Meet the Profs
Princeton faculty and what they're working on
American made
Sociologist Alejandro Portes
examines the children of immigrants and their assimilation
Gott Time? Watchout:
Heading into the future may be coming sooner than you think, according
to Richard Gott
Nonprofits rule
Julian Wolpert, specialist on urban affairs, are one key to
NYC economy
Lupus link
Martin Weigert discovers point where immunity breaks down
Ann Case *83's
research isn't limited to stepfamilies
Poverty in South Africa is her other research field
More isn't always better when it comes to making a decision
Eldar Shafir, professor of psychology, finds that information
alone isn't always the key
Friz Graf: Master of magic
Taking a look at sorcery in the ancient world
Robert Kaster: Classicist in the modern
Studying ancient education and its effect on the social system
John Morgan: Web economist
Looking at how the Internet changes the way business is done
Martin Wikelski: Physiological ecologist
Measuring iguana length to study survival of the species
Fashion Victim:
Model behavior from Professor John Fleming
Pundit and professor:
Paul Krugman explains economics in print and in class
Breaking and entering:
Professor Edward Felten's specialty is exposing security
flaws on the Internet