More letters from alumni
about Maxim
magazine and Keith Blanchard 88
3, 2001
The February 7, 2001,
issue has been kicking around on my desk for eight months now waiting
for me to react in some way to the absurd article on Keith Blanchard
Ive almost
pitched it out on many "clean ups," but always hold back.
Having recommended more
than 10 applicants to Princeton in the last 50 years, none of whom
were accepted but many of whom have gone on to distinguished
and useful careers I am just about ready to toss the towel
in on dear old Princeton.
"Maxim is the best
thing to happen to men since women"? Give me a break
and all of us a break clean up your act.
John Speed 50
Louisville, Ky.
to this letter
a letter to PAW
28, 2001
Hear hear! to those who
wrote in outraged protest over your coverage of Keith Blanchard
'88, editor-in-disgrace of Maxim. The magazine triumphs the self-obsessed
decline of the American public to lowest-common-denominator entertainment.
Though I've restrained myself from the urge to phrases such as "Peter
Pan complex" and "birdcage liner," I must certainly
say that the magazine's stewardship by Mr. Blanchard is no way to
redeem the benefits proffered by higher education.
Do we need to be reminded
that those benefits are highly coveted, that we were lucky enough
to receive them while many very worthy candidates are denied simply
by the pressures of supply and demand? One should not take one's
education lightly when it has been won at such cost. So one must
ask, is it in the nation's service to spend that education by pandering
to appetites for flatulence humor?
I myself spent time working
with Tiger magazine during my own undergraduate years, but unlike
Mr. Blanchard I recognize that there comes a time for childish things
to be left behind. My current desk job may not be as jovial, but
neither is it as frivolous as sitting in Maxim's offices shirking
any contribution to society in favor of discussing aerosol flame-throwers.
It is irresponsible for presumed adults to indulge in pastimes appropriate
for college sophomores; that's why we call this humor "sophomoric."
The fact is, in the words
of a great educational leader, that "fat, drunk and stupid
is no way to go through life." Is this the ideal to which Maxim
offers its paean for the Modern Guy? Then the effort of its publication
is in no one's service.
Mark Jackman '90
Alto, Calif.
to this letter
a letter to PAW
20, 2001
Two of the greatest threats,
I believe, to American society are the assault on humanness and
excess - whether it be related to consumption, violence, or sex.
I was stunned to see these characteristics extolled in the February
7 issue featuring Keith Blanchard and Maxim.
Mr. Blanchard certainly
has the right to pander to the lowest level of his market. PAW has
a special position, however, and, therefore, inevitably projects
the views of the university by the choice of features. There are
thousands of graduates with widely diverse views working in many
ways, both for themselves and in the nation's service. It is inconceivable
to me that you made this choice. I am dismayed and disappointed.
William C. Carson '50
Fe, N.M.
to this letter
a letter to PAW
20, 2001
Thanks for your
continued outstanding coverage of alumni. Should I be embarrassed,
as a feminist, to admit that I gave my husband (Class of 1990) a
subscription to Maxim for his last birthday? I think not
to each his own. I personally find Keith Blanchards
magazine hilarious.
Carolyn Havens
Niemann 89
Montclair, N.J.
to this letter
a letter to PAW
20, 2001
Judging from the negative
responses to the Keith Blanchard cover story, you would think the
headline of that issue had read "Keith Blanchard '88 Strikes
Gold in the Glamorous World of Snuff Films!" That wasn't the
headline, was it? If so, then I too am morally outraged. Very, very
morally outraged!
I was new to Princeton
when Keith was running Tiger magazine. I didn't really become
involved in its publication until after he left. But I will say
this - Keith Blanchard was one of the funniest writers that ever
worked on Tiger. I believe he has put his considerable talents
to good use in running Maxim. Yes, Maxim is sophomoric.
At its best, it is also clever, witty and hilarious. Hell, some
of Shakespeare's greatest work was sophomoric. If I had paid more
attention in class, I would be able to recite the applicable passages
I think our fine alumni
need to lighten up just a bit. I particularly enjoyed the couple
who refused to shop at stores where Maxim is displayed. I'm
sure 7-Eleven and Borders Books are reeling from this boycott. Pick
your battles, people. It's a long life.
Greg Erb '91
Angeles, Calif.
to this letter
a letter to PAW
20, 2001
Thanks anyway, but I've
already had enough exposure to Maxim. It glares at me daily
from every newsstand. I didn't expect it, however, to glare at me
from the pages of an ostensibly responsible publication like PAW.
While I am merely ashamed
that Princetonians play so prominent a role in the publication of
such garbage, I am astounded that a PAW editor would not only highlight
this role, but would actually reprint the garbage itself. Angling,
perhaps, for a better-paying job elsewhere in the magazine world?
PAW requires an editor
who respects the decency of her readers - and of their families.
Many alumni children form an early impression of Princeton via the
PAW. There are myriad wonderful examples of creativity, service,
and achievement to be found among our alumni and faculty; even if
there were not, there would be no excuse for featuring - let alone
lauding - Maxim and its staff.
Doug Schmidt '81
to this letter
a letter to PAW