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Letter Box


April 19, 2002

As most Princetonians know by now, Chris Mello '98 was killed on September 11.

Chris's employer, Alta Communications, has taken the pretty extraordinary step of not only setting up and seeding a foundation in Chris's memory, but actively promoting it. You can't hit their web page (http://www.altacomm.com/) without seeing a pop-up honoring Chris, and soliciting funds for his foundation. They've printed a great set of materials on the foundation, and sponsored several people who ran Monday's Boston Marathon in Chris's memory.

I don't have any connection with Alta other than having a business acquaintance over there, and am not trying to solicit donations, just wanted to offer kudos. Alta seems to be honoring one of Princeton's best the way any of us would like to have been honored in Chris's place, even after the immediate pressure to show corporate conscience has subsided.

Josh Empson '94
New York, N.Y. 10036

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