More letters from alumni
about Low wage
workers at Princeton
24, 2001
I have just come across
on the Internet the response of Erin
Christensen 97 to my April letter
in PAW (the print version) on the subject of outsourcing certain
non-core service functions currently performed by University employees
(food service, janitorial, landscaping, etc.)
Ms. Christensen says
that my letter contained the "assertion that the staggering
cost of a Princeton education was significantly affected by the
wages paid to janitorial and food service staff."
It is puzzling to me
that you would publish such a response without at least checking
to see if the letter to which it responds does indeed contain the
assertion ascribed to it. In this case, it does not.
My point was, and continues
to be, that there is nothing immoral or unethical about Princeton
outsourcing services that can be provided more efficiently and cost-effectively
by firms that specialize in those services. To do so would undoubtedly
produce savings, and these savings could perhaps serve to mitigate
the staggering (even Ms. Christensen seems to agree with this word)
increases in the cost of a Princeton education.
At least Professor Singer
has the intellectual integrity to address the point at issue. He
believes that using contract workers is immoral. We respectfully
agree to disagree on this issue. The impressive array of young do-gooders
who responded to my letter did not even address this core issue,
let alone successfully refute it on the merits. This is not surprising,
as none of them yet inhabits the real world where costs have consequences
and actually have to be borne by someone.
Houghton B. Hutcheson
Bellaire, Tex.
to this letter
a letter to PAW
Students protesting on behalf of low-wage workers (Notebook, May
16). As the son of a Princeton janitor (Philip H. Diggdon - janitor
at 1879 Hall from 1940-50, grounds and buildings office lackey from
1950-75, then mailman and general flunky until he retired at age
68 in 1974, the year I attended my 20th reunion), I feel qualified
to offer these protesting students some advice. 1) Spend your time
and energy studying. 2) Spend your time and energy learning. 3)
Spend your time and energy making us proud of scholastic achievements.
In 1940, janitors had
no union ( My dad helped organize the first P.U. union and was the
secretary-treasurer as he was one of the few that could read, write,
and do math. Janitors had no health or pension benefits. In order
not to starve, my dad spent his weekends and late evenings doing
the yard work at the large Snowden estate owned by Bernard Kilgore
of the Wall Street Journal, and at the Norman and Marian Mackey
estate out by the Hun School. The three jobs consumed 12 hours a
day seven days a week.
Princeton University
allowed us to rent a house on Charleton St. behind Colonial Club.
The area is now a parking lot for the engineering school. My clothes
were castoffs from the inhabitants of 1879 Hall. A janitor's son
got to attend Princeton University tuition free. On June 15, 1954,
the day of my graduation, my dad was a guard making time and a half.
You do-gooders need to
let the university set wages in accordance with the employee's skill.
I made it through Northwestern
Medical School (Columbia said I did not fit there when the interviewer
saw my dad's yearly income.), Cook County internship, and Johns
Hopkins and Tulane urological surgical training.
Princeton's award to
my Dad for 34 years of low-pay devotion to the university was a
large photograph of Nassau Hall autographed by then President William
Bowen. Dad took "early retirement" because one month earlier
he had found out that his three months of accumulated pay vacation
had been cancelled with no notice when he had turned 65.
The Harvard "do-gooders"
need also heed my advice.
Philip D. Diggdon '54
Tulsa, Okla.
to this letter
a letter to PAW
reading Houghton Hutcheson's letter to the editor in the April 4
PAW, I was surprised by his assertion that the staggering cost of
a Princeton education was significantly affected by the wages paid
to janitorial and food service staff. I myself would be quite surprised
if that is where the $4,000 increase in tuition and fees between
my graduation in 1997 and the current price tag of $33,000 actually
came from. I suspect that the tuition and fee increase has a great
deal more to do with improved technology on campus, increased student
academic programs, or improved buildings. Given that the wages of
the workers in question have reportedly not kept pace with inflation
while tuition increases out paced inflation it seems that the additional
money gathered in fees and tuition must be going elsewhere. The
rise in university costs is shocking, but I find it hard to believe
that the cost cycle is significantly driven by the labor costs in
the service sector of the university.
Furthermore, I am in
agreement with the other two letters from that same issue by Liadan
O'Callaghan and Chris Shepherd. More than money is at stake in this
campaign. I am tremendously proud of my alma mater in many ways,
but this particular issue touches an area where I am ashamed of
the great institution of learning that shaped and formed me. It
was my observation that service workers were often treated with
marked disrespect by a small but visible minority of students and
that such behavior was accepted by the larger community. It was
most obvious to me in the area of dorm life, where concern for the
person who had to clean up after one's activities was absolutely
absent on too many occasions to count.
