have been honored
with 2002-03 ASCAP (American Society of Composers, Authors and Publishers)
Awards. The award winners are chosen by an independent panel, who
evaluates the unique prestige value of each writers
original compositions, as well as their (most) recent performances.
William H. Twaddell, Brown 63, received
the William Rogers Award (the Brown Alumni Association's highest
honor) at the 19th annual Alumni Recognition Ceremony. The award,
established in 1984, is named after the first graduate of Brown,
who went on to serve as vice president of the Society for the Gradual
Abolition of Slavery and also, the Philadelphia Society for Alleviating
the Miseries of Public Prisons. The Rogers Award is given to an
alumnus (alumna) who "exemplifies the charge of the Brown Charter
to live a life of usefulness and reputation."
Ruth Adler Ben Yehuda, a senior lecturer
in the Program of Judaic Studies at Brown, has been asked to become
a member of the Hebrew team of the newly created National Middle
East Language Resource Center. Its creation was recently announced
by the U.S. Department of Education, who claims it will be the
first Title VI Language Resource Center to focus solely on the languages
of the Middle East. The centers headquarters will be
at Brigham Young University.
This year, Brown has introduced a small group
of freshman seminars in order to "give incoming students
an immediate opportunity for an intimate learning experience."
Each seminar is limited to only 20 students, with a total of almost
24 seminars. The project is part of President Simmons's Initiative
for Academic Enrichment; students and faculty who work in the seminars
will be asked for feedback at the end of the year. Examples of seminar
topics include an English course entitled "The Problems of
Women's Writing" and a sociology seminar that asks "Who
Am I?" Seminar assignments were decided by a lottery system
for incoming freshmen.
Smallpox exhibit: "Smallpox in the
Americas, 1492 to 1815: Contagion and Controversy," is the
name of an exhibit at the John Carter Brown Library on the history
of smallpox. The show runs through January 15, 2003.
New appointments: Karen Newman, a Brown
professor of comparative literature and English, has been named
dean of Brown's Graduate School. Also, Andries van Dam, the Thomas
J. Watson Jr. University Professor of Technology and Education and
professor of computer science at Brown has been named vice president
of research. Finally, Elizabeth Huidekoper, who currently works
at Harvard as vice president of finance, has been named executive
vice president for finance and administration at Brown.
Team to build compact warning system for anthrax, other bioagents:
A Brown-led team of investigators has received $8.4 million from
the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency to build a small laser-based
bioagent warning system for use in buildings or homes or for troops
to carry in their backpacks in the field.
Kristine M. Gebbie, RN, Dr.PH, the director
of Columbias School of Nursings Center for Health Policy,
(with the aid of a team working under her) has recently published
Bioterrorism and Emergency Readiness: Competencies for all
Public Health Workers, after spending two years collecting
research in the field. The project was supported by the Centers
for Disease Control and Prevention and the Association of Teachers
of Preventive Medicine.
New services have been installed in the Columbia
University libraries, including "book request and delivery
service, virtual reference service, bibliographic software, and
wireless reading rooms." Columbia has the nation's eight largest
library system, including 7.5 million books and almost 50,000 serials.
Marie Regan, a recent graduate of Columbia University,
wrote and directed the short film Traveler while taking
classes at the universitys School of Arts. This past August,
her film, which details the story of a 92-year-old womans
frustration when her drivers license is taken away, won first
place at the Palm Springs International Festival of Short Films
in the category of student films under 15 minutes in length. Traveler
also qualified for next years Oscar competition as a short
film. Other award winning film students from Columbia include Patricia
Riggen 03 and Sergio Umansky 03.
Million-dollar grant: Professor of biological
sciences and codirector of the doctoral subcommittee in neurobiology
and behavior at Columbia, Darcy Kelley, has been awarded one million
dollars of grant money in order to "bring creativity into the
lab." She is one of 20 Howard Hughes Medical Institute Professors.
Special counseling services are being offered
at Cornell after a sophomore student, Scott J. Paavola, died
unexpectedly at the house of Phi Kappa Psi fraternity, of which
he was a member. The Police Department, after conducting an investigation
into the matter, released a statement: A forensic post mortem
has found
Paavolas cause of death to
be a medical condition associated with an enlarged heart.
Cornell United Religious Work is planning a memorial service.
Both the Cornell Police and the Tompkins County
Sheriff's Office are searching for a graduate student reported
missing from Cornell. Ritesh S. Shetty was reported missing by his
housemates on September 26. Shetty is originally from India, and
has been studying chemical engineering at Cornell since 1999.
Cathy Enz, a professor at the School of
Hotel Administration at Cornell, with Masako Taylor, a Ph.D. candidate
at the school, have found in a recently published study, that hotels
situated near airports offer the greatest amount of security features.
