A letter
from an alumnus about Havana, February 12, 2003 issue
March 7, 2003
followed the work of Andrew Moore '79 for some time, I was delighted to
see it featured
not only in a PAW article but on the cover (February 12, 2003). He
is one of a handful of photographers whose large-scale images are further
blurring the distinctions between photography and painting. I'm sure it
is bad form in journalistic canons to mention the commercial side of an
artist's life in an article, but for those who would like to see Andrew's
work in all its large-scale glory, it can be found at top-notch photo
galleries on both coasts: Robert Koch Gallery in San Francisco and Yancey
Richardson Gallery in New York City's Chelsea District. His recent, quite
spectacular work from Russia was recently shown at both galleries. I am
sure that if you ask, the people at the gallery would be delighted to
pull them from the bins to see.
And if I might be permitted one additional crass comment.
The traveling shows of large-scale photographers Thomas Struth and Andreas
Gursky are at their NYC and SF venues, respectively, currently, and are
getting great press. Individual works by these artists sell at galleries
and auction for hundreds of thousands of dollars. Andrew Moore's works
are every bit as beautiful and well-conceived, but sell for a fraction
of that.
Larry Kurtz 72
Mill Valley, Calif.
(For purposes of full disclosure, I do not own any work
by Andrew Moore, nor do I have any connection to the galleries I reference
in the letter, but I have been eyeing/coveting a couple of images for
several months.)
It was a pleasure to see the artful pictures of "decaying splendor"
in Havana
by Andrew Moore '79 included in the Feb 12 issue of PAW. Too bad,
however, that Mr. Moore chose not to take - or the PAW chose not to include
- any artful pictures of "healthy and thriving splendor" in
Havana. Having been there, I can say for a fact that Havana is a fascinating
mix of both.
But perhaps any such pictures would too much offend our dreamy post-colonial
nostalgia. After all, it's a lot more satisfying to stay pre-occupied
by all those 50s Chevys - and more generally by how much Havana has lost
without the patronage of the U.S. - than it is to try to see and understand
the city's complex but vital reality.
This is a truly beautiful book. The Class of 79
is doubly represented. The excellent introduction of Cuban architect Eduardo
Luis Rodriguez was translated from the Spanish by Alison Hughes 79.