Web Exclusives:
LetterBox Letter from an alumnus about Considering The Spiritual Perspective Consider the spiritual perspective I was heartened to see the extensive treatment of ethics in PAW (Jan. 26). It gives us much to think about. I would have enjoyed seeing the subject treated more fully from a spiritual perspective, a perspective alluded to but not adequately presented. Many of us rely consistently on prayer to an all-powerful and infinitely loving God to resolve our ethical dilemmas. We perceive that this prayer is effective to the point of changing threatening scenarios, resolving conflicts and even healing disease. When this avenue of deliverance is omitted from consideration, we are left with the disturbing sets of human choices described in these articles. The inherent inadequacy of purely human means to resolve all life’s problems is what turns many thoughtful individuals to the loving God presented in the inspired passages of the Bible, where man is seen as being empowered and sustained by an omnipotent and loving God. ROBERTO CUNIBERTI ’47Studio City, Calif.
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