Letters from alumnui
about PAW's December 19, 2001, issue
8, 2002
I am writing to say how absolutely delighted I was with the December 19
cover story. Not only is the layout georgeous, but the article Kit Feldman
wrote about Into the Arms of Strangers, and about Michael and me,
is beautifully done. The producer of the film, Deborah Oppenheimer was
so pleased at how Kit got it right - and wishes the coverage from major
urban newspapers had come much closer to Kit in accuracy, detail and elegance.
And you all made my parents cry with pride and sorrow and joy (even though
they've seen the film many times too, and know Michael and our story).
Thank you.
Alicia Dwyer 92
Monrovia, Calif.
to this letter
a letter to PAW
14, 2001
Your December
19 issue was particularly interesting. It was such a pleasure to read
President Tilghman's Conversations with Students (President's Page), a
caring, relaxed, refreshing perspective from one who is truly interested
in people more than grants, endowments, buildings, and the like...the
typical fare of our more recent Princeton presidents. I had virtually
given up reading The President's Page long ago (not long after Goheen
left), but thought I'd give the new prexy a chance and was well rewarded.
I sincerely hope that she never reverts to the "jargon" of the administrator-
The story of the
two Princeton alumni whose relationship was "meant to be" was a delightful
human interest story.
The letters under
"Prophetic Words" and "ROTC on Campus" were thought- provoking.
Ms. Higa's On
the Campus experience and the USG report paint an alarming picture for
anyone contemplating sending a daughter or granddaughter to Princeton.
It's hoped that the trustees will have a Solomon-like solution to the
problem. I don't!
your own editorial recalling President Dodds's Christmas gift program
(for former students serving in the armed forces anywhere in the world)
in 1943 reminded me of that heartwarming offer through which I was introduced
to Darwin and Hemingway; I can't recall the third choice. I'm attaching
scans of the two books that I still treasure, The Origin of
Species,(which I struggled through, but from which I learned much)
and A Farewell to Arms (which I breezed through). Those books were
actually the very beginning of my much more valuable library that now
numbers more than two thousand volumes, a goodly number by or about Teddy
Roosevelt, Lindbergh, and James Michener. President Tilghman's observation
that "I have yet to find a student who claims to have read a book during
term that is not assigned reading" is appalling...but I suspect that might
have been sadly true of our undergraduate years, too. Fortunately, I learned
the value of visiting the library in graduate school, pulling down and
browsing through the books there just for the enjoyment of the rich world
they opened up. It was the beginning of the lifelong learning habit, my
real "education." Incidentally, I'm confused on one point in that editorial.
You state that "more than 40 men accepted the offer." If that's so, I
must have two collector's items! I suspect that the number might be closer
to 400.
I, too, like the
magazine's format, which has evolved through a sometimes painful
process into an attractive layout. Just one trivial suggestion:
I know you must depend upon the advertising income, but could the Princeton
Exchange be relegated to a less prominent location than close to the centerfold.
Speaking of centerfolds no, not in the way you think once
in awhile, a panoramic spread of a campus scene or activity might be considered?
Dick Boera 46
Lyndonville, Vt.
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