Resorts, however, scored low in the categories of physical safety
and security features and motels had the lowest safety/security
scores. The study can be found at: http://www.hotelschool.cornell.edu/chr
Paul Ginsparg, professor of physics and computing
and information science at Cornell, has been named a 2002 fellow
of the John D. and Catherine T. MacArthur Foundation. Ginsparg is
well known in his field for creating "an online system for
distributing scientific research results known by scientists
around the world as "arXiv.org." He has also made "substantial
contributions in quantum filed theory, string theory, conformal
field theory and quantum gravity" in his work as a theoretical
physicist. Three Cornell alumni also received the 2002 award: Erik
Mueggler, an associate professor of anthropology at the University
of Michigan at Ann Arbor, Sendhil Mullainathan, an associate professor
of economics at MIT, and Daniela Rus, associate professor of computer
science at Dartmouth.
A Peruvian mummy, normally housed in the
Cornell anthropology collections, will appear on television October
7 at 8 p.m. as part of the National Geographic Channel's science
program "The Mummy Road." In the past, there has been
little information regarding the Cornell Mummy; all that was known
was: "It represents a woman wrapped in fine textiles, donated
to the university in 1899 by a Peruvian alumnus," however a
Cornell undergraduate, Brian Finucane, wanted to learn more. Finucane
realized he needed "extensive X-rays to examine the inside
of the well-preserved mummy and he enlisted the help of the television
Two Dartmouth students, Tom Allason 02 and David Seidman
04 were arrested on charges of mass production of
fake identification. Police allege that the two students produced
more than 100 fake drivers licenses before being arrested
in September. Area vendors have been notified and are on the lookout
for I.D.s from California, Florida, and New Mexico.
On October 17, the 10th anniversary of Burke Laboratory,
which houses Dartmouth's chemistry department, will be commemorated
with a public speech by the former Under Secretary for Technology
in the U.S. Department of Commerce, Dr. Mary Good. Dr. Good, president
of the American Chemical Society, plans to speak about the relationship
between society and chemistry.
At the beginning of the winter quarter, a newly revised student
alcohol policy will go into effect on the Dartmouth College
Campus. According to Dean of the College James Larimore, "Were
recasting the policy from one that focuses on what is prohibited
to a statement that provides students with more helpful information
on what is allowed. Some revisions include online event registration,
a list of available places for events, and a clearer version of
the Good Samaritan policy.
Dartmouth Associate Professor of Computer Science Daniela Rus
is one of 24 MacArthur Fellows named by the John D. and Catherine
T. MacArthur Foundation. She will receive $500,000 throughout the
next five years. Rus, founder and director of the Dartmouth Robotics
Lab, says "I'm still stunned and incredibly happy to be named
a MacArthur Fellow this award will allow me to pursue something
in robotics that is exciting, risky and far out."
The first African American female professor to receive tenure
from Harvard, Eileen Jackson Southern, died October 13 in Florida.
She was 82. She was known as an expert on Renaissance and African-American
music, and came to Harvard in 1974, retiring in 1987. She was awarded
a lifetime achievement award from the Society of American Music
in 2000.
Adam Dziewonski, the Frank B. Baird Jr. Professor of Science
at Harvard, along with a graduate student at the university,
has discovered a previously unknown sphere, at the bottom of the
earth. The two scholars unearthed the discovery by examining "hundreds
of thousands of earthquake waves that passed through the center
of the planet in the past 30 years." Dziewonski states, "It
may be the oldest fossil left from the formation of the Earth."
Million-dollar grant: Richard M. Losick, a Harvard College
professor and Maria Moors Cabot Professor of Biology in the Faculty
of Arts and Sciences, has been named a Howard Hughes Medical Institute
Professor, and will receive a one million dollar grant. Losick plans
to use his money to "three programs designed to stimulate,
and sustain, undergraduate interest in the sciences." One of
the programs will aid incoming freshman with little science background
through mentoring and research experience, in addition to their
normal class lectures. Losick also hopes to pair postdoctoral researchers
with undergraduates who are
well advanced in the sciences; he feels this experience will further
their interest and challenge them. Finally, Losick would like to
also use his grant to "computer animation in the classroom."
2002 Board of Overseers and HAA Directors announced: The
president of the Harvard Alumni Association announced the results
of the annual election of new members of the Harvard Board of Overseers
and the HAA Elected Directors. The results were released at the
annual meeting of the association following the University's 351st
Commencement. The five newly elected Overseers, in order of their
finish, are: Frances D. Fergusson, 18,542; William F. Lee, 16,738;
Richard I. Melvoin, 16,555; Jaime Sepulveda, 16,238; and Penny Pritzker,
16,183. The candidate who received the sixth-highest number of votes,
University expands wages, benefits: Seven months after a
Harvard committee recommended changes to improve wages and working
conditions for the University's lowest-paid workers, wages have
been raised and a parity policy enacted to ensure that contracted
employees receive compensation equivalent to their Harvard counterparts.
These measures implement the core recommendations of the Harvard
Committee on Employment and Contracting Policies (HCECP), chaired
by Professor Lawrence Katz. The committee, created by former President
Neil L. Rudenstine, was charged with studying and making recommendations
concerning the situation of Harvard's lowest-paid service workers
and suggesting guidelines for contracting out service work. The
committee reported its findings and recommendations to Harvard President
Lawrence H. Summers in December 2001 who indicated his intention
to adopt the core recommendations and ensure their prompt and effective
of President Lawrence H. Summers on completion of contract negotiations
with service unions
Harvard Business School:
Pearson Hunt, a former Harvard Business School professor,
died this past summer at Mt. Auburn Hospital in Cambridge, Mass.
