Letters from alumni about
Ralph Nader '55
February 23, 2004
Classmate Ralph Nader 55 has announced his candidacy for
U.S. president gain, and I urge all members of 1955, indeed all
Princetonians, to support him financially. I admit that in 2000
I did not understand the impact Ralph would have on the electoral
process and failed to support him.
The record, however, demonstrates that Ralph performed a great
service to the nation in 2000, and deserves the opportunity to do
so again.
We should all contribute to his campaign so he can make an impact
in every state.
John G. Grant 55
Dallas, Tex.
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In response to Preston
M. Wolin's letter: While some of Eugene McCarthy's "passionate"
followers may have sat "on their hands" in 1968, the analogy
with Nader is, I believe, faulty. After all, McCarthy was not on
the ballot that November. The three major candidates were Nixon,
Humphrey, and George Wallace!!! And most commentators then and even
Humphrey supporters like myself felt that Wallace took more votes
away from Nixon than Humphrey -- far more. Without Wallace, Nixon
might have won in a landslide. Democrats didn't complain about Wallace
then and cannot in all fairness complain about Nader now. Third-party
candidates only make a difference when major party candidates fail
to inspire.
Gary Williams '68 *84
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a letter to PAW
May 2001
Several readers have
complained about votes for Ralph Nader '55 taking away from a potential
Gore victory, and Nader voters tend to respond that they ought to
be able to vote for the candidate they prefer.
We have a system at hand
that could allow them to have their cake and eat it too: Princeton's
own voting method for alumni trustees (first choice/second choice,
out of three -- the third rank is implicit) - this could be extended
indefinitely to an ordered-list vote of any number of candidates.
Out of a field of N candidates,
each voter would rank them 1 through N (one supposes that many voting
for Nader as #1 would have chosen Gore as #2, or at the very least,
Gore ahead of Bush, and just about everybody ahead of Buchanan).
Then there are N-1 elimination rounds, with the last-place finisher
in each round being removed from the next round, and their votes
reverting to the next-best choice on each ballot that ranked them
at the top. In the final round, you get a head-to-head matchup of
the two candidates best tolerated by the most people, without splitting
the ballot among candidates with similar ideologies.
This mathematically removes
the paradox, because those Nader votes would largely have reverted
to Gore anyway, even while Nader may have gotten even more first-place
votes from those who adamantly wished Bush not to win and thus voted
for Gore. Thus, it also helps Nader get a better result for matching
funds (which would be allocated only on the basis of absolute #1
rankings in the first round).
With computer technology,
this is entirely feasible.
Of course, it would weaken
the two-party system by encouraging much more third-party voting
without fear of ballot splitting, thus the major parties would be
expected to oppose such a thing quite strongly.
I don't know if it is
politically realistic for our country to consider this yet, but
I personally think it is the fairest, most accurate method of voting,
as far as expressing the actual will of the people.
Dan Krimm '78
Los Angeles, Calif.
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a letter to PAW
Yes, I too would have
preferred Gore to Bush.
From the beginning Bush
has made it very clear that he would do everything he could to put
more wealth and power in the hands of the very wealthy who run our
multinational corporations, and if it costs the health of our planet,
so be it. Combine this with religious fundamentalism and you have
a real winner.
Gore would have regulated
this situation a little, but he would not have dealt with the fundamental
We should appreciate
the courage that Nader has demonstrated over the years in standing
against the large corporations, and know that he is right when he
says that we have become a nation of the General Motors, by the
IBMs, and for the DuPonts, and that power should be in the hands
of the people. When he was asked what he would do to defend America,
he said he would wipe our poverty around the world. This is a profound
and doable solution, but not when a few are stealing all they can
for themselves. Can there be any moral argument for why any one
of us should have more than one six billionth of what can be sustainably
produced on our planet?
This is an old fight
and most Princetonians have followed Madison in trying to structure
this nation for the benefit of the opulent. However, my soul thrills
to Jefferson's words that all humans are endowed by our creator
with certain unalienable rights, and among these are life, liberty,
and the pursuit of happiness.
Vote Green!
David Jenkins '62
Point, Ida.
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I am no particular admirer
of Ralph Nader, but surely one would hope that disagreement with
his position could be expressed without the level of hysteria in
the letters in your March 21 issue. Talk of "Republican thugs",
"right-wing extremists" (members of the Great Right Wing Conspiracy,
no doubt), Bush's minions bloodying minority rights advocates, etc.
does little to contribute to rational debate, and only demonstrates
what the writers must at least believe to be the extreme weakness
of their positions on the merits to make such invective necessary.
William J. Jones '57
York, N.Y.
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topic should have become rigid long ago, but it remains surprisingly
alive. Why did Ralph Nader not see the light, and withdraw, so that
we could have the beneficent (or at least benign) Gore, rather than
the evil Bush? What crushing ego! What irresponsibility!
No, what arrogance on
the part of those who say such things! Why is it that those of us
who voted for Nader should be deprived of our right to vote for
a candidate to our liking, so that a candidate not to our liking
should win the election? Are we less worthy of democracy than other
voters? Egotistical because we feel that neither Bore nor Gush represent
our interests? Even if we are wrong, why do we have less of a right
to vote than those in the "opposite party" (as if there could only
be one)? Could it be because the "opposite party" is, in fact, not
so very different, and thus much less of a threat than we? How Orwellian!
An idea: In a democracy,
one should be allowed to freely vote. And candidates should be allowed
to run for office, and to collect votes from people who believe
as they.
Nicolas Clifford '82
NJ 07960
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I was an undergraduate, Mr. Nader was proudly acknowledged as a
Princetonian for his work, among other things, with consumer protection.
Unfortunately, his political legacy will be a quite different one.
He will be remembered every time the "new Supreme Court" hands down
an opinion. He will also be remembered each time a "new environmental
policy" is promulgated. He is already being remembered as the latest
"faith based initiatives" threaten the traditional and cherished
separation of church and state.
Can Mr. Nader really
believe that the Green Party will be any more successful than the
Reform Party? In the interview (February 7) Mr. Nader stated that
"it was not a campaign to defeat Al Gore." It might not have been,
but that was the net effect. Far from being anything new in American
politics, Ralph Nader and his followers remind me more of the "passionate"
followers of Eugene McCarthy in 1968. They preferred to exult in
their own smug self-righteousness and sat on their hands while Richard
Nixon narrowly defeated Hubert Humphrey. We all know what followed
Preston M. Wolin '73
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