A letter from
an alumnus about Dean's Date Theater, On the Campus, February 12, 2003 February 11, 2003 Years ago when I first came to Princeton to run the Army R.O.T.C. program, the commanding officer for R.O.T.C. on the East Coast, a West Pointer who knew that I had taught there, told me that "Princeton is the closest thing in American academe to West Point." And how true this is. At West Point all seniors take a mandatory class in international relations
and must write a lengthy research paper due on the last day of class.
Building on the tradition that the last senior to hand in the paper and
still get a passing grade receives a monetary prize, the dash to the deadline
there has become a major event, replete with students in outrageous costumes
and accompaniment by the Army Band. It warms the heart of an old soldier
to see students at a civilian institution of this caliber learn to follow
the example of their military counterparts! Respond
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