He was an authority on corporate finance whose research helped
shape modern financial management practices. Hunt was 93 years.
He attended Yale, Columbia Law, Kings College at Cambridge
University and the Harvard Business School, and came to be known
by his students at HBS as Fearsome Pearson, due to his
challenging presence as a teacher.
Four Harvard Business School alumni, Raymond Gilmartin,
Orin Smith, Marjorie Yang, and Egon Zehnder, have received their
amla mater's highest honor, the Alumni Achievement Award, at a special
reunion weekend presentation on October fourth. The award, founded
in 1968, acknowledges graduates who "embody the highest standards
of accomplishment and integrity."
The U.S. News and World Report has ranked Penn and Stanford
as number one in service learning, tied with Berea College in Kentucky,
as well. The ranking was based on academic and other programs
that enhance learning, and it is the first time this category
has been included in U.S. News annual report.
Raymond Davis Jr, a research professor at Penn, has received
the 2002 Nobel Prize in physics. He shares the award with Masatoshi
Koshiba and Riccardo Giacconi. Davis and Koshiba were recognized
for their research into fusion reactions at the center of the sun.
Earlier in the year, Davis won the 2001 National Medal of Science.
The Annenberg Foundation has announced that it will give $200
million in endowment funds to the Annenberg Schools at UPENN and
USC. UPENN will receive $100 million to spend on its Annenberg School
of Communications, which was created in 1958. Penn officials plan
to use the money for student scholarships, faculty chairs,
and refurbishing of classrooms.
A senior at Penn, Dana Hork, organized a program entitled
Change for Change, in which students donate loose change to support
the American Red Cross September 11 Disaster relief efforts.
Within the first month Change for Change had collected $25,000.
Her idea is now spreading to other college campuses, with a chapter
already established at Amherst College.
Fourth best: The University of Pennsylvania placed fourth
in the annual U.S. News and Word Report rankings of colleges
and universities. The university was ranked fifth last year and
sixth in 2000, yet tied for fourth this year with the California
Institute of Technology and Stanford. Also, the undergraduate business
program at the university's Wharton School was ranked number one.
East Coast premier of Pictures, Patents, Monkeys, and More...An
exhibition all about collecting: The Institute of Contemporary
Art (ICA) at the University of Pennsylvania opens its new season
with the first East Coast showing of the popular exhibition Pictures,
Patents, Monkeys, and More...On Collecting. Organized and circulated
by Independent Curators International (ICI), the exhibition opens
to the public on Wednesday, September 4, 2002 and continues through
Sunday, December 15, 2002. http://www.icaphila.org/news/?item=2002-07-20-2
The U.S. News and World Report has ranked
Penn and Stanford as numbe-one in service learning, tied with Berea
College in Kentucky, as well. The ranking was based on academic
and other programs that enhance learning, and it is the first
time this category has been included in U.S. News annual report.
Union workers and students picketed on October
10 outside of the Stanford Hospital in support of "changes
they have been advocating to the new union contract currently under
negotiation." The students and workers hope to improve conditions
for those employed at the hospital; the current contract expires
on November fourth.
Research to estimate pesticides' effects on
children: Although the accumulation of hazardous chemicals in
the body can have harmful effects on development and behavior, determining
the amount of toxic exposure in a child is still largely a matter
of guesswork. Professor James O. Leckie is developing a scientific
way to accurately estimate pesticide exposure among children
especially the sons and daughters of California farmworkers.
Women remember disturbing, emotional images more than men, study
shows: Male and female brains are wired differently when it
comes to dealing with emotion, according to new research published
in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences. The findings
may help explain why women remember emotional experiences more keenly
than men, said John Gabrieli, an associate professor of psychology
and a study coauthor.
John B. Fenn, a retired Yale professor and alumnus, has
been awarded the 2002 Nobel Prize in chemistry. He shared the prize
with Kochi Tanaka of Japan and Kurt Wuethrich of Switzerland, all
three of whom are honored for their work in the analytical
chemistry of proteins and other large biological molecules.
(Fenn completed his research during his tenure at Yale).
Durland Fish, a professor in the Department and Public Health
at Yale School of Medicine has received $1.3 million in grant money
to create a training program in diseases such as West Nile virus.
Fish, an epidermiologist, received the grant from the Centers for
Disease Control.
A recent Yale news release states that the Yale endowment
is now valued at 10.5 billion dollars, earning a .7% return in the
last fiscal year. Officials were pleased to announce this modest
gain came during a year in which it was hypothesized that
most endowments would report negative returns. It is
expected that $471 million dollars of endowment money will be spent
during the current fiscal year, a 16% increase from last year.
Yale president Richard C. Levin urges end to early application
process in admissions. For stories, click below.