I am currently in my
first year at another institution of higher learning and the difference
in campus culture with respect to service workers is notable. While
I am certain that our janitor and food service staff are not paid
at the same rate our dean and president, they are treated with dignity
and respect by all members of the community. No one would dream
of leaving the kinds of messes behind that people routinely left
at Princeton and students regularly express gratitude for the work
they do to make it possible for us to concentrate on studying.
I would hope that the
campaign run by the Workers Rights Organizing Committee has an effect
on more than just the administration. I would hope that it provokes
some thought on the part of students about the tremendous gift that
has been given to them in being able to study full time at a four
year university like Princeton and how they might be called to treat
those who make it possible for them to exercise that gift.
Erin Christensen '97
to this letter
a letter to PAW
Having worked many hours in the dining halls
as an undergraduate, I clearly recall so many of the employees who
were low-income minorities occupying a marginalized relationship
to the university as a whole, and yet whose contribution was essential
to our day-to-day life.
These employees should
receive sufficient cost-of-living increases, a transportation subsidy
if they travel from some distance, and comprehensive health care
coverage for themselves and their families. The university should
not attempt to minimize its financial expenditure by hiring on a
part-time or casual basis.
I believe the future
of our world depends on us becoming morally and ethically responsible
to each other. Princeton has an important opportunity here to set
a standard by exemplifying real humanism.
Jessica Roemischer 82
Lenox, Mass.
to this letter
a letter to PAW
just finished reading Peter Singers Rethinking Life and
Death, I feel the need to defend Singers name and badly
maligned views. If my fellow alumni could take the time to read
some of his work, they would find that the controversial bioethics
professor is extremely intelligent and caring and puts forth
thoughtful arguments for reviewing our traditional ethics. As our
medical technology has changed, the reality of life and death has
also drastically changed, demanding a careful re-examination of
ethical precepts created in a time before life support.
I am glad to see
he [Singer] didnt suggest simply putting the underpaid workers
out of their misery writes OCallaghan (Letters, April
4) in response to Singers essay on improving the pay and benefits
of the universitys lowest paid workers (Notebook, February
21). Such attempts at humor only perpetuate the misconceptions of
Singers work as set forth by his opponents and demonstrate
a terrible lack of respect for this rigorous thinker. Mr. Hutcheson,
in his letter of the same issue, tries to use Singers name
to discredit the movement to give the lowest paid workers a living
Everyone seems to agree
that attending Princeton is an incredible privilege Im
not sure that receiving a living wage for full-time work can be
seen in the same light.
Abby Austin Weeman 89
Gloucester, Mass.
to this letter
a letter to PAW
would like to be proud of my alma mater. I have left Princeton to
devote my life to promoting philanthropy and engagement among the
affluent. I am dismayed that the Princeton administration can not
act more on the behalf of the poorly paid staff. If Princeton has
not been ready to step forward as a role model to make wise use
of its human resources as well as its great affluence, then all
of the Princeton community must not stand idly by, but must speak
up and ask that something be done.
I ask that Princeton
workers get good pay and good benefits, and plan to spread the word
to other alumni that I know until this issue is fully addressed.
Christopher Mogil '78
to this letter
a letter to PAW
a progressive Princeton alumnus, I would like to seriously reconsider
supporting the university financially until the workers' benefits
and wages are improved. There is no excuse for a wealthy university
like Princeton to underpay its valuable employees.
Gene Bruskin '68
Spring, Md.
to this letter
a letter to PAW
want to express my support for the Workers' Rights Organizing Committee
and the cause they advocate for all the reasons so clearly articulated
by the committee.
John H. Fish '55
to this letter
a letter to PAW
21, 2001
Just when I thought I
was finally holding in my hands an edition of PAW containing no
mention whatsoever of the controversial bioethics professor Peter
Singer, I came upon his Faculty Opinion column (February 21) excoriating
the university for outsourcing support functions such as janitorial
and food service. Prof. Singer avers that Princeton should bring
these workers into full membership in the "ethical community"
that is a great university (presumably by offering them higher salaries
and better benefits than those provided by the contractors who currently
employ them.)
This commentary stands
in odd juxtaposition to the news in the same issue that tuition,
fees, room and board have increased this year to the staggering
total of $33,613. I have five sons and have long ago succumbed to
the numbing realization that none will attend Princeton, though
all are fully qualified for admission. A Princeton undergraduate
education is now simply beyond the reach of all but the very rich
and those at the other end of the spectrum who qualify for substantial
financial aid.
Perhaps if Princeton
were to outsource more non-core support functions to contractors
under a competitive bidding process that rewards efficiency, the
savings could be passed along to middle class families whose sons
and daughters can only dream of attending in the current circumstances.
Alas, one of my boys may yet partake of the Princeton experience.
I have suggested that they apply for employment on the custodial
staff. Perhaps they will be assigned to clean Professor Singers
Houghton B. Hutcheson
Bellaire, Tex.
a letter to PAW
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